MAY 24-27, 2021

42nd IEEE Symposium on
Security and Privacy

   Registration and Access

Call for Posters

S&P 2021 Poster session

S&P 2021 will be a virtual conference and this year, we are excited to use prepared and organized by VirtualChair, a very interactive platform to host our poster session. In this platform, participants have their own avatars to move around the poster space, meet and talk to each other; just as they would in our S&P onsite conference! While interacting, participants will be able to see each other through video. Posters are also going to be visible when walking close to where they are hanged.


This year we added a twist: besides traditional posters, the poster session will also have posters for several of the conference papers. This means there is more room to have in deep discussions. We will have three poster sessions, please check the schedule below.

Submission Details

Submit an abstract no longer than two pages describing the work, together with a draft of the poster itself.

The abstract title should begin with the keyword "Poster:". Include all authors with contact information and institutional affiliation in your abstract. Abstracts should briefly describe the particular problem being addressed, and detail your approach to the problem. Providing preliminary results is suggested but not required. If the work was previously published outside the security community, please include a reference to the existing publication.

Please use the two-column IEEE conference proceedings style for preparing your abstract. All submissions should be in PDF format. Your abstract should not exceed the two-page limit; non-conforming submissions will not be considered for review.

All submissions must also include a draft of the poster to receive feedback before the conference. Please follow these instructions to ensure your poster displays properly in the virtual platform. All materials should be submitted here.

If accepted, at least one author must be registered and a final version of the poster abstract submitted by May 1st, 2021. The abstract will be placed on the conference website prior to the poster session, but will not be included in the conference proceedings.

For more information, please contact the posters chair at

Poster Jury

Posters will be reviewed by a poster jury with members drawn from the Shadow PC.

Important Dates


Poster presenters can attend the symposium with the regular registration ($50 - Regular attendees, $35 - Students) unless they are also presenting a paper in one of the main sessions, in which case they should register using the $150 presenter registration.

How to join the event?

  1. If you haven’t, please register to the conference:
  2. To enter the virtual venue, please go to: A direct link to the venue will auto populate on the landing page once the venue opens.
  3. When you click on the link on the landing page to enter the venue, you will be prompted to enter the email address you used to register (step 1).
  4. You will be sent an email with a "magic link" from Gather to authenticate your email address. Once you authenticate, you will be deposited into the lobby of the virtual venue.