Past Conferences and Journal Special Issues
Last Modified:01/13/05
Note: Please contact
cipher-cfp@ieee-security.org by email if you have any questions..
British Computer Society Formal Aspects of Security, Royal Holloway,
University of London, UK, December 19-20, 2002. [posted here
To celebrate its 25th Anniversary, the BCS-FACS (British Computer
Society - Formal Aspects of Computing) Specialist Group is planning
to organize several events over the next two years. The main aim is
to highlight the use of formal methods, emphasize their relevance to
modern computing, and promote their wider applications. Papers
offering research contributions in formal aspects of computer
security are solicited for FASec. Topics of interest include:
- Frameworks for formulating security requirements
- Access control: requirements, models, mechanisms, and
- Theoretical foundations for access control models
- Formal models for security management: keys, data integrity,
accounting and audit.
- Theoretical foundations of network and distributed systems
- Specification, analysis, and verifications of cryptographic
- Theory of information flow.
- Secure networking: authentication and intrusion detection.
- Security for mobile code
- Access control in distributed and mobile systems
- Proof carrying code and byte-code verification
- Smart-cards and secure PDAs
- Safety and security: analogies and differences
- Case studies and critical evaluations of formal methods for
- Tools based on formal methods for security requirements,
analysis, and verification.
More information can be found on the workshop web page at
18th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, Las Vegas,
Nevada, USA, December 9-13, 2002. [posted here 3/16/02]
This internationally recognized conference provides a forum for
experts in information system security to exchange practical ideas
about solving these critical problems. We are looking for papers,
panels and tutorials that address:
- Access control -Cryptographic
protocols and applied cryptography
- Database Security - Denial of service
- Electronic commerce security - Firewalls and other boundary
control devices
- Forensics -
Identification and Authentication
- Information Survivability - Middleware and
distributed systems security
- Mobile Security - Network security
- Operating systems security - PKI and certificate
- Risk/vulnerability assessment - Intrusion detection
- Security engineering - Security against
malicious mobile code
See the conference web page at
www.acsac.org for details on submitting papers and tutorial
ICISC 2002 Fourth International Conference on Information and
Communications Security, Kent Ridge Digital Labs, Singapore,
December 9-12, 2002. [posted here 1/7/02]
Original papers on all aspects of information and communications
security are solicited for submission to ICICS’02. Areas of
interests include but not restricted to the following:
- Access Control Authentication and Authorization
- Biometric Security Cryptology
- Database Security Distributed System Security
- Electronic Commerce Security Fraud Control
- Information Hiding and Watermarking Intellectual Property
- Internet and Intranet Security Intrusion Detection
- Key Management and Key Recovery Mobile System Security
- Network Security Operating System Security
- Protocols and Their Analysis Risk Evaluation and Security
- Security Modeling and Architecture Virus and Worms
More information can be found on the conference web page at
ASIACRYPT 2002 Queenstown, New Zealand, December 1-5, 2002.
[posted here 9/30/01]
Original papers on all technical aspects of cryptology are solicited
for submission to Asiacrypt 2002. The conference is organized by the
International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR).
Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the
authors has published elsewhere or has submitted in parallel to any
other conference or workshop that has proceedings. More information
can be found on the conference web page at
WPES ACM Workshop on Privacy in the Electronic Society (in
association with 9th ACM Conference on Computer and Communication
Security), Washington, DC, USA, November 21, 2002 [posted here
The increased power and interconnectivity of computer systems
available today provide the ability of storing and processing large
amounts of data, resulting in networked information accessible from
anywhere at any time. It is becoming easier to collect, exchange,
access, process, and link information. The goal of this workshop is
to discuss the problems of privacy in the global interconnected
societies and possible solutions to it. Topics of interest include,
but are not limited to:
- anonymity, pseudonymity, and unlinkability
- business model with privacy requirements
- data protection from correlation and leakage attacks
- electronic communication privacy
- information dissemination control
- privacy-aware access control
- privacy in the digital business
- privacy enhancing technologies
- privacy policies and human rights
- privacy and anonymity in Web transactions
- privacy threats
- privacy and confidentiality management
- privacy in the electronic records
- privacy in health care and public administration
- public records and personal privacy
- privacy and virtual identity
- personally identifiable information
- privacy policy enforcement
- privacy and data mining
- relationships between privacy and security
- user profiling
- wireless privacy
More information about the conference can be found at
First ACM Workshop on Scientific Aspects of Cyber Terrorism (in
conjunction with the ACM Conference on Computer and Communication
Security), Washington, DC, USA, November 21, 2002. [posted here
The goal of this workshop is to address scientific contributions to
understand cyber terrorism and to fight cyber terrorism. Examples of
possible topics of interest include: methods to identify the most
critical infrastructures, methods to detect cyber terrorist attacks,
methods to protect against cyber terrorism (including survivability,
quorum systems, PKI). Submissions should clearly identify the
relationship with cyber terrorism. Submissions on
cryptography/information security without proper motivation how
these can be used to address scientific issues on cyber terrorism
will be rejected. Non-scientific talks (such as surveys on efforts
by different countries on addressing cyber terrorism) will only be
accepted if space permits. Talks about political and non-scientific
talks are not the main goal of the workshop. Further details are
available at
DRM 2002 ACM
Workshop on Digital-Rights Management (in conjunction with the 9th
Annual ACM CCS Conference), Washington DC, USA, November 18, 2002.
[posted here 7/18/02]
The 2002 ACM Workshop on Digital-Rights Management (DRM 2002) will
be held on November 18, 2002 in Washington DC, in conjunction with
the 9th Annual ACM CCS Conference. The DRM 2002 submission deadline
is August 1, 2002; submissions on all technical, legal, and business
aspects of DRM are solicited. Additional information and submission
instructions can be found at
CCS 2002 9th ACM
Conference on Computer and Communication Security, Washington DC,
USA, November 17-21, 2002. [posted here 3/15/02]
Papers offering novel research contributions in any aspect of
computer security are solicited for submission to the Ninth ACM
Conference on Computer and Communications Security. The primary
focus is on high-quality original unpublished research, case
studies, and implementation experiences. Papers should have
practical relevance to the construction, evaluation, application, or
operation of secure systems. Theoretical papers must make convincing
argument for the practical significance of the results. Theory must
be justified by compelling examples illustrating its application.
Topics of interest include:
- access control - security for mobile
code - cryptographic protocols
- key management - information
warfare - authentication
- applied cryptography -
e-business/e-commerce - privacy and anonymity
- secure networking - accounting and
audit - data/system integrity
- intrusion detection - security
management - security verification
- database and system security - smart-cards and secure
- inference/controlled disclosure - intellectual property
- commercial and industry security
See the conference web site at
www.acm.org/sigs/sigsac/ccs for details on submitting a paper
IICIS 2002
Fifth IFIP TC-11 WG 11.5 Working Conference on Integrity and
Internal Control in Information Systems - New Perspectives from
Academia and Industry, Bonn, Germany, November 11-12, 2002.
[posted here 3/28/01]
Confidentiality, integrity and availability are high-level
objectives of IT security. The IFIP TC-11 Working Group 11.5 has
been charged with exploring the area of the integrity objective
within IT security and the relationship between integrity in
information systems and the overall internal control systems that
are established in organizations to support corporate governance
codes. This working conference series follows its tradition to
establish the basis for an ongoing dialog between IT security
specialists and internal control specialists so that both may work
more effectively together to assist in creating effective business
systems in the future. The goals for this conference are to find an
answer to the following questions:
- what is the status quo of research and development in the area
of integrity and internal control
- where are the gaps between business needs on the one hand and
research and development
on the other and what needs to be done to bridge these gaps
- what precisely do business managers need to have confidence in
the integrity of their
information systems and their data
More information can be found on the conference web page
NORDSEC2002 7th Nordic Workshop on Secure IT Systems, Karlstad
University, Sweden, November 7-8, 2002. [posted here 3/17/02]
The NordSec workshops were started in 1996 with the aim of bringing
together researchers and practitioners within computer security in
the Nordic countries. The theme of the workshops has been applied
security, i.e., all kinds of security issues that could encourage
interchange and cooperation between the research community and the
industrial/consumer community. A main theme of NordSec 2002, to
which a special track within the workshop will be devoted, is
Privacy Enhancing Technologies. NordSec 2002 will also specifically
address the areas of Software Engineering and Quality of Service in
relation to IT security. Possible topics include, but are not
limited to the following:
- Privacy and Privacy Enhancing Technologies
- Wireless Communication Security
- Inter/Intra/Extranet Security
- Security Protocol Modeling and Analysis
- E-and M-Business Security
- New Firewall Technologies
- Secure Infrastructures; TTP, PKI, Key Escrow/Recovery
- Computer Crime and Information Warfare
- Detecting Attacks, Intrusions and Computer Misuse
- Smart Card Applications
- Security Management and Audit
- Security Evaluations and Measurements
- Security in Commercial off-the-shelf Products, COTS
- Operating System Security
- Security Models
- New Ideas and Paradigms for Security
- Security Education and Training
- Quality of Service or Software Engineering in Relation to
More information can be found on the conference web page at
ACSA Workshop on the Application of
Engineering Principles to System Security Design, Boston, MA, USA,
November 6-8, 2002 [posted here 7/29/02]
The Applied Computer Security Associates (ACSA) is sponsoring a
workshop to examine engineering fundamentals, the principles and
practice of designing and building secure systems. The workshop will
look at where we have been in security engineering (formal methods,
Orange book, Common Criteria, penetrate and patch, Certification and
Accreditation, Defense in Depth) and where we should go. The
workshop will consider such questions and issues as:
- How can we do better at engineering secure systems?
- Do we need new paradigms?
- Have we not done a good job in applying the old techniques?
- Is the real problem just bad software engineering, not bad
security engineering?
- Is the problem poor maintenance, rather than poor engineering?
- Is "Defense in Depth" a meaningful engineering concept or is it
bumper sticker engineering?
- Have we forgotten the past?
- Are we failing to teach new security engineers what we know?
The goal of the workshop is to begin a process of serious thinking
about these important issues. The output of the workshop will be a
collection of essays and technical papers on the issues discussed in
the workshop. The papers will be available on-line to the community.
ACSA's intent is that the output of the workshop becomes the kernel
for a growing on-line collection of theory, principles, and practice
of security engineering. Over time this site will maintain our
history, our lessons learned, and principles for getting it right
the first time. More information can be found on the workshop web
page at
LawTech2002 ISLAT International Conference on Law and
Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, November 6-8, 2002.
[posted here 4/15/02]
This conference is an international forum for lawyers and engineers
interested in understanding the latest developments and implications
of technology in the field of law. It is an opportunity to exchange
ideas and information related to the intersection of these two
areas. The conference will address both the legal ramifications of
new technology and how technology advances the field of law. All
papers submitted to this conference will be peer reviewed by at
least two members of the International Program Committee. Acceptance
will be based primarily on originality and contribution. The full
call for papers and an extensive list of topics, including issues
related to security and privacy, can be found on the workshop web
page at www.islat.org.
CCN 2002 IASTED International Conference on Communications and
Computer Networks, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge,
Massachusetts, USA, November 4-6, 2002. [posted here 6/24/02]
This conference is an international forum for researchers and
practitioners interested in the advances and applications of
computers and communications networks including wireless and mobile
communications. It is an opportunity to present and observe the
latest research, results, and ideas in these areas. CCN 2002 will be
held in conjunction with the IASTED International Conference on
"Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS 2002)" and
"Software Engineering and Applications (SEA 2002)". A complete list
of topics along with instructions for submitting a paper or a
tutorial proposal can be found on the conference web site at
Compsec2002 19th World Conference on Computer Security, Audit
and Control, London, UK, October 30-November 1, 2002. [posted
here 7/29/02]
The conference comprises over 50 presentations and interactive
workshops arranged within four parallel streams covering management
concerns, infrastructure, law and ethics, technical issues and case
studies. Full programme and registration information is available
via the conference website at
Fifth International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion
Detection, Zurich, Switzerland, October 16-18, 2002 (Held in
conjunction with Esorics 2002). [posted here 2/25/02]
This symposium, the fifth in an annual series, brings together
leading figures from academia, government, and industry to discuss
state-of-the-art intrusion detection technologies and issues from
the research and commercial perspectives. The RAID International
Symposium series is intended to further advances in intrusion
detection by promoting the exchange of ideas in a broad range of
topics. The RAID 2002 program committee invites three types of
- Full papers presenting mature research results. Full papers
accepted for presentation at the Symposium will be published in the
RAID 2002 proceedings published by Springer Verlag in its Lecture
Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.
- Extended abstracts presenting work-in progress, case studies and
implementation experiences. We welcome basically any type of
submission that is of general interest to the audience. Extended
abstracts accepted for presentation at the Symposium will be
published on the RAID web site.
- Panel proposals for presenting and discussing interesting topics
in the field of intrusion detection.
More information can be found on the conference web page at:
Second Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information
Security, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, October 15-16, 2002.
[posted here 1/11/02]
The second symposium on requirements engineering for information
security invites papers on a diversity of topics, particularly ones
that point out new directions. Theoretical, experimental, and
experience papers are all welcome. SREIS provides researchers and
practitioners from various disciplines with a highly interactive
forum to discuss security and privacy-related requirements.
Specifically, we encourage attendance from those in the fields of
requirements engineering, software engineering, information systems,
information and network security and trusted systems as well as
those interested in approaches to analyzing, specifying, and testing
requirements to increase the level of security provided to users
interacting with pervasive commerce, research and government
systems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the
- solutions to known RE problems as applied to security and
- RE for confidentiality, integrity, and availability
- industrial problem statements
- generalizations from individual industrial experiences
- RE for trusted Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) systems
- empirical studies of industrial RE practice
- capture and expression of informal and ad hoc requirements
- managing conflicting requirements of operational effectiveness
and security
- methods for the specification and analysis of security
- methods for ensuring compliance between requirements and
Information for authors about how to submit a paper will be
available via the symposium URL:
www.sreis.org. For additional information contact:
sreis-inf@cerias.purdue.edu . The SREIS will be followed by the
Second Annual Government-Industry Forum on Strategies for the
Development of Security Requirements and Security Specifications for
Critical Information Technologies. The forum, hosted by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) will take place on
October 17, 2002 from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. For further
information, please contact Dr. Ron Ross at (301) 975-5390 or rross@nist.gov.
ESORICS 2000 7th European Symposium on Research in Computer
Security, Zurich, Switzerland, October 14-16, 2002. [posted here
ESORICS is the European research event in computer security with
audience from both the academic and industrial communities. For
background information about the symposium, and an html version of
this Call for Papers, see the ESORICS 2002 home page
www.esorics2002.org. We are
interested in papers that may present theory, technique,
applications, or practical experience on topics related to
information security, privacy and dependability. The primary focus
is on high-quality original unpublished research, case studies and
implementation experiences. We encourage submissions of papers
discussing industrial research and development.
Critical Systems Development with UML,
Dresden, Germany, September 30, 2002. [posted here 6/27/02]
The high quality development of critical systems (be it real-time,
security-critical, dependable/safety-critical, performance-critical,
or hybrid systems) is difficult. Many critical systems are
developed, fielded, and used that do not satisfy their criticality
requirements, sometimes with spectacular failures. The workshop aims
to gather practitioners and researchers to contribute to overcoming
these challenges. Topics of interest include:
- Applications of UML to: real-time systems, security-critical
dependable / safety-critical systems, performance-critical
systems, embedded systems,
hybrid systems, and reactive systems
- Extensions of UML (UML-RT, UMLsec, Automotive UML, Embedded
UML, ...)
- Using UML as a formal design technique for the development of
critical systems
- Critical systems development methods
- Modeling, synthesis, code generation, testing, validation, and
verification of critical systems
using UML
- Case studies and experience reports
More information can be found on the workshop web page at
Workshop on Socially-Informed Design of
Privacy-enhancing Solutions in Ubiquitous Computing (in conjunction
with UBICOMP'2002), GĂ–TEBORG, Sweden, September 29, 2002. [posted
here 7/17/02]
Privacy-enhancing solutions, both technical and social, are needed
to drive development of ubiquitous computing in a socially
acceptable direction. The goal of this workshop is to develop an
understanding of how social studies can inform the design and
evaluation of privacy-enhancing solutions (technical approaches and
complementary social mechanisms) in ubicomp. This workshop aims to
provide a forum for ubicomp system developers, security researchers,
social scientists, legal experts and consumer privacy advocates to
collaboratively explore the future of socially-informed
privacy-enhancing solutions in ubiquitous computing. Questions from
other disciplines other than computer science (e.g., economics,
sociology, law, public policy) will also contribute significantly to
the workshop. Topics of interest of this workshop include, but are
not limited to: Incentives; Contextual Factors; Trust; Metrics and
Inspection; and Design Principles and Solutions. Papers should be
submitted to in PDF or MS Word format on or before August 18, 2002
to xdjiang@cs.berkeley.edu.
It is recommended that authors limit their submissions to no more
than 6 pages, A4 or letter size. More information can be found at
CNS'02 2002 International Workshop on Cryptology and Network
Security, San Francisco, CA, USA, September 26-28, 2002. [posted
here 2/18/02]
(CNS02) is to be held in conjunction with The 8th International
Conference on Distributed Multimedia Systems (DMS'2002) in San
Francisco, California, in September 2002. Original papers on all
aspects of cryptology and network security are solicited for
submission to the workshop. Both theoretical research papers in
cryptology and research results from practical applications in
network security related areas are welcome. Topics covered by the
workshop will include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Cryptography and cryptanalysis algorithms
- Authentication and digital signatures
- Client/Server system security
- Network security issues and protocols
- Web security
- Mobile agent security
- Security architectures
- E-commerce security
- Information hiding and multimedia watermarking
- System intrusion protection and detection.
- Information security applications
More information can be found from:
cs.anu.edu.au/~Chuan.Wu/conference/cns02_cfp.html or contact Dr
Chuan-Kun Wu, email: Chuan.Wu@cs.anu.edu.au
CMS2002 The Seventh IFIP Communications and Multimedia Security
Conference, Portoroz, Slovenia, September 26-27, 2002. [posted
here 12/7/01]
CMS 2002 is the seventh working conference on Communications and
Multimedia Security since 1995. State-of-the-art issues as well as
practical experiences and new trends in the areas will be the topics
of interest again, as proven by preceding conferences. Topics of
interest include, but are not limited to
- Applied cryptography
- Biometry
- Combined multimedia security
- Communications systems security
- Cryptography - steganography
- Digital signatures
- Digital watermarking
- Internet, intranet and extranet security
- Legal, social and ethical aspects of communication systems
- Mobile communications security
- Multimedia systems security
- New generation networks (NGN) security
- Possible attacks on multimedia systems
- Secure electronic commerce
More information can be found on the conference web page at:
or contact: Prof. Borka Jerman-Blazic / Institut Jozef Stefan /
Jamova 39 / SI-1000 Ljubljana / Slovenia / e-mail: cms02@setcce.org.
New Security Paradigms Workshop, Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA,
September 23-26, 2002. [posted here 1/16/02]
For ten years the New Security Paradigms Workshop has provided a
productive and highly interactive forum for innovative new
approaches to computer security. The workshop offers a constructive
environment for experienced researchers and practitioners as well as
newer participants in the field. The result is a unique opportunity
to exchange ideas. NSPW 2002 will take place September 23 - 26, 2002
at the Founders Inn, Virginia Beach, Virginia, about 2.5 hours from
Washington, DC. The complete CFP is at
ECC2002 The 6th Workshop on Elliptic Curve Cryptography,
University of Essen, Essen, Waterloo September 23-25, 2002. [posted
here 4/8/02]
ECC 2002 is the sixth in a series of annual workshops dedicated to
the study of elliptic curve cryptography and related areas. The main
themes of ECC 2002 will be:
- The discrete logarithm and elliptic curve discrete logarithm
- Efficient parameter generation and point counting.
- Provably secure cryptographic protocols for encryption,
signatures and key agreement.
- Efficient software and hardware implementation of elliptic
curve cryptosystems.
- Deployment of elliptic curve cryptography.
There will be approximately 15 invited lectures (and no contributed
talks), with the remaining time used for informal discussions. There
will be both survey lectures as well as lectures on latest research
developments. If you did not receive this announcement by email and
would like to be added to the mailing list for the second
announcement, please send email to
The announcements are also available from the web sites:
www.exp-math.uni-essen.de/~weng/ecc2002.html and
Workshop on Computer Forensics, Center for
Secure and Dependable Systems, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho,
USA, September 23-25, 2002. [posted here 7/18/02]
This workshop is intended to provide a broad-spectrum approach to
Computer Forensics and to increase interactions between Information
Security faculty, students and practitioners. Speaker and
presentation topics include performing detailed analysis of systems,
use of forensic evidence in the legal system, tools available for
forensic analysis, international complications, and a corporate
perspective. The first day will include a tutorial on forensics by
Dr. Sujeet Shenoi and the forensics team from the University of
Tulsa. The second day will feature subject experts presenting on
aspects of forensics, and the third day will have presentations from
researchers and practitioners. See the workshop web site for details
ILPF 2002 The
Annual Internet Law & Policy Forum Conference, Seattle, WA, USA,
September 17-19, 2002. [posted here 6/23/02]
The Internet Law & Policy Forum is holding its annual conference on
the topic of Security v. Privacy on September 18-19, 2002 in
Seattle, Washington. This conference will explore the synergies and
conflicts, both real and imagined, between these two important
policy objectives and the laws written to promote them. On one hand,
privacy is a critical element of maintaining data integrity, which
is one key security issue. On the other hand, the governmental need
to find and stop lawbreakers is facilitated by the ready access to a
broad scope of information. The conference will have a privacy track
and a security track, where speakers will explore key issues and
concerns in the respective areas. Some of the topics covered in
these panels include: Privacy Global Survey: Legislative Regimes and
Cross-Cultural Dimensions; Practicalities of Compliance with Law
Enforcement Requests; Identifying and Selecting Appropriate
Authentication Options. Plenary sessions will cover topics from both
perspectives. More information can be found at the conference web
page at
SCN'02 The Third Workshop on Security in Communication
Networks, Amalfi, Italy, September 12-13, 2002. [posted here
SCN '02 aims at bringing together researchers in the field of
security in communication networks to foster cooperation and
exchange of ideas. Papers are solicited on all technical aspects of
data security including:
Anonymity -
Authentication -
Key Distribution
- Block
Ciphers -
Operating Systems Security
- Complexity-based
Cryptography - Privacy
Cryptanalysis -
- Digital
Signatures -
Public Key Encryption
- Electronic
Money -
Public Key Infrastructure
- Hash
Functions -
Secret Sharing
Identification -
Survey and state of the art
More information can be found on the workshop web page at
IASTED Conference on Conference on Communication Systems and
Networks, Malaga, Spain, September 9-12, 2002. [posted here
This conference is an international forum for researchers and
practitioners interested in the advances in, and applications of,
networks and communication systems. This conference will be
comprised of the following four Symposia: Telecommunications
Technology, Optical Communication Systems, Wireless Networks, and
Satellite Communications and Antennas. More information on areas of
interest and complete instructions for submitting a paper or
tutorial proposal can be found at the conference web site at:
www.iasted.org and
Trust and Privacy in Digital Business (on
conjunction with DEXA 2002),
Aix-en-Provence, France, September 2-6, 2002. [posted here
The Internet and the powerful WWW have created a tremendous
opportunity to conduct business electronically. However, the lack of
trust in electronic procedures as well as the diversity of threatens
to users' privacy are the major inhibitors for a full deployment of
digital business. The purpose of this workshop is twofold: First,
all issues of digital business, focusing on trust and privacy
problems will be discussed. Second, the workshop will be a forum for
the exchange of results and ongoing work performed in R&D projects.
Authors are invited to submit papers describing both theoretical and
practical work to: trustbus02@wi-inf.uni-essen.de or
Papers accepted for presentation will be published by IEEE Computer
Society Press as proceedings of the DEXA'02 workshops. More
information can be found on the workshop web site at
WISA2002 The 3rd International Workshop on Information Security
Applications, Jeju Island, Korea, August 28-30, 2002. [posted here
The areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Electronic Commerce Security
- Electronic Cash
- Smart Card
Security -
Public Key Infrastructure
- Advanced Intrusion Detection System and Firewall - Virtual
Private Network
- Mobile
- Security Management
- Active
- Information Warfare
- Digital Rights Management
- Optical
- Anti-Virus
Please see the conference web page at
for details on submitting papers.
The Twenty-Second Annual ICAR Crypto Conference, Santa Barbara, Ca,
USA, August 18-22, 2002. [posted here 2/13/02]
Original research papers on all technical aspects of cryptology are
solicited for submission to Crypto 2002, the Twenty-Second Annual
IACR Crypto Conference. Crypto 2002 is sponsored by the
International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR), in
cooperation with the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on
Security and Privacy, and the Computer Science Department of the
University of California, Santa Barbara. Program Chair: Moti Yung (moti@cs.columbia.edu).
General Chair: Rebecca N. Wright (crypto2002@iacr.org)
Workshop on Trusted Computing Paradigms (in conjunction with
ICPP-2002), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 18-21,
2002. [posted here 12/10/01]
The information technology revolution has changed the way business
is transacted, government operates, and national defense is
conducted. Those three functions now depend on an interdependent
network of critical information infrastructures. To build the secure
and reliable systems required for our increasingly mobile,
interconnected information-technology enabled society, research is
needed to develop the large-scale information systems of the future
such that they not only behave as expected, but, more importantly,
continue to produce expected behavior against security breaches and
hostile attacks. Moreover, we must ensure that any service
disruptions that occur are infrequent, of minimal duration,
manageable, and cause the least damage possible. The aim of this
workshop is to consolidate state-of-the-art research in this area.
Fundamental research articles and practical experience reports are
solicited. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Specification, Design, Development, and Composition of
Trustworthy Components
- Modeling, Analyzing, and Predicting Trust Properties of
Systems and Components
- Policies and Standards for Building and Operating Trusted
Systems and Components
- Assessment of Tradeoffs in Trustworthy System Design
- Personal Information Management in a Trustworthy Environment
- Management of Heterogeneous Trusted Computing Technologies
- Cyber Attack Prediction and Detection
- Information Operations to include Mining, Recovery, Security,
and Assurance
- Secure and Safe Access to Autonomous Services and
- Trusted Computing in Agent-based Environments
- Trusted Computing in Mobile and Wireless Environments
More information can be found on the conference web site at
The 11th USENIX Security Symposium, San
Francisco, CA, USA, August 5-9, 2002. [posted here 12/7/01]
The USENIX Security Symposium program committee seeks refereed paper
submissions in all areas relating to system and network security. If
you are working in any practical aspects of security or applications
of cryptography, we would like to urge you to submit a paper. For
more details on the submission process, authors are encouraged to
consult the detailed author guidelines at:
The Sixteenth Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working
Conference on Data and Application Security, King's College,
University of Cambridge, UK, July 29-31, 2002. [posted here
The conference provides a forum for presenting original unpublished
research results, practical experiences, and innovative ideas in
data and applications security. Papers and panel proposals are
solicited. The conference is limited to about forty participants so
that ample time for discussion and interaction may occur. Additional
information and a list of topics can be found at
The conference location can be explored at
and the WG 11.3 home page is at
LICS Satellite Workshop on Foundations of Computer Security,
Copenhagen, Denmark, July 26, 2002. [posted here 2/12/03]
Computer security is an established field of Computer Science of
both theoretical and practical significance. In recent years, there
has been increasing interest in logic-based foundations for various
methods in computer security, including the formal specification,
analysis and design of cryptographic protocols and their
applications, the formal definition of various aspects of security
such as access control mechanisms, mobile code security and
denial-of-service attacks, and the modeling of information flow and
its application to confidentiality policies, system composition, and
covert channel analysis. The aim of this workshop is to provide a
forum for continued activity in this area, to bring computer
security researchers in contact with the FLoC community, and to give
FLoC attendees an opportunity to talk to experts in computer
security. We are interested both in new results in theories of
computer security and also in more exploratory presentations that
examine open questions and raise fundamental concerns about existing
theories. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- Formal
cryptographic protocols and applications
- Foundations of verification
confidentiality and authentication
- Logic-based
design integrity and
- Information flow analysis
availability and denial of service
- Security models
-for- security policies
- Language-based security
covert channels
- Static analysis mobile code
- Composition
issues intrusion
- Statistical
methods malicious
code confinement
More information can be found at the workshop web page:
VERIFY'02 Verification Workshop, in connection with CADE at
FLoC 2002, Copenhagen, Denmark,
July 25-26, 2002. [posted here 1/16/02]
The aim of this verification workshop is to bring together people
who are interested in the development of safety and security
critical systems, in formal methods in general, in automated theorem
proving, and in tool support for formal developments. The overall
objective of VERIFY is on the identification of open problems and
the discussion of possible solutions under the theme "What are the
verification problems? What are the deduction techniques?". Topics
include (but are not limited to):
+ Access
+ Protocol verification
+ ATP techniques in
verification + Refinement &
+ Case studies (specification & verification)
+ Reuse of specifications & proofs
+ Combination of verification
systems + Safety critical systems
+ Compositional & modular
reasoning + Security for mobile
+ Fault
+ Security models
+ Gaps between problems & techniques
+ Verification systems
+ Information flow control
Information on submitting papers and panel proposals can be found on
the workshop web page at
CSFW15 15th
IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop, Keltic Lodge, Cape
Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 24-26, 2002. [posted here
This workshop series brings together researchers in computer science
to examine foundational issues in computer security. For background
information about the workshop, and an html version of this Call for
Papers, see the CSFW home page
www.csl.sri.com/csfw/index.html We are interested both in new
results in theories of computer security and also in more
exploratory presentations that examine open questions and raise
fundamental concerns about existing theories. Both papers and panel
proposals are welcome. Possible topics include, but are not limited
Access control
Authentication Data and system
Database security Network
security Distributed systems security
Anonymity Intrusion
detection Security for mobile computing
Security protocols Security
models Decidability issues
Privacy Executable
content Formal methods for security
Information flow Language-based security
The International Conference on Information Security 2002, Si Nan
Story, Shanghai Science Hall, Shanghai, China, July 10-13, 2002.
[posted here 5/20/02]
Ever since the inception of the Internet, the importance of computer
and information security has been growing rapidly and there is no
sign of diminishing. In recognizing this trend, ACM, together with
Shanghai Computer Society (SCS) and China Computer Federation (CCF),
is sponsoring the 2002 International Conference on Information
Security (InfoSecu'2002) to be held in Shanghai, China.
InfoSecu'2002 brings together researchers and practitioners, not
only from the local region, but also from around the world, to
exchange ideas and experiences in the field. Topics of interest
- Access control and authorization
- Authentication, biometrics, and smartcards
- Commercial and industrial security
- Data integrity Access control and audit
- Database security
- Denial of service and its treatment
- Distributed systems security
- Electronic commerce
- Electronic privacy, anonymity
- Information flow
- Intrusion detection and survivability
- Language-based security
- Mobile code and agent security
- Network security
- Security protocols
- Security verification
- Viruses and other malicious code
More information can be found at the workshop web page at
The 14th Annual Computer Security Incident Handling Conference,
Hilton Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, USA, June 24-28, 2002. [posted
here 8/27/01]
The Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams is a global
organization whose aim is to facilitate the sharing of
security-related information and to foster cooperation in the
effective prevention, detection, and recovery from computer security
incidents. Its members are CSIRTs (Computer Security Incident
Response Teams) from government, commercial, academic, and other
environments. The FIRST conference (www.first.org/conference/2002/)
brings together IT managers, system and network administrators,
security specialists, academics, security solutions vendors, CSIRT
personnel and anyone interested in
- the most advanced techniques in detecting and responding to
computer security incidents
- the latest improvements in computer security tools,
methodologies, and practice
- sharing their views and experiences with those in the computer
security incident response field
The Call For Papers is at:
The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks,
Bethesda, Maryland, USA, June 23-26, 2002. [posted here 9/15/01]
The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks
2002(DSN-2002) announces its Call for Contributions for full papers,
practical experience reports, workshop proposals, tutorials, student
forum, and fast abstracts. Full papers are due November 19th, 2001.
Please see www.dsn.org for submission information. Contributions are
invited in, but are not limited to:
- Analytical and Simulation Techniques for Performance and
Dependability Assessment
- Architectures for Dependable Computer Systems
- Dependability Benchmarking
- Dependability of High-Speed Networks and Protocols
- Dependability Modeling and Prediction
- Dependability in VLSI
- E-commerce Dependability
- Fault Tolerance in Transaction Processing
- Fault Tolerance in Distributed & Real-Time Systems
- Fault Tolerance in Multimedia Systems
- Fault Tolerance in Mobile Systems
- Information Assurance and Survivability
- Internet Dependability and Quality of Service
- Intrusion Tolerant Systems
- Measurement Techniques for Performance and Dependability
- Safety-Critical Systems
- Software Testing, Validation, and Verification
- Software Reliability
- Tools for Performance and Dependability Assessment
3rd Annual
IEEE Information Assurance Workshop, United Stated Military Academy,
West Point, NY, USA, June 17-19, 2002. [posted here 12/17/01]
The workshop is designed to provide a forum for Information
Assurance researchers and practitioners to share their research and
experiences. Attendees hail from industry, government, and academia.
The focus of this workshop is on innovative, new technologies
designed to address important Information Assurance issues. Papers
will be divided into two broad categories. Approximately 2/3 of the
papers will focus on innovative new research in Information
Assurance. The remaining 1/3 of the papers will be recent experience
and lessons learned from Information Assurance practitioners. Areas
of particular interest at this workshop are:
* Innovative intrusion detection and response methodologies
* Information warfare
* Information Assurance education and professional development
* Secure software technologies
* Wireless security
* Computer forensics
More information can be found on the conference web age at
Workshop on Statistical and Machine
Learning Techniques in Computer Intrusion Detection, The Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA, June 11-13, 2002.
[posted here 12/7/01]
Researchers in Computer Security are invited to participate. The
following topic areas are of potential interest.
- Data Mining in Intrusion Detection/Network
Data - Program Profiling
- Pattern Recognition Techniques in Computer
Security - User Profiling
- Statistical Measures of Network
Traffic - Machine Profiling
- Intrusion Detection Datasets and
Databases - Computer Virus
- Evaluating IDS systems/Performance
Measures - Virus detection
- Visualization of Network
Data - Anomaly
- Visualization of Intrusion
Data -
- Random Graph
- Host Monitoring
- Network Monitoring
For more information, or to volunteer to chair a session, or to
submit an abstract, please contact:
David Marchette
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Code B10
17320 Dahlgren Rd.
Dahlgren, VA 22448-5000 USA
Third International Workshop on Policies for Distributed Systems and
Networks, June 5-7, 2002. [posted here 10/18/01]
POLICY 2002 invites contributions on all aspects of policy-based
computing. Papers must describe original work and must not have been
accepted or submitted for publication elsewhere. Submitted papers
will be evaluated for technical contribution, originality, and
significance. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the
- processes, methodologies, and tools for discovering,
specifying, reasoning about, and refining policy
- abstractions and languages for policy specification
- policy models for access-control, systems management, QoS
adaptation, intrusion detection, privacy
- policy based networking
- policy frameworks for active networks, mobile systems,
- implementation models and techniques
- integrating policies into existing systems and environments
- provisioning of policies
- business rules and organizational modeling
- trust models and trust management
- extensions and refinements to policy standards
- case studies of applying policy-based technologies
See the conference web page at
www.policy-workshop.org/2002/ for details.
The 6th National Colloquium for Information Systems Security
Education, Redmond, Washington, USA, June 3-7, 2002. [posted
here 9/15/01]
The colloquium solicits papers from practitioners, students,
educators, and researchers. The papers should discuss course or lab
development, INFOSEC curricula, standards, best practices, existing
or emerging programs, trends, and future vision, as well as related
issues. We are especially interested in novel approaches to teaching
information security as well as what should be taught. This includes
the following general topics:
- Assessment of need (e.g. how many information security
workers/researchers/faculty are needed?)
- Integrating information assurance topics in existing graduate
or undergraduate curricula
- Experiences with course or laboratory development
- Alignment of curriculum with existing information assurance
education standards
- Emerging programs or centers in information assurance
- Late breaking topics
- Best practices
- Vision for the future
Papers reporting work in progress are also welcomed, especially if
enough information to evaluate the work will be available at the
time of the colloquium. Please see the NCISSE web site at
www.ncisse.org for details on
submitting a paper.
Workshop on Economics and Information
Security, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA, May 16-17,
2002. [posted here 1/17/02]
Do we spend enough on keeping `hackers' out of our computer systems?
Do we not spend enough? Or do we spend too much? Many system
security failures occur not so much for technical reasons but
because of failures of organisation and motivation. For example, the
person or company best placed to protect a system may be
insufficiently motivated to do so, because the costs of system
failure fall on others. Such perverse incentives raise many issues
best discussed using economic concepts such as externalities,
asymmetric information, adverse selection and moral hazard. They are
becoming increasingly important now that information security
mechanisms are not merely used to protect against malicious attacks,
but also to protect monopolies, differentiate products and segment
markets. There are also interesting security issues raised by
industry monopolization and the accompanying reduction in product
heterogeneity. For these and other reasons, the confluence between
information security and economics is of growing importance. We are
organising the first workshop on the topic, to be held in the School
of Information Management and Systems at the University of
California, Berkeley, on the 16th and 17th May 2002. In order to
keep the event informal and interactive, attendance will be limited
to about 30-35 participants. If you would like to participate,
please send us a position paper (of 1-2 pages) by the 31st March
2002. We welcome interest not just from economists and information
security professionals, but from people with relevant experience,
such as in the insurance industry, corporate risk management, or law
enforcement agencies. More information can be found on the workshop
web page at
The Eleventh International World Wide Web Conference, Sheraton
Waikiki Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, May 7-11, 2002. [posted
here 8/2/01]
Beginning with the first International WWW Conference in 1994, this
prestigious series of the International World Wide Web Conference
Committee (IW3C2) also provides a public forum for the WWW
Consortium (W3C) through the annual W3C track. The conference will
consist of a three-day technical program, preceded by a day of
tutorials and workshops and followed by a "Developers Day."
Developers Day will be devoted to in-depth technical sessions
designed specifically for web developers. The technical program will
include refereed paper presentations, peer-reviewed presentations,
plenary sessions, panels and poster sessions describing current
work. Areas of interest for the refereed paper track include:
- Applications
- Browsers and User Interfaces
- Electronic Commerce and Security
- Hypermedia
- Languages
- Mobility and Wireless Access
- Multimedia
- Performance
- Searching, Querying, Indexing, and Crawling
- Semantic Web
Authors of special merit papers will be invited to submit extended
versions for publication in a special issue of the IEEE Transactions
on Knowledge and Data Engineering. Please see the conference web
site and full call-for-papers at
www2002.org (or email info@www2002.org) for information.
The 1st Annual PKI Research Workshop, NIST,
Gaithersburg, MD, USA, April 24-25, 2002. [posted here 12/10/01]
To a large extent, the hoped-for public key infrastructure has not
"happened yet." PKI for large, eclectic populations has not
materialized; PKI for smaller, less diverse "enterprise" populations
is beginning to emerge, but at a slower rate than many would like or
had expected. Why is this? This workshop among leading security
researchers will explore the issues relevant to this question, and
will seek to foster a long-term research agenda for authentication
and authorization in large populations via public key cryptography.
The workshop is intended to promote a vigorous and structured
discussion---a discussion well-informed by the problems and issues
in deployment today. Submitted works for panels, papers and reports
should address one or more critical areas of inquiry. Topics include
(but not are not limited to):
* Cryptographic methods in support of security decisions
* The characterization and encoding of security decision data
(e.g., name spaces, x509,
SDSI/SPKI, XKMS, PGP, SAML, Keynote, PolicyMaker, etc), policy
mappings and languages, etc.
* The relative security of alternative methods for supporting
security decisions
* Privacy protection and implications of different approaches
* Scalability of security systems; (are there limits to growth?)
* Security of the rest of the components of a system
* User interface issues with naming, multiple private keys,
selective disclosure
* Mobility solutions
* Approaches to attributes and delegation
* Discussion of how the "public key infrastructure" required may
differ from the "PKI" traditionally defined
See the workshop web site at
www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~pki02/index.shtml for details.
Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, San Francisco, CA, USA,
April 14-15, 2002. [posted here 8/24/01]
Privacy and anonymity are increasingly important in the online
world. Corporations and governments are starting to realize their
power to track users and their behavior, and restrict the ability to
publish or retrieve documents. Approaches to protecting individuals,
groups, and even companies and governments from such profiling and
censorship have included decentralization, encryption, and
distributed trust. The workshop seeks submissions from academia and
industry presenting novel research on all theoretical and practical
aspects of privacy technologies, as well as experimental studies of
fielded systems. We encourage submissions from other communities
such as law and business that present these communities'
perspectives on technological issues. We will publish accepted
papers in proceedings in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS) series. Suggested topics include but are not
restricted to:
* Efficient realization of privacy services
* Techniques for and against traffic analysis
* Attacks on anonymity systems
* New concepts for anonymity systems
* Novel relations of payment mechanisms and anonymity
* Models for anonymity and unobservability
* Models for threats to privacy
* Techniques for censorship resistance
* Resource management in anonymous systems
* Pseudonyms, linkability, and trust
* Policy and human rights -- anonymous systems in practice
* Fielded systems and privacy enhancement techniques for
existing systems
* Frameworks for new systems developers
More information can be found on the workshop web page at
Sixth Annual Distributed Objects and
Components Security Workshop, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, March 18-21,
2002. [posted here 1/24/02]
For the complete Call for Presentations and instructions on how to
submit a proposal, see
www.omg.org/news/meetings/docsec2002/call.htm. The workshop,
hosted by the Object Management Group and co-sponsored by Promia,
Inc. and the National Security Agency (NSA), will provide a forum
for discussing the issues associated with securing integrated
application systems. Interested individuals or organizations are
invited to submit via email, a brief abstract by of the
presentation/position they are proposing for the Workshop. The
Workshop Program Committee is seeking proposals on the following
- Existing and emerging DOC application middleware
- DOC applications and secure online identity
- Emerging security technologies and specifications
- User Case Studies
- Vendor Case Studies
- Academic or industrial research
- Research into techniques and technologies for specifying and
verifying security
- Realization of security architectures
- Integration
- Security validation
- Security Systems Management
For additional details on the topics and instructions on how to
submit abstracts, refer to
Financial Cryptography, Southhampton, Bermuda, March 11-14, 2002.
[posted here 9/17/01]
Original papers are solicited on all aspects of financial data
security and digital commerce for submission to the Sixth Annual
Conference on Financial Cryptography. FC '02 brings together
researchers in the financial, legal, cryptologic, and data security
fields to foster cooperation and exchange of ideas. A list of topics
of interest is given on the conference web page at
IPTPS'02 The First International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer
Systems, Cambridge, MA, USA, March 7-8, 2002. [posted here
Peer-to-peer has emerged as a promising new paradigm for distributed
computing. The 1st International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer Systems
(IPTPS'02) aims to provide a forum for researchers active in
peer-to-peer computing to discuss the state-of-the-art and to
identify key research challenges in peer-to-peer computing. The goal
of the workshop is to examine peer-to-peer technologies,
applications and systems, and also to identify key research issues
and challenges that lie ahead. In the context of this workshop,
peer-to-peer systems are characterized as being decentralized,
self-organizing distributed systems, in which all or most
communication is symmetric. Topics of interest include, but are not
limited to:
* novel peer-to-peer applications and systems
* peer-to-peer infrastructure
* security in peer-to-peer systems
* anonymity and anti-censorship
* performance of peer-to-peer systems
* workload characterization for peer-to-peer systems
See the conference web page at
www.cs.rice.edu/Conferences/IPTPS02/ for details.
Cryptographer's Track at the RSA 2002
Conference, San Jose, California, USA, February 18-22, 2002.
[posted here 5/1/01]
Following the success of the new approach to the Cryptographers'
Track 2001, the Cryptographers' Track of RSA Conference 2002 will be
run as an anonymously refereed conference with proceedings edited in
Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in the Computer Science series.
Original research papers pertaining to all aspects of cryptography
as well as tutorials and overviews are solicited. Submissions may
present theory, techniques, applications and practical experience on
topics including, but not limited to: fast implementations, secure
electronic commerce, network security and intrusion detection,
formal security models, comparison and assessment,
tamper-resistance, certification and
time-stamping, cryptographic data formats and standards, encryption
and signature schemes, public key infrastructure, cryptographic
protocols, elliptic curve cryptography, block ciphers, stream
ciphers, hash functions, discrete logarithms and factorization
techniques, lattice reduction and provable security. More
information can be found at
PKC'2002 International Workshop on the Practice and Theory of
Public Key Cryptography, Paris, France, February 12-14, 2002.
[posted here 9/17/01]
PKC2002, the fourth conference in the International workshop series
on the practice and theory in public key cryptography, is soliciting
original research papers pertaining to all aspects of public key
encryption and signatures. Submissions may present theory,
techniques, applications and practical experience on topics
including but not limited to:
Certification and time-stamping encryption data
formats provable security
cryptanalysis encryption
schemes public key infrastructure
comparison and assessment fast
implementations secure electronic commerce
discrete logarithm integer
factorization signature data formats
electronic cash/payments international
standards signature schemes
elliptical curve cryptography lattice
reduction signcryption schemes
More information can be found on the conference web page at
FAST 2002 File and
Storage Technologies Conference, Monterey, CA, USA, January 28-29,
2002. [posted here 5/6/01]
Sponsored by USENIX, The Advanced Computing Systems Association, in
cooperation with ACM SIGOPS and IEEE TCOS. The FAST conference will
bring together the top storage systems researchers and
practitioners, to explore the design, implementation and uses of
storage systems. It will also feature the best work in file and
storage systems to date. FAST is the successor to IOPADS, which for
several years was the top conference dedicated to parallel and
distributed I/O systems. FAST 2002 will consist of two days of
technical presentations, including refereed papers, invited talks,
and an introductory keynote address. A session of work-in-progress
presentations is planned, and informal Birds-of-a-Feather sessions
may be organized by attendees. The FAST 2002 Program Committee
invites you to contribute your ideas, proposals and papers for, the
invited talks program, refereed papers track, and Work-in-Progress
Reports. We welcome submissions that address any and all issues
relating to File and Storage Systems. The Call for Papers with
submission guidelines and suggested topics [which includes security
issues] is now available at:
Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security (in conjunction with
POPL'02), Portland, Oregon, USA, January 14-15, 2002. [posted here
The IFIP WG 1.7 on "Theoretical Foundations of Security Analysis and
Design" was established to investigate the theoretical foundations
of security. It aims to discover and promote new ways to apply
theoretical techniques in computer security, and to support the
systematic use of formal techniques in the development of security
related applications. Extended abstracts of work presented at the
Workshop will be collected before the workshop and distributed to
the participants. As in 2000, there will be no formally published
proceedings of this year's workshop; however, selected papers will
be invited for submission to a special issue of the Journal of
Computer Security based on the Workshop. Researchers are invited to
submit extended abstracts of original work on topics in the spirit
of the workshop. Possible topics for submitted papers include, but
are not limited to:
- formal definitions for the various aspects
of security, and verification methods for them. They include
confidentiality, privacy, integrity, authentication and
- new theoretically-based techniques for
analysis and design of cryptographic protocols and their manifold
applications (e.g., electronic commerce);
- relationships between cryptographic and
non-cryptographic theories of security;
- information flow modeling and its
application to the theory of confidentiality policies, composition
of systems, and covert channel analysis;
- formal techniques for the analysis and
verification of mobile code;
- theory of privacy and anonymity;
- formal analysis and design for prevention
of denial of service.
Additional information can be found on the
conference web page at