MAY 24-27, 2021

42nd IEEE Symposium on
Security and Privacy

   Registration and Access

Call for Short Talks

Are you tired of pre-recorded talks?

The Symposium short talks session will pack as many 5-minute LIVE presentations and demos as possible into a fast-paced, action-packed session. These presentations can include emerging hot topics, preliminary research results, practical problems encountered by industry practitioners, lessons learned, tips and tricks, exciting data and visualizations, and other topics of interest to the Symposium community. Special consideration is given to presentations that highlight new and exciting ideas from academia and industry, those with interesting demos, and those that discuss real-life security experiences.

Time limits will be strictly enforced.

Short Talk abstracts will be published on the conference website.

Important Dates

Early Submission Deadline:Friday, April 23, 2021
Early Submission Notification:Monday, May 3, 2021

Submissions received after April 23 will be considered on a rolling basis until the program is full.

Submission Information

Submission must include the following:

Short Talks (5 min maximum): Submit an abstract (200 words or less) and a draft talk outline (e.g., slides or text outline, in PDF format). Please ensure that your talk materials reflect content that will fit within the 5-minute limit -- submissions with talk materials that do not meet this criteria will not be accepted. Talks shorter than 5 minutes are also allowed for those wishing to make brief announcements (e.g., for conference or workshop announcements).

All materials should be submitted to

Submission Requirements:

All submissions must include the presenter name, affiliation, and contact information.

Please note that all submissions must be made by the presenter. Submissions from PR firms will be rejected without review.

For additional information regarding Short Talks, please contact the Short Talks Chair at