MAY 27, 2021

42nd IEEE Symposium on
Security and Privacy Workshops

   Registration and Access

To expand opportunities for scientific exchanges, the IEEE CS Technical Committee on Security and Privacy created the Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW), which are now tightly integrated with SP. The typical purpose of a workshop is to cover a specific aspect of security and privacy in more detail. Furthermore, the co-location offers synergies for the organizers. The number of workshops and attendees have grown steadily during recent years.

For information on proposing a workshop for SPW 2021, see the Call for workshops.


WTMC 2021: 6th International Workshop on Traffic Measurements for Cybersecurity
ConPro: Workshop on Technology and Consumer Protection
DLS: Deep Learning and Security Workshop
LangSec: The 7th Workshop on Language-theoretic Security and Applications
SafeThings2021: Workshop on the Internet of Safe Things
SADFE 2021: Systematic Approaches to Digital Forensic Engineering
WOOT: Workshop on Offensive Technologies



Workshops Chair Alisa Frik ICSI / UC Berkeley
Publicity Chair Scott Routi University of Tennessee
Web Chair Luis Salazar University of California, Santa Cruz

Steering Committee

Terry Benzel USC Information Sciences Institute
Rob Cunningham CMU Software Engineering Institute
Sven Dietrich City University of New York (CUNY)
Deborah Frincke Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Cynthia Irvine US Naval Postgraduate School