Calls for Papers

IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committee on Security and Privacy


Past Conferences and Journal Special Issues

Last Modified:1/6/25

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Past Conferences and Other Announcements - 2024

UbiSec 2024 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Security, Changsha, China, December 29-31, 2024. [posted here 4/1/24]
The UbiSec 2024 Conference is devoted to security, privacy and anonymity in cyberspace, physical world, and social networks. The Conference covers many dimensions including security algorithms and architectures, privacy-aware policies, regulations and techniques, anonymous computation and communication, encompassing fundamental theoretical approaches, practical experimental projects, and commercial application systems for cyberspace, physical world, and social networking systems. As applications of computer and information technology have permeated in every aspect of our daily life, the issues of security, privacy, and anonymity have become increasingly critical. The Conference will provide a forum for world-class researchers to gather and share their research achievements, emerging ideas and trends in the highly challenging research fields.

For more information, please see

CSCML 2024 8th International Symposium on Cyber Security, Cryptology and Machine Learning, Beer-Sheva, Israel - Virtual, December 19-20, 2024. [posted here 6/24/24]
The 8th International Symposium on Cyber Security, Cryptology and Machine Learning (CSCML 2024) is an international forum for researchers and practitioners in the theory, design, analysis, implementation, or application of cyber security, cryptography, and machine learning systems and networks; and, in particular, of conceptually innovative results.

For more information, please see

ICISS 2024 20th International Conference on Information Systems Security, Jaipur, India, December 16-20, 2024. [posted here 6/3/24]
The 20th ICISS provides a forum for researchers and industry practitioners of security to present their cutting-edge research and use case experiences. We solicit previously unpublished technical papers in the field of Security & Privacy. Papers that involve innovative solutions, usability studies, longitudinal studies, industrial use cases, and SoK are welcome. ICISS also accepts submissions under Industry/Demo track demonstrating implementations/PoC in the area of systems security, and a separate track for PhD students presenting their early/WiP through lightning talks & posters. ICISS has generous funds supporting student to attend pre-conference school (tutorials, etc.) and the main conference.

For more information, please see

ICSS 2024 10th Industrial Control System Security Workshop, Held in conjunction with the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC), Waikiki, Hawaii, Dec 10, 2024. [posted here 8/12/24]
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and industrial control systems (ICS) monitor and control a wide range of critical industrial and infrastructure processes, such as water treatment, power generation and transmission, oil and gas refining, and manufacturing. Furthermore, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is rapidly expanding the interconnectivity of ICS environments and introducing many new threats. These environments have been identified as a key target of more generic threats (ransomware, e.g., CL0p), along with more recent tailored nation-state threats targeting electric transmission and distribution systems (e.g., COSMICENERGY). The essential requirement for high availability in SCADA and industrial control systems, along with the use of resource-constrained computing devices, legacy operating systems, and proprietary software applications, limits the applicability of traditional information security solutions. The goal of this workshop is to explore new techniques that are more effective and efficient at improving the security and resilience of critical control systems in the face of emerging threats.

For more information, please see

FPS 2024 17th International Symposium on Foundations & Practice of Security, Montreal, Canada, December 9-11 2024. [posted here 6/15/24]
We invite researchers and practitioners from all countries working in security, privacy, cyber resilience, and related areas to participate in the event. Protecting the data and the infrastructure of an increasingly interconnected world has become vital to the normal functioning of all aspects of our daily life. Security, privacy and cyber resilience have emerged as scientific research fields whose multifaceted complexities deserve the attention and synergy of various communities such as mathematics, computer science, information systems, management, and criminology. Alongside technical defenses, this 17th symposium will highlight innovative behavioral research enhancing privacy and cyber resilience. The aim of FPS is to discuss and exchange theoretical and practical ideas that address privacy, security and cyber resilience issues in interconnected systems. It aims to provide scientific presentations and to promote scientific collaboration, joint research programs, and student exchanges between institutions involved in this fast-moving field.

For more information, please see

UIC 2024 21th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, Denarau Island, Fiji, December 2-7, 2024. [posted here 3/25/24]
Ubiquitous sensors, devices, networks and information are paving the way towards a smart world in which computational intelligence is distributed throughout the physical environment to provide reliable and relevant services to people. This ubiquitous intelligence will change the computing landscape because it will enable new breeds of applications and systems to be developed and the realm of computing possibilities will be significantly extended. By enhancing everyday objects with intelligence, many tasks and processes could be simplified, more efficient and more enjoyable. Ubiquitous computing is to create such intelligent/smart environments, services and applications. The conference includes the topic of Security, Privacy, and Trust.

For more information, please see

CRiSIS 2024 19th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems, Aix-en-Provence, France, November 26-28, 2024. [posted here 4/15/24]
CRiSIS) in 2024 continues its tradition of addressing critical security challenges in Internet-connected applications, networks, and systems. The indispensability of the Internet for information exchange among diverse user groups and organizations has led to heightened risks around security and privacy. This vulnerability is exacerbated by the sophistication of online attacks, the proliferation of cybercrime, and the readily available tools for attackers, who are increasingly motivated and skilled. CRiSIS 2024 serves as an essential platform for stakeholders in computer and network security from the industrial, academic, and governmental sectors to convene, share insights, and showcase the latest developments in combating Internet-related security threats, vulnerabilities, and the necessary countermeasures to address them.

For more information, please see

NSS-SocialSec 2024 Joint 18th International Conference on Network and System Security and 10th International Symposium on Security and Privacy in Social Networks and Big Data, Abu Dhabi, UAE, November 20-22, 2024. [posted here 5/27/24]
Founded in 2007, the aim of the NSS (International Conference on Network and System Security) series is to provide a leading-edge forum to foster interaction between researchers and developers with the network and system security communities, and to give attendees an opportunity to interact with experts in academia, industry, and governments. SocialSec 2024 is the 10th edition of the International Symposium on Security and Privacy in Social Networks and Big Data series, which started in 2015.
For more information, please see

DASC 2024 22nd IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, Boracay Island, Malay, Philippines, November 5-8, 2024. [posted here 4/1/24]
As computer and communication systems, and other systems such as Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), and Autonomous Robotic Systems, become increasingly large and complex, their Dependability and Security play critical roles in supporting next-generation science, engineering, and commercial applications. It remains a challenge to design, analyze, evaluate, and improve the dependability and security of a large-scale computing environment. Trusted and autonomic computing/autonomous systems need synergistic research efforts covering many disciplines, from natural sciences to social sciences. It requires scientific and technological advances in a variety of fields, as well as new software, architectures, and communication technology that support the integration of the constituent technologies. IEEE DASC 2024 aims to bring together computer scientists, industrial engineers, and researchers to discuss and exchange theoretical and implementation results, novel designs, work-in-progress, experience, case studies, and trend-setting ideas in the areas of dependability, security, trust, and/or autonomic computing, and autonomous systems.

For more information, please see

ICTAI 2024 36th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, Herndon, VA, USA, October 30 - November 1, 2024. [posted here 3/25/24]
The IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI) is a leading IEEE-CS annual scientific meeting for three decades. It provides a major international forum where the creation and exchange of ideas related to artificial intelligence are fostered among academia, industry, and government agencies. The conference facilitates the cross-fertilization of these ideas and promotes their transfer into practical tools, for developing intelligent systems and pursuing artificial intelligence applications. The ICTAI encompasses all technical aspects of specifying, developing and evaluating the theoretical underpinnings and applied mechanisms of the AI-based components of computer tools such as algorithms, architectures and languages. The conference includes the topic of AI in Computer Security, Data Privacy, and Information Assurance.

For more information, please see

TPS 2024 6th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems, and Applications, Washington D.C., USA, October 28-30, 2024. [posted here 6/17/24]
Recent advances in computing and information technologies such as IoT, mobile Edge/Cloud computing, cyber-physical-social systems, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning/ Deep Learning, etc., have paved way for creating next generation smart and intelligent systems and applications that can have transformative impact in our society while accelerating rapid scientific discoveries and innovations. Such newer technologies and paradigms are getting increasingly embedded in the computing platforms and networked information systems/infrastructures that form the digital foundation for our personal, organizational and social processes and activities. It is increasingly becoming critical that the trust, privacy and security issues in such digital environments are holistically addressed to ensure the safety and well-being of individuals as well as our society. IEEE International Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems, and Applications (IEEE TPS-ISA) is an international multidisciplinary forum for presentation of state-of-the art innovations, and discussion among academic, industrial researchers, and practitioners on issues related to trust, privacy and security in emerging smart and intelligent systems and applications.

For more information, please see

ASHES 2024 8th Workshop on Attacks and Solutions in Hardware Security, Held in conjunction with the 31st ACM CCS 2024, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, October 14-18, 2024. [posted here 7/15/24]
ASHES deals with any aspects of hardware security, and welcomes any contributions in this area, including practical, implementation-related, or theoretical works. Among others, ASHES particularly highlights emerging methods and application areas. This includes new attack vectors, novel designs and materials, lightweight security primitives, nanotechnology, and PUFs on the methodological side, as well as the internet of things, automotive security, smart homes, pervasive and wearable computing on the applications side. In order to meet the requirements of its rapidly developing area, ASHES hosts four categories of papers: Classical full and short papers, as well as systematization of knowledge papers (which overview, structure, and/or categorize a certain subarea), and wild and crazy papers (whose purpose is rapid dissemination of promising, potentially game-changing new ideas without full demonstration).

For more information, please see

ACM CCS 2024 31th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, October 14-18, 2024. [posted here 3/18/24]
The 31th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) seeks submissions presenting novel contributions related to all real-world aspects of computer security and privacy. Theoretical papers must make a convincing case for the relevance of their results to practice. Authors are encouraged to write the abstract and introduction of their paper in a way that makes the results accessible and compelling to a general computer-security researcher. In particular, authors should bear in mind that anyone on the program committee may be asked to review any paper.

For more information, please see

HealthSec 2024 Workshop on Cybersecurity in Healthcare, Held in conjunction with the 31st ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2024), Salt Lake City, Utah USA, October 14, 2024. [posted here 5/6/24]
In its most basic form, healthcare is gathering data, interpreting data into information, and transforming information into current human knowledge that can be acted upon, with each of these stages open to unintended errors and/or malicious subversion. These stages do not occur within a vacuum but rather within our existing infrastructures and social system with all their current limitations, systemic bias, and exploitable vulnerabilities. While a similar characterization can be made about security in other applied domains, healthcare is undergoing a dramatic transformation, arguably the next technological revolution, presenting immediate opportunities for improvement along with corresponding challenges in security. ur desire is to bring together diverse researchers from academia, government, and the healthcare industry to report on latest research efforts. As this is the inaugural workshop focusing on cybersecurity in healthcare, we aim to encourage, jumpstart, and grow excellent interdisciplinary contributions at the forefront of research.

For more information, please see

BRAINS 2024 6th Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services, Berlin, Germany, October 8-11, 2024. [posted here 6/10/24]
Web3, Blockchain, and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) have the potential to disrupt any domain involving coordination among autonomous resources. This includes finance and payments (e.g., fintech), but also networks (e.g., power grids or telecom networks), computing (e.g., brokering of edge resources), IoT (e.g., supply chain, V2X or industry 4.0) or service platforms (e.g., identity management). BRAINS conference is dedicated to these advances that could make the world of networks and services more secure while enabling new distributed business models.

For more information, please see

MarCaS 2024 2nd IEEE LCN Special Track on Maritime Communication and Security, Held in conjunction with the 49th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (IEEE LCN 2024), Caen, Normandy, France, October 8-10, 2024. [posted here 2/5/24]
The LCN’s MarCaS 2024 Special Track is the continuation of the successful MarCaS workshop from the previous year. Its scope are innovations from research necessary for the digital transformation, focusing on maritime information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) on board vessels and maritime industrial control systems, but also on shore at ports, terminals, and other maritime infrastructures. Maritime communication, satellite navigation, radio-based situational awareness systems, and maritime cloud services are of particular interest of MarCaS, combined with novel cybersecurity approaches for a safer and more resilient MTS.

For more information, please see

6GQ 2024 Workshop on Postquantum Cryptography and Quantum Communication for 6G Networks, Held in conjunction with the 49th Annual IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN 2024), Caen, Normandy, France, October 8-10, 2024. [posted here 4/15/24]
The emergence of quantum computers poses a significant threat to current cryptographic standards. Integrating PQC and quantum communications into 6G networks is critical to ensuring these applications remain secure and resilient to quantum attacks. The Postquantum Cryptography and Quantum Communication for 6G Networks (6GQ) workshop invites original research and review papers that push the boundaries of knowledge in post-quantum cryptography (PQC), quantum communication, and their integration into 6G networks. We encourage submissions that address theoretical developments, practical implementations, and innovative applications in these areas.

For more information, please see

CNS 2024 12th IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security, Taipei, Taiwan, September 30 - October 3, 2024. [posted here 3/11/24]
The IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS) is a premier forum for cybersecurity researchers, engineers, practitioners, and policy makers to exchange ideas, techniques and tools related to all practical and theoretical aspects of communications and network security. The conference seeks submissions from academia, industry, and government presenting novel research results in communications and network security.

For more information, please see

RAID 2024 27th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses, Padua, Italy, September 30 - October 2, 2024. [posted here 2/12/24]
Since its inception in 1997, the International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions, and Defenses (RAID) has established itself as a venue where leading researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and the government are given the opportunity to present novel research in a unique venue to an engaged and lively community.

The conference is known for the quality and thoroughness of the reviews of the papers submitted, the desire to build a bridge between research carried out in different communities, and the emphasis given on the need for sound experimental methods and measurement to improve the state of the art in cybersecurity.

This year we are soliciting research papers on topics covering all well-motivated computer security problems. We care about techniques that identify new real-world threats, techniques to prevent them, to detect them, to mitigate them or to assess their prevalence and their consequences. Measurement papers are encouraged, as well as papers offering public access to new tools or datasets, or experience papers that clearly articulate important lessons learned.

Specific topics of interest to RAID include, but are not limited to:
- Computer, network, and cloud computing security
- Malware and unwanted software
- Program analysis and reverse engineering
- Mobile Security
- Web security and privacy
- Vulnerability analysis techniques
- Usable security and privacy
- Intrusion detection and prevention
- Hardware security
- Cyber physical systems security and threats against critical infrastructures
- IoT security
- Statistical and adversarial learning for computer security
- Cyber crime and underground economies
- Denial-of-Service attacks and defenses
- Security measurement studies
- Digital forensics

For more information, please see

EuroUSEC 2024 European Symposium on Usable Security conference, Karlstad, Sweden, September 30 - October 1, 2024. [posted here 5/6/24]
The European Symposium on Usable Security (EuroUSEC) is a forum for research and discussion on human factors in security and privacy. EuroUSEC solicits previously unpublished work offering novel research contributions in any aspect of human-centred security and privacy. EuroUSEC aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, and students from diverse backgrounds including computer science, engineering, psychology, the social sciences, and economics to discuss issues related to human-computer interaction, security, and privacy. We welcome submissions containing unpublished original work describing research, visions, or experiences in all areas of usable security and privacy. We also welcome the systematization of knowledge with a clear connection to usable security and privacy. We welcome a variety of research methods, including both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Note that All submissions must clearly relate to human aspects of security or privacy.

For more information, please see

CANS 2024 International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security, Cambridge, UK, September 24-27, 2024. [posted here 3/18/24]
The International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS) is a premier forum for presenting research in the field of cryptology and network security. The conference seeks academic, industry, and government submissions on all theoretical and practical cryptology and network security aspects. This year marks the 23rd iteration of the conference and will be held at the University of Cambridge, England. Proceedings of previous iterations of the conference were published by Springer LNCS and we have applied to do the same this year.

For more information, please see

eCrime 2024 19th annual APWG eCrime symposium, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, September 24-26, 2024. [posted here 5/6/24]
APWG eCrime 2024 contemplates the dawn of its third decade at the cybercrime frontier by delineating the challenges that await the interveners, investigators, policy makers and stakeholders from private and public sectors attempting to arrest — and reverse — the pandemic spread of cybercrime on our public and private internetworks and the World Wide Web.

For more information, please see

SYSTOR 2024 17th ACM International System and Storage Conference, Tel Aviv-Yaffo, Israel, September 23-25, 2024. [posted here 2/5/24]
The ACM International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR) is an excellent international forum for interaction across the systems research community. The program includes both innovative, peer-reviewed research papers in the broad area of systems, as well as distinguished keynote lecturers, a poster session, and social events. ACM SYSTOR is designed to appeal to academic and industrial researchers and practitioners, welcoming both students and seasoned professionals. SYSTOR has traditionally welcomed academic and industrial papers in systems including storage, cloud and distributed systems, networking, and systems security, broadly construed. While continuing on this tradition, this year, we are broadening the scope to also include research on systems issues in AI and/or sustainability, including those that involve workload optimization, data processing, lifecycle of systems, carbon footprint transparency, and system re-designs. SYSTOR encourages submissions that describe results from experimental system prototypes, as well as experience papers describing practical deployments, and valuable lessons learned from them. Topics of interest include System Security and Trust.

For more information, please see

CBT 2024 8th International Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technology, Held in conjunction with ESORICS 2024, Bydgoszcz, Poland, September 19, 2024. [posted here 6/10/24]
Since the appearance of Bitcoin in 2009, a plethora of new cryptocurrencies and other blockchain based systems have been deployed with different success. While some of them are slightly different copies of Bitcoin, other ones propose interesting improvements or new usages of the underlying blockchain technology. However, the novelty of such technologies is often tied with rapid developments and proof-of-concept software, and rigorous scientific analyses of the proposed systems are often skipped. This workshop aims to provide a forum for researchers in this area to carefully analyze current systems and propose new ones in order to create a scientific background for a solid development of new cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology systems.

For more information, please see

DPM 2024 18th International Workshop on Data Privacy Management, Co-located with ESORICS 2024, Bydgoszcz, Poland, September 19, 2024. [posted here 5/27/24]
DPM is an annual international workshop covering research in data privacy management. Organizations are increasingly concerned about the privacy of information that they manage (as witnessed, for example, by lawsuits filed against organizations for violating the privacy of customer's data). Thus, the management of privacy-sensitive information is very critical and important for every organization.

For more information, please see

ESORICS 2024 9th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Bydgoszcz, Poland, September 16-20, 2024. [posted here 1/8/24]
Computer security emphasizes safeguarding information in settings susceptible to breaches or malevolent activities. The aim of ESORICS is to further the progress of research in computer security by fostering a European community that bridges academia and industry in this realm. Sequentially hosted across various European nations, the symposium has solidified its position as one of Europe's most prominent conferences on computer security. Currently, the symposium delves into research and developmental avenues encompassing AI, machine learning, technologies that enhance privacy, network safeguards, software and hardware protection in practical scenarios.

For more information, please see

SCN 2024 14th International Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks, Amalfi, Italy. September 11-13, 2024. [posted here 1/22/24]
The Fourteenth International Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks (SCN 2024) aims to bring together researchers in the field of cryptography and information security, practitioners, developers, and users to foster cooperation, exchange techniques, tools, experiences and ideas. The conference seeks submissions from academia, government, and industry presenting novel research on all practical and theoretical aspects of cryptography and information security. The primary focus is on original, high quality, unpublished research of theoretical and practical impact, including concepts, techniques, applications and practical experiences. Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference/workshop with proceedings.

For more information, please see

CSR 2024 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience, London, UK, Hybrid Conference, September 2-4, 2024. [posted here 2/5/24]
The technological and industrial revolution brought by complex cyber-physical systems (CPS) comes with new threats and cyber-attacks that exploit their inherent complexity and heterogeneity. These attacks have a significant negative impact on the operation of various services in critical sectors, like energy, transport, and communications, which provide the vital functions that our societies depend upon. The conference focuses on theoretical and practical aspects of the security, privacy, trust, and resilience of networks, systems, and services as well as novel ways for dealing with their vulnerabilities and mitigating sophisticated cyber-attacks.

For more information, please see

ICICS 2024 26th International Conference on Information and Communications Security, Mytilene, Greece, August 26-28, 2024. [posted here 1/8/24]
Authors are invited to submit original papers not previously published nor submitted in parallel for publication to any other conference, workshop or journal. All submitted papers must be anonymous, with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgements, or obvious references, for double blind reviews. The page limits for the camera-ready papers are 20 pages, including the bibliography and well-marked appendices. Selected accepted papers will be invited to submit extended versions to a special issue of the International Journal of Information Security.

For more information, please see

SciSec 2024 6th International Conference on Science of Cyber Security, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 14-16, 2024. [posted here 2/26/24]
SciSec2024 aims at bringing together scholars, scientists, and industrialists from all over the world on a common platform to present their original, unpublished high-quality research papers and share their valuable research insights in the fields of, but not limited to Cyber Security, AI, Quantum Technologies, Blockchain, IoT, Cloud Computing, and emerging fields.

For more information, please see

USENIX Security 2024 33rd USENIX Security Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 14-16, 2024. [posted here 1/28/23]
The USENIX Security Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. The Call for Papers will be available soon.

For more information, please see

CSET 2024 17th Cyber Security Experimentation and Test Workshop, Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 13, 2024. [posted here 3/18/24]
For 16 years, the Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET) has been an important and lively space for presenting research on and discussing “meta” cybersecurity topics related to reliability, validity, reproducibility, transferability, ethics, and scalability—in practice, in research, and in education. Submissions are particularly encouraged to employ a scientific approach to cybersecurity and/or demonstrably grow community resources.

For more information, please see

SOUPS 2024 20th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, Philadelphia, PA, USA, August 11-13, 2024. [posted here 1/8/24]
The 2024 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) will bring together an interdisciplinary group of researchers and practitioners in human computer interaction, security, and privacy. We invite authors to submit previously unpublished papers describing research or experience in all areas of usable privacy and security. We welcome a variety of research methods, including both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Papers will be judged on their scientific quality, overall quality, and contribution to the field.

For more information, please see

EDid 2024 1st International Workshop on Emerging Digital Identities, Held in conjunction with the 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2024), Vienna, Austria, July 30 - August 2, 2024. [posted here 3/11/24]
The identity environment has evolved into a complex ecosystem demanding seamless interoperability, stronger security measures, and user-centric experiences in an increasingly interconnected digital world. Addressing these difficulties necessitates collaboration among scholars and practitioners from diverse disciplines, establishing an interdisciplinary approach critical for shaping the future of identity management. EDId navigates a wide variety of security, privacy, and legal compliance issues, addressing technical issues like security and interoperability as well as legal and regulatory considerations like data protection and privacy.

For more information, please see

BASS 2024 4th International Workshop on Behavioral Authentication for System Security, Held in conjunction with the 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2024), Vienna, Austria, July 30 - August 2, 2024. [posted here 3/18/24]
BASS aims at attracting innovative contributions from both industry and academia related to all aspects of human, system, or software behavioral analysis for IT security. The workshop solicits submissions on both theoretical aspects and practical applications of behavior analysis, behavior-based identification and authentication, profiling, and privacy and security aspects related to recording and exploitation of behavioral features.

For more information, please see

ENS 2024 7th International Workshop on Emerging Network Security, Held in conjunction with the 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2024), Vienna, Austria, July 30 - August 2, 2024. [posted here 3/25/24]
The ENS 2024 workshop aims at collecting the most relevant ongoing research efforts in emerging network security field. It also serves as a forum for 5G & beyond projects in order to disseminate their security-related results and boost cooperation, also foster development of the 5G and beyond Security Community made of 5G security experts and practitioners who pro-actively discuss and share information to collectively progress and align on the field. Last but not least it also aims to bridge 5G & Beyond community with other communities (e.g. AI) that are key to support full attainment of 5G & Beyond but also 6G promises and so for those technologies to release their full potential.

For more information, please see

CUING 2024 8th International Workshop on Cyber Use of Information Hiding, Held in conjunction with the 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES 2024), Vienna, Austria, July 30 - August 2, 2024. [posted here 3/25/24]
The increasing number of Internet users, availability of storage and network resources, and proliferation of as-a-Service frameworks, leads to a new-wave of offensive campaigns targeting the virtual world. With the diffusion of improved defensive methods, attackers now utilize more and more sophisticated techniques to perform their malicious activities. In recent years, information hiding has emerged as one of the most sophisticated and effective mechanisms for launching attacks. Threat actors now regularly use information hiding to elude countermeasures and prevent reversing the attack chain. More recently, hiding techniques have been deployed to create covert channels, i.e., parasitic communications paths nested in network traffic and digital objects, mainly to cloak command & control communications. Unfortunately, detection and mitigation of threats taking advantage of information hiding are hard tasks that pose many new challenges for digital forensics analysts, academics, law enforcement agencies, and security professionals.

The aim of the International Workshop on Cyber Use of Information Hiding (CUIng) is to bring together researchers, practitioners, law enforcement representatives, and security professionals in the area of analysis of information hiding techniques when used in cyberspace. Techniques, mechanisms, and ideas that fall in the scope of the workshop are not limited to classic digital steganography applications or the creation and mitigation of covert communications. Therefore, CUIng also welcomes works that pertain to camouflaging/masking/hiding various types of data, e.g., identities, behaviors of processes, and communication flows. To present a more complete picture of the novel research on hiding methods and their utilization by the attackers, submissions dealing with impersonation or mimicking are encouraged as well, especially to address information hiding in a complete manner, for instance, to discuss ideas for fighting misuse of privacy-enhancing technologies.

This year the CUING workshop is co-organized together with DISSIMILAR (Detection of fake newS on SocIal MedIa pLAtfoRms) project.

For more information, please see

ARES 2024 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, Vienna, Austria, July 30 - August 2, 2024. [posted here 2/26/24]
The 19th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (“ARES – The International Dependability Conference”) will bring together researchers and practitioners in the area of dependability. ARES highlights the various aspects of dependability – with special focus on the crucial linkage between availability, reliability and security. It aims at a full and detailed discussion of the research issues of dependability as an integrative concept that covers amongst others availability, safety, confidentiality, integrity, maintainability and security in the different fields of applications. It emphasizes the interplay between foundations and practical issues of dependability in emerging areas such as e-government, m-government, location-based applications, ubiquitous computing, autonomous computing, chances of grid computing etc. SRES is devoted to the critical examination and research challenges of the various aspects of Dependable Computing and the definition of a future road map.

For more information, please see

PETS 2024 24th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS 2024) Bristol, UK and Online, July 15-20, 2024. [posted here 6/5/23]
The annual Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS) brings together experts from around the world to present and discuss recent advances and new perspectives on research in privacy technologies. The 24th PETS will be a hybrid event with a physical gathering held in Bristol, UK and a concurrent virtual event. Papers undergo a journal-style reviewing process, and accepted papers are published in the journal Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs). Authors of accepted papers are encouraged to attend and present at the physical event, where their presentations can be recorded for the virtual event and where they can participate directly in in-person research, technical, and social activities. However, in-person attendance is not required for publication in the proceedings. We will carefully monitor the COVID-19 situation, and may change the organization of the event as necessary. PoPETs, a scholarly, open-access journal for research papers on privacy, provides high-quality reviewing and publication while also supporting the successful PETS community event. PoPETs is self-published and does not have article processing charges (APCs) or article submission charges.

For more information, please see

DFRWS 2024 24th Annual Digital Forensic Research Conference, Baton Rouge, LA, USA, July 9-12, 2024. [posted here 4/9/23]
DFRWS is a premier conference for digital forensic research. It attracts participants from many sectors, including law enforcement (such as local state police and federal agencies), industry (including vendors and practitioners), and academia. The Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation Journal, Elsevier, will publish the DFRWS proceedings as open access in a supplement issue.

For more information, please see

CSF 2024 37th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium, Enschede, Netherlands, July 8-12, 2024. [posted here 6/5/23]
The Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF) is an annual conference for researchers in computer security, to examine current theories of security, the formal models that provide a context for those theories, and techniques for verifying security. It was created in 1988 as a workshop of the IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committee on Security and Privacy, in response to a 1986 essay by Don Good entitled “The Foundations of Computer Security—We Need Some.” The meeting became a “symposium” in 2007, along with a policy for open, increased attendance. Over the past two decades, many seminal papers and techniques have been presented first at CSF. For more details on the history of the symposium, visit CSF's home.

The program includes papers, panels, and a poster session. Topics of interest include access control, information flow, covert channels, cryptographic protocols, database security, language-based security, authorization and trust, verification techniques, integrity and availability models, and broad discussions concerning the role of formal methods in computer security and the nature of foundational research in this area.

For more information, please see

FCS 2024 Workshop on Foundations of Computer Security, Co-located with CSF 2024, Enschede, Netherlands, July 8, 2024. [posted here 5/6/24]
FCS is a friendly, in-person 1-day workshop that brings together researchers interested in laying the foundations of secure systems. FCS welcomes papers on all topics related to the formal underpinnings of security and privacy, and their applications. The workshop has no formal proceedings: you are welcome to advertise work that appeared in other venues or submit your work-in-progress. We are seeking submissions for full-length talks and short talks. Submissions may conform to any 2-column format accepted by IEEE, ACM, or USENIX conferences. FCS uses a light form of double-blind reviewing similar to CSF.

For more information, please see

WTMC 2024 9th International Workshop on Traffic Measurements for Cybersecurity, Co-located with the 9th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE EuroS&P 2024), Vienna, Austria, July 8, 2024. [posted here 3/25/24]
The WTMC workshop aims to bring together the research accomplishments provided by researchers from academia and the industry. The other goal is to show the latest research results in the field of cybersecurity and understand how traffic measurements can influence it. We encourage prospective authors to submit related distinguished research papers on the subject of both theoretical approaches and practical case reviews. This workshop presents some of the most relevant ongoing research in cybersecurity seen from the traffic measurements perspective. The workshop will be accessible to both non-experts interested in learning about this area and experts interested in hearing about new research and approaches.

For more information, please see

ASIACCS 2024 19th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Singapore, July 1-5, 2024. [posted here 4/9/23]
The 19th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (ACM ASIACCS 2024) seeks paper submissions presenting novel contributions related to all real-world aspects of security and privacy. We seek articles presenting accessible and compelling results to general computer security researchers. Purely theoretical (e.g., cryptography-focused, with no security/application connections) submissions are not encouraged. The same goes for submissions focusing primarily on blockchains or machine learning.

Like in previous years, we will also be accepting “Systemisation of Knowledge” (SoK) papers. SoK submissions need to add the prefix “SoK” in the title and a checkbox on the submission form. They will be accepted based on the value to the community. Survey papers without insights evaluating, systematizing and contextualizing current knowledge will be rejected.

For more information, please see

SaT-CPS 2024 ACM Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems, Held in conjunction with the 14th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy (CODASPY 2024), Porto, Portugal, June 21, 2024. [posted here 2/19/24]
ACM Workshop on Secure and Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems (SaT-CPS) aims to represent a forum for researchers and practitioners from industry and academia interested in various areas of CPS security. SaT-CPS seeks novel submissions describing practical and theoretical solutions for cyber security challenges in CPS. Submissions can be from different application domains in CPS.

For more information, please see

CODASPY 2024 14th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy, Porto, Portugal, June 19-21, 2024. [posted here 6/5/23]
The conference seeks submissions from diverse communities, including corporate and academic researchers, open-source projects, standardization bodies, governments, system and security administrators, software engineers and application domain experts. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Application-layer security policies
- Access control for applications
- Access control for databases
- Data-dissemination controls
- Data forensics
- Data leak detection and prevention
- Enforcement-layer security policies
- Privacy-preserving techniques
- Private information retrieval
- Search on protected/encrypted data
- Secure auditing
- Secure collaboration
- Secure data provenance
- Secure electronic commerce
- Secure information sharing
- Secure knowledge management
- Secure multiparty computation
- Secure software development
- Securing data/apps on untrusted platforms
- Securing the semantic web
- Security and privacy in GIS/spatial data
- Security and privacy in healthcare
- Security and privacy in the Internet of Things
- Security policies for databases
- Social computing security and privacy
- Social networking security and privacy
- Trust metrics for applications, data, and users
- Usable security and privacy
- Web application security

For more information, please see

SAGAI 2024 Workshop on Security Architectures for GenAI Systems, Held in conjunction with IEEE SP 2024 Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, May 23, 2024. [posted here 12/25/23]
Generative AI (GenAI) is quickly advancing and fast becoming a widely deployed technology. GenAI-based systems rely on machine-learning (ML) models trained on large amounts of data using deep-learning techniques. As the power and flexibility of the models advance, the architectural complexity of GenAI-based systems is advancing too. Current architectures may combine multiple models, using sequences of model queries to complete a task, with external (non-ML) components leveraged to enhance the model’s operation via database queries or API calls. These architectures may be vulnerable to a variety of attacks that use adversarial inputs to create malicious outputs. This workshop invites new contributions to the broader understanding of security for GenAI systems and applications. Contributions may address security threats and defenses for individual models, or for systems and architectures that may employ one or more generative ML models as subcomponents. The workshop welcomes discussion of new GenAI security concerns, as well as new approaches to architecting GenAI-based systems for safety, security, and privacy.

For more information, please see

SafeThings 2024 8th IEEE/ACM Workshop on the Internet of Safe Things, Held in conjunction with IEEE SP 2024 Conference, San Francisco, California, USA, May 23, 2024. [posted here 12/11/23]
The 8th Workshop on the Internet of Safe Things seeks to bring together researchers to create solutions for the development of safe cyber-physical systems. As safety is inherently linked with the security and privacy of a system, we also seek contributions in these areas that address safety concerns. We seek to develop a community that systematically dissects the vulnerabilities and risks exposed by these emerging CPSs, and creates tools, algorithms, frameworks, and systems that help in the development of safe systems.

We seek contributions across domains - autonomous vehicles, smart homes, medical devices, smart grid, intelligent transportation; and across disciplines - systems, control, human-computer interaction, security, reliability, machine learning, and verification. The scope of our workshop includes safety topics as they relate to an individual’s health (physical, mental), society (air pollution, toxicity, disaster events), or the environment (species preservation, global warming, oil spills). The workshop considers safety from a human perspective and, thus, does not include topics such as thread safety or memory safety in its scope.

For more information, please see

SP 2024 45th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 20-23, 2024. [posted here 6/7/23]
Since 1980 in Oakland, the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy has been the premier forum for computer security research, presenting the latest developments and bringing together researchers and practitioners. We solicit previously unpublished papers offering novel research contributions in any aspect of security or privacy. Papers may present advances in the theory, design, implementation, analysis, verification, or empirical evaluation and measurement of secure systems. Theoretical papers must make a convincing case for the relevance of their results to practice. Topics of interest include:
- Applied cryptography
- Attacks with novel insights, techniques, or results
- Authentication, access control, and authorization
- Blockchains and distributed ledger security
- Cloud computing security
- Cyber physical systems security
- Distributed systems security
- Economics of security and privacy
- Embedded systems security
- Formal methods and verification
- Hardware security
- Hate, Harassment, and Online Abuse
- Intrusion detection and prevention
- Machine learning and computer security
- Malware and unwanted software
- Network security
- Operating systems security
- Privacy-enhancing technologies, anonymity, and censorship
- Program and binary analysis
- Protocol security
- Security and privacy metrics
- Security and privacy policies
- Security architectures
- Security foundations
- Systems security
- Usable security and privacy
- Web security
- Wireless and mobile security/privacy

This topic list is not meant to be exhaustive; S&P is interested in all aspects of computer security and privacy. Papers without a clear application to security or privacy, however, will be considered out of scope and may be rejected without full review.

Systematization of Knowledge Papers: As in past years, we solicit systematization of knowledge (SoK) papers that evaluate, systematize, and contextualize existing knowledge, as such papers can provide a high value to our community. Suitable papers are those that provide an important new viewpoint on an established, major research area, support or challenge long-held beliefs in such an area with compelling evidence, or present a convincing, comprehensive new taxonomy of such an area. Survey papers without such insights are not appropriate and may be rejected without full review. Submissions will be distinguished by the prefix ìSoK:î in the title and a checkbox on the submission form. They will be reviewed by the full PC and held to the same standards as traditional research papers, but they will be accepted based on their treatment of existing work and value to the community, and not based on any new research results they may contain. Accepted papers will be presented at the symposium and included in the proceedings. You can find an overview of recent SoK papers at

For more information, please see

NSF-WSCS 2024 The NSF Workshop on Sustainable Computing for Sustainability, Alexandria, VA, USA, April 16-17, 2024. [posted here 10/16/23]
The workshop will follow a hybrid format with both remote and in-person participation. Remote participation will be through a zoom webinar that will be open to all within the limits of the zoom webinar platform. Instructions for joining the webinar will be posted on the Workshop's website a few weeks before it is scheduled to take place.

Because of logistical constraints, in-person attendance will be limited to approximately 100 participants, with eligible travel costs supported through a grant from NSF. The primary purpose of this call for submissions is, therefore, to help us identify a diverse and complementary set of attendees so as to ensure a productive workshop. A report documenting the findings and recommendations of the workshop will be made publicly available following the successful completion of the workshop.

Towards performing such as selection, we are asking interested individuals to submit a short (two pages or less excluding references, single-column, single-space, 11pt fonts) statement of interest before February 15, 2024, AoE. You can submit multiple statements of interest.

For more information, please see

SPW 2024 29th International Workshop on Security Protocols, Brno, Czechia, April 10-12, 2024. [posted here 10/16/23]
The theme of the 2024 workshop is "Ghost in the Protocol — Security Protocols and AI". We invite proposals for papers containing exciting, original ideas that will elicit lively, thought-provoking in-person discussions. SPW papers should lead to conceptual advances, not be archival papers about work that has already been completed and polished. The workshop is by invitation only; to receive an invitation, please submit a position paper by 8 January 2024 for our consideration. Security protocols have always been seized with the question of whether a participant is a human or not. Given recent developments around the generation of text, images, code, audio and video, however, we must now consider the interplay of AI and the protocols themselves. Can machine-generated protocols, with machine-checked proofs, do a better job than human designers? Instead of humans producing machine-readable protocol descriptions, can machines produce human-comprehensible descriptions? As always, please consider this theme as inspirational rather than restrictive. As long-time attendees already know, it is perfectly acceptable to offer a position paper only loosely related to the theme, or on another security topic, provided the paper is deemed likely to stimulate an interesting discussion. New authors are encouraged to browse through past volumes of post-proceedings (search for Security Protocols Workshop in the Springer LNCS series) to get a flavor for the variety and diversity of topics that have been accepted in past years, as well as the lively discussion that has accompanied them.

For more information, please see

FHE 2024 3rd Annual Conference on Fully Homomorphic Encryption, Held in conjunction with the Real World Crypto 2024, Toronto, Canada, March 24, 2024. [posted here 10/18/23]
First envisioned in the late seventies, the first realization for fully homomorphic encryption only came three decades later. Fully homomorphic encryption has since been an active research topic. The conference aims at being the premier forum gathering researchers, technologists and practitioners working on the design, development, deployment, validation, and applications of fully homomorphic encryption. The program committee is seeking original contributions on all aspects of fully homomorphic encryption. Submissions across a broad range of the development phases are encouraged, from exploratory research and proof-of-concept studies to practical applications and deployment of fully homomorphic encryption and related technologies. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Fully homomorphic encryption and its applications
- Efficient and secure implementations of cryptographic algorithms Software for fully homomorphic encryption
- Hardware architectures for fully homomorphic encryption
- Compilers for fully homomorphic encryption
- Physical attacks and countermeasures
- Secure applications using fully homomorphic encryption
- Security of encrypted computing and applications
- Cryptographic protocols using fully homomorphic encryption for privacy-preserving systems
- Formal modeling and formal proofs for encrypted computing
- Validation and certification of fully homomorphic encryption

For more information, please see

FC 2024 28th International Conference on Financial Cryptography and Data Security, Willemstad, Curacao, March 4-8, 2024. [posted here 8/21/23]
Financial Cryptography and Data Security is a major international forum for research, advanced development, education, exploration, and debate regarding information assurance, with a specific focus on commercial contexts. The conference covers all aspects of securing transactions and systems. Original works focusing on both fundamental and applied real-world deployments on all aspects surrounding commerce security are solicited. Submissions need not be exclusively concerned with cryptography. Systems security and interdisciplinary works are particularly encouraged.

The goal of the conference is to bring security and cryptography researchers and practitioners together with economists, bankers, implementers and policy-makers. Intimate and colourful by tradition, the FC program features invited talks, academic presentations, technical demonstrations and panel discussions. In addition, several workshops will be held in conjunction with the FC conference.

For more information, please see

NDSS 2024 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, San Diego, California, uSA, February 26 - March 1, 2024. [posted here 6/5/23]
The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS) is a top venue that fosters information exchange among researchers and practitioners of network and distributed system security. The NDSS 2024 workshops and symposia will take place in San Diego, CA, from 26 February to 1 March 2024. The target audience includes those interested in practical aspects of network and distributed system security, with a focus on actual system design and implementation. A major goal is to encourage and enable the Internet community to apply, deploy, and advance the state of practical security technologies.

This call solicits technical papers. Authors are encouraged to write the abstract and introduction of their paper in a way that makes the results accessible and compelling to a general security researcher. All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee and accepted submissions will be published by the Internet Society in the Proceedings of NDSS 2024. The Proceedings will be made freely accessible from the Internet Society web pages. Furthermore, permission to freely reproduce all or parts of papers for noncommercial purposes is granted provided that copies bear the Internet Society notice included in the first page of the paper. The authors are therefore free to post the camera-ready versions of their papers on their personal pages and within their institutional repositories. Reproduction for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited and requires prior consent.

For more information, please see

VehicleSec 2024 2nd ISOC Symposium on Vehicle Security and Privacy, Co-located with NDSS 2024, San Diego, CA, USA, February 26, 2024. [posted here 4/9/23]
A vehicle is a machine that transports people and/or cargo in one or more physical domains, such as on the ground (e.g., cars, bicycles, motorcycles, trucks, buses, scooters, trains), in the air (e.g., drones, airplanes, helicopters), underwater (e.g., ships, boats, watercraft), and in space (e.g., spacecraft). Due to their safety- and mission-critical nature, the security and privacy of vehicles can pose direct threats to passengers, owners, operators, as well as the environment. Recent improvements in vehicle autonomy and connectivity (e.g., autonomous driving, drone delivery, vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication, intelligent transportation, drone swarm) have only served to exacerbate security and privacy challenges and thus require urgent attention from academia, industry, and policy-makers. To meet this critical need, the ISOC (Internet Society) VehicleSec symposium aims at bringing together an audience of university researchers, scientists, industry professionals, and government representatives to contribute new theories, technologies, and systems on any security/privacy issues related to vehicles (e.g., ground, aerial, underwater, space), their sub-systems (e.g., in-vehicle networks, autonomy, connectivity, human-machine interfaces), supporting infrastructures (e.g., transportation infrastructure, charging station, ground control station), and related fundamental technologies (e.g., sensing, control, AI/ML/DNN/LLM, real-time computing, edge computing, location service, simulation, digital twin, multi-agent protocol/system design, and human-machine interaction).

For more information, please see

IFIP 11.9 DF 2023 20th Annual IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics, New Delhi, India, January 4-5, 2024. [posted here 8/7/23]
The IFIP Working Group 11.9 on Digital Forensics ( is an active international community of scientists, engineers and practitioners dedicated to advancing the state of the art of research and practice in digital forensics. The Twentieth Annual IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics will provide a forum for presenting original, unpublished research results and innovative ideas related to the extraction, analysis and preservation of all forms of electronic evidence. Papers and panel proposals are solicited. All submissions will be refereed by a program committee comprising members of the Working Group. Papers and panel submissions will be selected based on their technical merit and relevance to IFIP WG 11.9. The conference will be limited to approximately 60 participants to facilitate interactions between researchers and intense discussions of critical research issues. Keynote presentations, revised papers and details of panel discussions will be published as an edited volume – the twentieth volume in the well-known Research Advances in Digital Forensics book series (Springer, Cham, Switzerland) during the summer of 2024.

Technical papers are solicited in all areas related to the theory and practice of digital forensics. Areas of special interest include, but are not limited to:
- Theories, techniques and tools for extracting, analyzing and preserving digital evidence
- Enterprise and cloud forensics
- Mobile and embedded device forensics
- Image and video forensics
- Internet of Things forensics
- Digital forensic processes and workflow models
- Digital forensic case studies
- Legal, ethical and policy issues related to digital forensics

For more information, please see