MAY 24-27, 2021

42nd IEEE Symposium on
Security and Privacy

   Registration and Access

Call for Virtual Socials

A strong community is central to the success of IEEE S&P. Our mission is to create an opportunity for all participants to meet new people and to share knowledge, best practices, career options, and interests. To enable this, we will support many virtual socials and mentoring sessions.

Virtual socials

A virtual social is a participant-led video-driven meeting centered around different themes. These themes can be anything ranging from:

Virtual socials are typically 1-hour long and must have two leads (who will organize the session, moderate the session, and ensure respectful communication).


If you are interested in:

Organizers and guests should be registered participants of IEEE S&P.

Submit these forms before May 19, 2021 (anywhere on Earth).

We will review these as quickly as we can after the deadline. We may combine activities, or suggest other modifications (such as suggesting alternative dates/times) in order to balance the program of activities.

Code of conduct: Being part of IEEE S&P, social events and mentoring sessions are subject to the general code of conduct of the conference.

Important Dates

Deadline:May 19, 2021
Notification:May 22, 2021


We adapted this call from ICML 2020’s call for social.