April 26-28, 2017 in Paris, France

2nd IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy


Student Volunteer Grants

In order to smoothly run the symposium and affiliated events, we need student volunteers to help out on practical aspects of the organization. The student volunteer program is a chance for students from around the world to participate in the symposium whilst assisting us in preparing and running the events. In return, volunteers are granted free registration to the symposium and affiliated events as well as shared accomodation from Tuesday April 25th to Monday May 1st, 2017. Job assignments for student volunteers include but are not restricted to: assisting with technical sessions, workshops, tutorials and panels, checking badges at doors, operating the information desk, providing information to attendees, helping with traffic flow, and general assistance to keep the symposium running smoothly. The assignments are generally not very demanding so that the student volunteers are able to attend most talks of the symposium and affiliated events.

Who Should Apply

We encourage applications from students from a wide variety of institutions, diverse backgrounds, and first time attendees. Undergraduate and graduate students will be considered. Given our limited funds, we are unable to provide grants to all applicants. Grants will be determined by a committee participating in the organization of the symposium. Preference will be given to students working on security and privacy, students who can show evidence of financial need to attend the symposium, students from institutions not traditionally represented at the symposium, and students from diverse backgrounds.

Grant Description

The grant includes free registration to the conference and affiliated events as well as shared accomodation. More precisely, the Student Volunteer grant covers:

Awardees are also required to register for the symposium and affiliated events (for free) until the early registration deadlines.

Important Dates

All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth (AoE = UTC-12h).

Student Stupport Grant application deadline February 15, 2017  No Extensions
Grant notification February 23, 2017
Awardee registration deadline March 1, 2017  No Extensions

How to Apply

Applications should be submitted using this form. Please direct any questions about the grants to eurosp2017-student-grants@ieee-security.org.