Past Conferences and Journal Special Issues
Last Modified:1/27/20
Note: Please contact
cipher-cfp@ieee-security.org by email if you have any questions..
ICISS 2019
15th International Conference on Information Systems Security,
Hyderabad, India, December 16-19, 2019.
[posted here 05/20/19]
The International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS)
is a 15-year old forum for the dissemination of research results
related to all areas of computer security and privacy. The conference
is held annually in India.
ICISS solicits previously unpublished research in all areas of
security and privacy including building, experimenting with and
attacking secure systems, techniques and tools for security analysis
and theoretical topics related to security. We encourage submissions
from academia, industry and government.
For more information, please see
WISTP 2019
13th WISTP International Conference on Information Security Theory and Practice,
Paris, France, December 10-11, 2019.
[posted here 06/17/19]
The 13th WISTP International Conference on Information Security Theory
and Practice (WISTP 2019) seeks original submissions from academia and
industry presenting novel research on all theoretical and practical
aspects of security and privacy, as well as experimental studies of
fielded systems, the application of security technology, the
implementation of systems, and lessons learned.
We encourage submissions from other communities such as law, business,
and policy that present these communities' perspectives on technological
For more information, please see
ICSS 2019
5th Industrial Control System Security Workshop,
Held in conjunction with the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2019),
San Juan, Puerto Rico, December 10, 2019.
[posted here 08/26/19]
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and industrial control
systems (ICS) monitor and control a wide range of industrial and infrastructure
processes such as water treatment, power generation and transmission, oil and gas
refining and steel manufacturing. Furthermore, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
is rapidly expanding the interconnectivity of ICS environments and introducing many new
threats. These environments have been identified as a key target of more generic threats
(ransomware), along with more recent tailored nation-state threats targeting safety instrumented
systems (Trisis).
The critical requirement for high availability in SCADA and industrial control systems, along
with the use of resource-constrained computing devices, legacy operating systems, and proprietary
software applications limits the applicability of traditional information security solutions. The
goal of this workshop is to explore new techniques to improve the security-critical control
systems in the face of emerging threats.
For more information, please see
BlockSys 2019
International Conference on Blockchain and Trustworthy Systems,
Guangzhou, China, December 7-8, 2019.
[posted here 05/27/19]
Blockchain has become a hot research area in academia and industry. The blockchain
technology is transforming industries by enabling anonymous and trustful transactions
in decentralized and trustless environments. As a result, blockchain technology and
other technologies for developing trustworthy systems can be used to reduce system
risks, mitigate financial fraud and cut down operational cost.
Blockchain and trustworthy systems can be applied to many fields, such as
financial services, social management and supply chain management.
This conference provides scientists and engineers from both industry and academia a
platform to present their ongoing work, relate their research outcomes and experiences,
and discuss the best and most efficient techniques for the development of
blockchain and trustworthy systems.
For more information, please see
ISPEC 2019
15th International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 26-28, 2019.
[posted here 04/01/19]
The main goal of the conference is to promote research on new information security
technologies, including their applications and their integration with IT systems
in various vertical sectors. Areas of interest for ISPEC 2019 include,
but are not limited to:
- Cryptology
- Applied cryptography
- Mobile security
- Cloud security
- Access control
- Privacy enhanced technology
- Viruses and malware
- Software security
- Database security
- Web security
- Operating system security
- Intrusion detection
- Big data security and privacy
- Biometric Security
- Implementation
- Network security
- Key management
- Security and privacy in ubiquitous computing
- Formal methods for security
- Digital forensics
- Security for critical infrastructures
- Embedded systems security
- Lightweight security
- Smart grid security
- Cyber security for urban transportation
- Cyber-physical security
- Cryptocurrency
For more information, please see
IDSC 2019
IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing,
Hangzhou, China, November 18-20, 2019.
[posted here 05/27/19]
The IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (IDSC) solicits papers, posters,
practices, and experiences for presenting innovative research results, problem solutions,
and new challenges in the field of dependable and secure computing. The whole spectrum of
IT systems and application areas, including hardware design and software systems,
with stringent relevant to dependability and security concerns are of interest to
IDSC. Authors are invited to submit original works on research and practice of
creating, validating, deploying, and maintaining dependable and secure systems.
The IDSC conference will also include a submission category for experience and practice
papers on new findings in the aforementioned topics. The PC will evaluate a submission
to the experience and practice track with the understanding that it predominantly
contributes to design knowhow or the extension of the communityÃs knowledge about
how the security protection of known techniques fares in real-world operations.
For more information, please see
ACM-CCS 2019
26th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security,
London, United Kingdom, November 11-15, 2019.
[posted here 11/12/18]
The ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) is
the flagship annual conference of the Special Interest Group on
Security, Audit and Control (SIGSAC) of the Association for Computing
Machinery (ACM). The conference brings together information security
researchers, practitioners, developers, and users from all over the world
to explore cutting-edge ideas and results. It provides an environment to
conduct intellectual discussions. From its inception, CCS has established
itself as a high standard research conference in its area.
The Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) seeks submissions
presenting novel contributions related to all real-world aspects of computer
security and privacy. Theoretical papers must make a convincing case for the
relevance of their results to practice. Authors are encouraged to write the
abstract and introduction of their paper in a way that makes the results
accessible and compelling to a general computer-security researcher. In
particular, authors should bear in mind that anyone on the program committee
may be asked to give an opinion about any paper.
IMPORTANT: CCS will have three review cycles in 2019: the first with a
submission deadline of January 31, the second with a submission deadline of
May 15, and the third with a tentative submission deadline of September 1.
The third review cycle is only for papers invited for resubmission from the
first two cycles; no new submissions will be considered. Papers rejected
from the first review cycle may not be submitted again (even in revised form)
to the second review cycle.
For more information, please see
GameSec 2019
10th Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security,
Stockholm, Sweden, October 30 - November 1, 2019.
[posted here 04/01/19]
As we close the second decade of the 21st century, modern societies are becoming
dependent on information, automation, and communication technologies more than ever.
Managing security in the resulting systems, many of which are safety critical,
poses significant challenges. The 10th Conference on Decision and Game Theory for
Security focuses on protection of heterogeneous, large-scale and dynamic cyber-physical
systems as well as managing security risks faced by critical infrastructures through
rigorous and practically-relevant analytical methods. GameSec 2019 invites novel,
high-quality theoretical and practically-relevant contributions, which apply
decision and game theory, as well as related techniques such as optimization,
machine learning, dynamic control and mechanism design, to build resilient, secure,
and dependable networked systems. The goal of GameSec 2019 is to bring together
academic and industrial researchers in an effort to identify and discuss the major
technical challenges and recent results that highlight the connections between game
theory, control, distributed optimization, machine learning, economic incentives
and real-world security, reputation, trust and privacy problems.
Topics of interest include:
- Game theory, control, and mechanism design for security and privacy
- Decision making for cybersecurity and security requirements engineering
- Security and privacy for the Internet-of-Things, cyber-physical systems, cloud
computing, resilient control systems, and critical infrastructure
- Pricing, economic incentives, security investments, and cyber insurance
for dependable and secure systems
- Risk assessment and security risk management
- Security and privacy of wireless and mobile communications,
including user location privacy
- Socio-technological and behavioral approaches to security
- Empirical and experimental studies with game, control, or optimization
theory-based analysis for security and privacy
- Adversarial Machine Learning and the role of AI in system security
For more information, please see
SecureComm 2019
15th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks,
Orlando, FL, USA, October 23-25, 2019.
[posted here 2/25/19]
SecureComm seeks high-quality research contributions,
which have not been previously published or in parallel submission
to another conference or journal. Topics of interest encompass
research advances in ALL areas of secure communications and
networking. Topics in other areas (e.g., formal methods, database
security, secure software, theoretical cryptography) will be
considered only if a clear connection to private or secure
communication/networking is demonstrated.
For more information, please see
SecureComm 2019
1st ACM conference on Advances in Financial Technologies,
Zurich, Switzerland, October 21-23, 2019.
[posted here 2/25/19]
The first ACM conference on Advances in Financial Technologies (AFT’19) aims to
be a premier venue presenting the latest developments in technologies related to
novel financial infrastructure such as cryptocurrencies and their applications,
blockchains, and exchanges.
Papers may present advances in the theory, design, implementation, analysis,
verification, or empirical evaluation and measurement of relevant systems.
We solicit previously unpublished papers offering novel research contributions,
including Systemization of Knowledge (SoK) papers.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Blockchains and blockchain technologies
- Consensus protocols
- Permissioned blockchains
- High-performance transaction processing
- Centralized and decentralized exchanges
- Threat models and attacks
- Cryptoassests
- Client and network security
- Security analysis of operational systems
- Custody solutions
- Anonymity and privacy
- Metrics, measurements, and network forensics
- Proof-of-work, -stake, -burn, and alternatives
- Smart contracts and applications
- Smart contract security: formal analysis, correct by design, security frameworks
- Scalability issues and solutions
- User studies
- Technical repercussions of economic, legal, ethical, regulatory,
and societal aspects
- Transaction graph analysis
- Financial markets
- Relationship to traditional payment systems
- Fraud detection and financial crime prevention
- Case studies (e.g., of adoption, attacks, forks, scams, etc.)
- Applications of blockchain and cryptocurrencies
- Censorship resistance
- Quantum-resistant cryptography, quantum algorithms and quantum
- cryptography in financial technologies
- Hardware to aid financial technologies
For more information, please see
DPM 2019
14th International Workshop on Data Privacy Management,
Co-located with ESORICS 2019,
Luxembourg, September 26-27, 2019.
[posted here 06/03/19]
DPM is an annual international workshop covering research in data privacy management.
The aim of this workshop is to discuss and exchange the ideas related to data privacy
management. We invite papers from researchers and practitioners working in privacy,
security, trustworthy data systems and related areas to submit their original papers
in this workshop. Submissions by PhD students as well as controversial ideas are encouraged.
Case studies (successful or not) are also encouraged.
For more information, please see
SecDev 2019
IEEE Secure Development Conference,
McLean, VA, USA, September 25-27, 2019.
[posted here 3/11/19]
SecDev is a venue for presenting ideas, research,
and experience about how to develop secure systems. It focuses
on theory, techniques, and tools to "build security in" to existing
and new computing systems. SecDev aims to bridge the gap between
constructive security research and practice and to enable
real-world impact of security research in the long run.
Developers have valuable experiences and ideas that can inform
academic research, and researchers have concepts, studies,
and even code and tools that could benefit developers.
We solicit research papers, position papers, systematization
of knowledge papers, and "best practice" papers. All submissions
should present novel results, provide novel perspectives and
insights, or present new evidence about existing insights
or techniques.
SecDev also seeks hands-on and interactive tutorials on processes,
frameworks, languages, and tools for building security in as
well as posters and tool demos, and abstracts from practitioners
to share their practical experiences and challenges in secure
Areas of interest include (but are not limited to):
- Security-focused system designs (HW/SW/architecture)
- Tools and methodology for secure code development
- Risk management and testing strategies to improve security
- Security engineering processes, from requirements to maintenance
- Programming languages, development tools, and
ecosystems supporting security
- Static program analysis for software security
- Dynamic analysis and runtime approaches for software security
- Automation of programming, deployment, and maintenance tasks for security
- Distributed systems design and implementation for security
- Privacy by design
- Human-centered design for systems security
- Formal verification and other high-assurance methods for security
- Code reviews, red teams, and other human-centered assurance
For more information, please see
CyberICPS 2019
5th Workshop on the Security of Industrial Control Systems and of Cyber-Physical Systems,
Luxembourg, Luxembourg, September 23-27, 2019.
[posted here 06/03/19]
CyberICPS is the result of the merging of the CyberICS and WOS-CPS workshops that
were held for the first time in conjunction with ESORICS 2015.
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are physical and engineered systems that interact with
the physical environment, whose operations are monitored, coordinated, controlled
and integrated by information and communication technologies. These systems exist
everywhere around us, and range in size, complexity and criticality, from embedded
systems used in smart vehicles, to SCADA systems in smart grids to control systems
in water distribution systems, to smart transportation systems, to plant control
systems, engineering workstations, substation equipment, programmable logic
controllers (PLCs), and other Industrial Control Systems (ICS).
These systems also include the emerging trend of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) that
will be the central part of the fourth industrial revolution.
As ICS and CPS proliferate, and increasingly interact with us and affect our life,
their security becomes of paramount importance. CyberICPS intends to bring together
researchers, engineers and governmental actors with an interest in the security of
ICS and CPS in the context of their increasing exposure to cyber-space, by offering
a forum for discussion on all issues related to their cyber security.
For more information, please see
ETAA 2019
2nd International Workshop on Emerging Technologies for Authorization and Authentication,
Held in conjunction with ESORICS 2019,
Luxemburg, September 23-27, 2019.
[posted here 05/13/19]
IT devices are day-by-day becoming more pervasive in several application fields and
in the everyday life. The major driving factors are the ever increasing coverage of
the Internet connectivity, the extreme popularity and capillarity of smartphones, tablets
and wearables, together with the consolidation of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm.
As a matter of fact, interconnected devices directly control and take decisions on industrial
processes, regulate infrastructures and services in smart-cities, and manage quality-of-life
and safety in smart-homes, taking decisions with user interactions or even autonomously.
The involvement of these devices in so many applications, unfortunately introduces a set
of unavoidable security and safety implications, related to both the criticality of the
aforementioned applications and to the privacy of sensitive information produced and
exploited in the process. To address these and other related issues, there is an increasing
need of instruments to control the access and the right to perform specific actions on
devices or data. These instruments need to be able to cope with the high complexity of
the considered applications and environments, being flexible and adaptable to different
contexts and architectures, from centralized to fully-distributed, able to handle a high
amount of information as well as taking into account non-conventional trust assumptions.
The considered technologies should regulate the actions of both human users and autonomous
devices, being effective in enforcing security policies, still without introducing
noticeable overhead, both on the side of performance and user experience. Hence, the
design of secure and efficient mechanisms for continuous authentication, requiring
limited-to-no active interaction is solicited. The ETAA workshop aims at being a forum
for researchers and practitioners of security active in the field of new technologies
for authenticating users and devices, and enforce security policies in new and emerging
applications related to mobile/wearable devices and IoT.
For more information, please see
24th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security,
Luxembourg, September 23-27, 2019.
[posted here 1/21/19]
ESORICS is the annual European research event in Computer Security.
The Symposium started in 1990 and has been held in several European
countries, attracting a wide international audience from both the
academic and industrial communities. Papers offering novel
research contributions in computer security are solicited for
submission to the 2019 Symposium, to be held in Luxembourg.
The primary focus is on original, high quality, unpublished
research and implementation experiences. We encourage
submissions of papers discussing industrial research and
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- access control
- accountability
- ad hoc networks
- anonymity
- applied cryptography
- authentication
- biometrics
- blockchain and finance security
- data and computation integrity
- database security
- data protection
- deep learning for attack and defense
- digital content protection
- digital forensics
- distributed systems security
- embedded systems security
- inference control
- information hiding
- identity management
- information flow control
- information security governance and management
- intrusion detection
- formal security methods
- language-based security
- network security
- phishing and spam prevention
- privacy
- privacy preserving data mining
- risk analysis and management
- secure electronic voting
- security architectures
- security economics
- security metrics
- security models
- security and privacy for big data
- security and privacy in cloud scenarios
- security and privacy in complex systems
- security and privacy in content centric networking
- security and privacy in crowdsourcing
- security and privacy in the IoT
- security and privacy in location services
- security and privacy for mobile code
- security and privacy in pervasive / ubiquitous computing
- security and privacy policies
- security and privacy in social networks
- security and privacy in web services
- security and privacy in cyber-physical systems
- security, privacy and resilience in critical infrastructures
- security verification
- software security
- systems security
- trust models and management
- trustworthy user devices
- usable security and privacy
- web security
- wireless security
For more information, please see
14th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security,
Linkoping, Sweden, September 23-25, 2019.
[posted here 3/11/19]
CRITIS 2019 aims at bringing together researchers,
professionals from academia, critical (information) infrastructure
operators, industry, defence sector and governmental organisations
working in the field of the security of critical (information)
infrastructure systems. Moreover, CRITIS aims to encourage and inspire
early stage and open-minded researchers in this demanding multi-disciplinary
field of research. Outstanding research performance demonstrated by
young researchers may compete for the Young CRITIS Award (YCA).
The Projects' Dissemination Session will be an opportunity of dissemination
for ongoing European, multinational, and national projects, to share the
experiences among scientist and experts working on different projects
in the C(I)IP domain.
For more information, please see
RAID 2019
International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses,
Beijing, China, September 23-25, 2019.
[posted here 2/18/19]
Since its inception in 1997,
the International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and
Defenses (RAID) has established itself as a venue where leading
researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and the
government are given the opportunity to present novel research in a
unique venue to an engaged and lively community.
This year we are soliciting research papers on topics covering all
well-motivated computer security problems. We care about techniques
that identify new real-world threats, techniques to prevent them, to
detect them, to mitigate them or to assess their prevalence and their
consequences. Measurement papers are encouraged, as well as papers
offering public access to new tools or datasets, or experience papers
that clearly articulate important lessons learned. Specific topics of
interest to RAID include, but are not limited to:
- Authentication
- Blockchain Platforms
- Blockchain-based Applications
- Cryptocurrency Analysis
- Data and System Integrity
- Data Protection
- Database Security
- Decentralized Application Development
- Formal Method
- Intrusion Detection
- Smart Contracts
- Trust and Privacy of Applications
- Vulnerability Analysis
For more information, please see
IWSEC 2019
14th International Workshop on Security,
Tokyo, Japan, August 28-30, 2019.
[posted here 3/18/19]
Original papers on the research and development of various
security topics, as well as case studies and implementation experiences,
are solicited for submission to IWSEC 2019. Topics of interest for
IWSEC 2019 include all theory and practice of cryptography, information
security, and network security, as in previous IWSEC workshops.
For more information, please see
MLCS 2019
1st Workshop on Machine Learning for CyberSecurity,
Co-located with the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles
and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECMLPKDD 2019),
Wurzburg, Germany, September 20, 2019.
[posted here 05/20/19]
The last decade has been a critical one regarding cybersecurity, with studies
estimating the cost of cybercrime to be up to 0.8 percent of the global GDP.
The capability to detect, analyse, and defend against threats in (near) real-time
conditions is not possible without employing machine learning techniques and big
data infrastructures. This gives rise to cyberthreat intelligence and analytic solutions,
such as (informed) machine learning on big data and open-source intelligence, to
perceive, reason, learn, and act against cyber adversary techniques and actions.
Moreover, organisationsà security analysts have to manage and protect systems and
deal with the privacy and security of all personal and institutional data under their
control. The aim of this workshop is to provide researchers with a forum to exchange
and discuss scientific contributions, open challenges and recent achievements in machine
learning and their role in the development of secure systems.
For more information, please see
ISC 2019
22nd Information Security Conference,
New York, NY, USA, September 16-18, 2019.
[posted here 2/11/19]
The Information Security Conference (ISC) is an annual
international conference covering research in theory and applications of
Information Security. ISC aims to attract high quality papers in all
technical aspects of information security. This includes submissions
from academia, industry and government on traditional as well as
emerging topics and new paradigms in these areas, with a clear
connection to real-world problems, systems, or applications. Papers
on all technical aspects of information security and privacy are
solicited for submission.
For more information, please see
USENIX-Security 2019
28th USENIX Security Symposium,
Santa Clara, CA, USA, August 14-16, 2019.
[posted here 10/15/18]
The USENIX Security Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners,
system administrators, system programmers, and others interested in the
latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and
The USENIX Security Symposium is moving to multiple submission deadlines for USENIX
Security Ã19. This change includes changes to the review process and submission policies.
Detailed information is available on the USENIX Security Publication Model
Changes web page at www.usenix. org/conference/usenixsecurity19/publication-model-change.
All researchers are encouraged to submit papers covering novel and scientifically
significant practical works in computer security. There will be two quarterly
submission deadlines for USENIX Security Ã19. The fall quarter submissions deadline
is Thursday, November 15, 2018, 5:00 pm PST. The winter quarter submissions
deadline is Friday, February 15, 2019, 5:00 pm PST. The Symposium will span
three days with a technical program including refereed papers, invited talks,
posters, panel discussions, and Birds-of-a-Feather sessions. Co-located
events will precede the Symposium on August 12 and 13.
For more information, please see
SciSec 2019
2nd International Conference on Science of Cyber Security,
Nanjing, China, August 9-11, 2019.
[posted here 3/18/19]
The conference solicits high-quality, original research papers that
can justifiably help achieve the ultimate Science of Cyber Security.
The conference is organized by the Nanjing University of Posts
and Telecommunications. This new forum aims to catalyze the research collaborations
between the relevant communities and disciplines that can work together to
deepen our understanding of, and build a firm foundation for, the emerging
Science of Cyber Security. Publications in this venue would distinguish
themselves from others by taking or thinking from a holistic perspective
about cyber security, rather than the building-block perspective.
For more information, please see
PET 2019
19th Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium,
Stockholm, Sweden, July 16–20, 2019.
[posted here 09/17/18]
The annual Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium (PETS) brings
together privacy experts from around the world to present and discuss
recent advances and new perspectives on research in privacy technologies.
Papers undergo a journal-style reviewing process and accepted papers are
published in the journal Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs).
PoPETs, a scholarly, open access journal for timely research papers on privacy, has
been established as a way to improve reviewing and publication quality while
retaining the highly successful PETS community event. PoPETs is published by
De Gruyter Open, the world's second largest publisher of open access academic
content, and part of the De Gruyter group, which has over 260 years of publishing
history. PoPETs does not have article processing charges (APCs) or article
submission charges. Submitted papers to PETS/PoPETs should present novel practical
and/or theoretical research into the design, analysis, experimentation, or
fielding of privacy-enhancing technologies. Authors can submit papers to PoPETs
four times a year, every three months, and are notified of the decisions about
two months after submission. In addition to accept and reject decisions, papers
may receive resubmit with major revisions decisions, in which case authors are
invited to revise and resubmit their article to one of the following two issues.
We endeavor to assign the same reviewers to revised versions. Papers accepted
for an issue in the PoPETS 2019 volume must be presented at the symposium
PETS 2019.
For more information, please see
DBSec 2019
33rd Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy,
Charleston, SC, USA, July 15-17, 2019.
[posted here 12/17/18]
DBSec is an annual international conference covering research in data and
applications security and privacy.
The conference seeks submissions from academia, industry, and government presenting
novel research on all theoretical and practical aspects of data protection, privacy,
and applications security. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- access control
- anonymity
- applied cryptography in data security
- authentication
- big data security
- data and system integrity
- data protection
- database security
- digital rights management
- distributed and decentralised security
- identity management
- intrusion detection
- knowledge discovery and privacy
- methodologies for data and application security
- network security
- organisational and social aspects of security
- privacy
- secure cloud computing
- secure distributed systems
- secure information integration
- security and privacy in crowdsourcing
- security and privacy in IT outsourcing
- security and privacy in the Internet of Things
- security and privacy in location-based services
- security and privacy in P2P scenarios and social networks
- security and privacy in pervasive/ubiquitous computing
- security and privacy policies
- security management and audit
- security metrics
- threats, vulnerabilities, and risk management
- trust and reputation systems
- trust management
- Web security
- wireless and mobile security
For more information, please see
Blockchain 2019
IEEE International Conference on Blockchain,
Atlanta, GA, USA, July 14-17, 2019.
(Submission Due 1 April 2019) [posted here 10/15/18]
The emergence and popularity of blockchain techniques will significantly change
the way of digital and networking systems’ operation and management. In the
meantime, the application of blockchain will exhibit a variety of complicated
problems and new requirements, which brings more open issues and challenges for
research communities.
The goal of this conference is to promote community-wide discussion identifying the
advanced applications, technologies and theories for blockchain. We seek submissions
of papers that invent novel techniques, investigate new applications, introduce
advanced methodologies, propose promising research directions and discuss
approaches for unsolved issues.
For more information, please see
TrustData 2019
10th International Workshop on Trust, Security and Privacy for Big Data,
Atlanta, USA, July 14-17, 2019.
[posted here 12/17/18]
The proliferation of new technologies such as Internet of Things
and cloud computing calls for innovative ideas to retrieve, filter,
and integrate data from a large number of diverse data sources. Big
Data is an emerging paradigm applied to datasets whose
volume/velocity/variability is beyond the ability of commonly used
software tools to manage and process the data within a tolerable
period of time. More importantly, Big Data has to be of high value,
and should be protected in an efficient way. Since Big Data involves
a huge amount of data that is of high-dimensionality and
inter-linkage, existing trust, security, and privacy measures for
traditional databases and infrastructures cannot satisfy its
requirements. Novel technologies for protecting Big Data are
attracting researchers and practitioners with more and more attention.
The 10th International Workshop on Trust, Security and Privacy for Big
Data (TrustData 2019) aims to bring together people from both academia
and industry to present their most recent work related to trust, security
and privacy issues in Big Data, and exchange ideas and thoughts in order
to identify emerging research topics and define the future of Big Data.
For more information, please see
CPSS 2019
5th ACM Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop,
Held in conjunction with ACM AsiaCCS 2019,
Auckland, New Zealand, July 8, 2019.
[posted here 12/10/18]
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) of interest to this workshop consist of
large-scale interconnected systems of heterogeneous components
interacting with their physical environments. There exist a multitude of CPS
devices and applications deployed to serve critical functions in our lives
thus making security an important non-functional attribute of such systems.
This workshop will provide a platform for professionals from academia,
government, and industry to discuss novel ways to address the ever-present
security challenges facing CPS. We seek submissions describing theoretical
and practical solutions to security challenges in CPS. Submissions pertinent
to the security of embedded systems, IoT, SCADA, smart grid, and other
critical infrastructure are welcome.
For more information, please see
GraMSec 2019
International Workshop on Graphical Models for Security,
Co-located with CSF 2019
Hoboken, NJ, USA, June 24, 2019.
[posted here 3/4/19]
The use of graphical security models to represent and analyse the
security of systems has gained an increasing research attention over the
last two decades. Formal methods and computer security researchers, as
well as security professionals from the industry and government, have
proposed various graphical security models, metrics, and measurements.
Graphical models are used to capture different security facets and
address a range of challenges including security assessment, automated
defence, secure services composition, security policy validation, and
verification. For example, attack graphs, attack trees, attack-defence
trees, and attack countermeasure trees represent possible ways of
attacking and defending a system while misuse cases and mal-activity
diagrams capture threats and abusive behaviour of users.
This year, we encourage excellent submissions related, but not
restricted, to the following broad headings:
- Graph representations: mathematical, conceptual, and implemented
tools for describing and reasoning about security
- Logical approaches: formal logical tools for representing and
reasoning about graphs and their use as modelling tools in security
- Machine learning: modelling and reasoning about the role of big data
and machine learning in security operations
- Networks in national security: terrorist networks, counter-terrorism
networks; safety in national infrastructure (e.g., utilities and
- Risk analysis and management: models of risk management in business
and organizational architectures
- Social networks: using and reasoning about social graphs, network
analysis, network protocols, social mapping, sociometry.
Preference will be given to papers likely to stimulate high-quality
debate at the Workshop.
For more information, please see
DIMVA 2019
16th International Conference on Detection of Intrusions
and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment,
Gothenburg, Sweden, June 19-20, 2019.
[posted here 12/1/18]
The annual DIMVA conference serves as a premier forum for advancing the state
of the art in the broader areas of intrusion detection, malware analysis, and
vulnerability assessment. Each year, DIMVA brings together international experts
from academia, industry, and government to present and discuss novel research in
these areas. DIMVA is organized by the special interest group Security - Intrusion
Detection and Response (SIDAR) of the German Informatics Society (GI).
DIMVA solicits submissions of high-quality, original scientific papers presenting
novel research on malware analysis, intrusion detection, vulnerability assessment,
and related systems security topics.
For more information, please see
EuroSP 2019
4th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy,
Stockholm, Sweden, June 17-19, 2019.
[posted here 7/16/18]
Since 1980, the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy has been the premier forum
for presenting developments in computer security and electronic privacy, and for
bringing together researchers and practitioners in the field. Following this story
of success, IEEE initiated the European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P),
which is organized every year in a European city. It is a premier forum for
computer security research, presenting the latest developments and bringing together
researchers and practitioners. We solicit previously unpublished papers offering novel
research contributions in security or privacy. The emphasis is on building or attacking
real systems, even better if actually deployed, rather than presenting purely
theoretical results. Papers may present advances in the design, implementation,
analysis, verification, or empirical evaluation and measurement of secure systems.
Papers that shed new light on past results by means of sound theory or thorough
experimentation are also welcome. Topics of interest include:
- Access control
- Accountability
- Anonymity
- Application security
- Attacks and defenses
- Authentication
- Blockchain
- Censorship and censorship-resistance
- Cloud security
- Cryptography with applied relevance to security and privacy
- Distributed systems security
- Embedded systems security
- Forensics
- Formal methods for security
- Hardware security
- Human aspects of security and privacy
- Intrusion detection
- IoT security and privacy
- Language-based security
- Malware
- Metrics
- Mobile security and privacy
- Network security
- Privacy-preserving systems
- Protocol security
- Secure information flow
- Security and privacy policies
- Security architectures
- Security usability
- System security
- Web security and privacy
For more information, please see
SSIoT 2019
1st IEEE EuroS&P Workshop on Software Security for Internet of Things,
Co-located with IEEE EuroS&P 2019,
Stockholm, Sweden, June 16, 2019.
[posted here 1/14/19]
The Internet of Things (IoT), connecting large numbers of
small embedded devices to the internet, is currently being deployed in
critical infrastructures, factories, hospitals, smart buildings, and so
on. Compromised or faulty IoT components and systems can cause
catastrophic damage to individuals, companies, and society. However,
existing software for IoT has not been designed with security as a
main objective, but rather to cope with constrained memory, power,
processing, and bandwidth resources. Consequently, techniques are
needed by which software for IoT can achieve a highest level of
security and safety. Such techniques are getting mature for other
domains, in particular for mainstream computing systems, but IoT
devices feature peculiar characteristics that hinder employing
conventional software security techniques. There is a great push to
bring advanced software security to IoT. At the same time, a targeted
scientific IoT software security forum for discussions, publications
and networking is currently lacking.
The IEEE Workshop on Software Security for IoT (SSIoT) 2019 is the
first international conference focusing primarily on the software
security for the Internet of Things (IoT). SSIoT aims to provide a
forum for exploring and evaluating ideas on bringing secure software
to IoT and a venue to publish novel research ideas on this topic.
SSIoT strongly encourages proposals of new, speculative ideas,
evaluations of new or known techniques in practical settings, and
discussions of emerging threats and important problems. We are
especially interested in position papers that are radical,
forward-looking, and likely to lead to lively and insightful
discussions that will influence future research on IoT security.
For more information, please see
CNS 2019
IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security,
Washington, D.C., USA, June 10-12, 2019.
[posted here 11/19/18]
The IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS) is
a premier forum for cyber security researchers, practitioners, policy
makers, and users to exchange ideas, techniques and tools, raise
awareness, and share experiences related to all practical and theoretical
aspects of communications and network security. The conference seeks
submissions from academia, government, and industry presenting
novel research results in communications and network security.
Particular topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Anonymity and privacy technologies
- Censorship countermeasures and privacy
- Combating cyber-crime (anti-spam, anti-phishing, anti-fraud techniques, etc.)
- Computer and network forensics
- Cyber deterrence strategies
- Game-theoretic security technologies
- Implementation and evaluation of networked security systems
- Information-theoretic security
- Intrusion detection, prevention, and response
- Key management, public key infrastructures, certification, revocation,
and authentication
- Malware detection and mitigation
- Security metrics and models
- Physical-layer and cross-layer security technologies
- Security and privacy for big data
- Security and privacy for data and network outsourcing services
- Security and privacy for mobile and wearable devices
- Security and privacy in cellular networks
- Security and privacy in cloud and edge computing
- Internet Security: protocols, standards, measurements
- Security and privacy in crowdsourcing
- Security and privacy in cyber-physical systems
- Security and privacy in emerging wireless technologies and
applications (dynamic spectrum sharing, cognitive radio networks, millimeter
wave communications, MIMO systems, smart/connected vehicles, UAS, etc.)
- Security and privacy in peer-to-peer and overlay networks
- Security and privacy in WiFi, ad hoc, mesh, sensor, vehicular,
body-area, disruption/delay tolerant, and social networks.
- Security and privacy in smart cities, smart and connected health, IoT, and RFID systems
- Security for critical infrastructures (smart grids, transportation systems, etc.)
- Security for future Internet architectures and designs
- Security for software-defined and data center networks
- Security in machine learning
- Social, economic, and policy issues of trust, security, and privacy
- Traffic analysis
- Usable security and privacy
- Web, e-commerce, m-commerce, and e-mail security
For more information, please see
1st Workshop on Cloud Security and Privacy, Bogota, Colombia, June 5-7, 2019.
[posted here 1/28/19]
Cloud computing is emerging as a promising IT solution for
enabling ubiquitous, convenient, and on-demand accesses to a shared pool
of configurable computing resources. However, the widespread adoption of
cloud is still being hindered by various serious security and privacy
concerns. CLOUD S&P aims to provide a platform for researchers and
practitioners to present and discuss a wide-range of security and
privacy issues and their solutions to ensure better protection in a
cloud ecosystem. This workshop invites submissions on new attacks
and solutions on various cloud-centric technologies, as well as short
surveys and case studies that shed light on the security implications
of clouds.
For more information, please see
AIBlock 2019
1st International Workshop on Application Intelligence and Blockchain Security,
Held in Conjunction With ACNS 2019, Bogota, Colombia, June 5-7, 2019.
[posted here 1/21/19]
This workshop attempts to provide a platform for professionals from
academia and industry to discuss challenges and potential solutions
in this direction. We seek submissions describing either theoretical
or practical solutions in relation to application intelligence
security and blockchain security.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Authentication
- Blockchain Platforms
- Blockchain-based Applications
- Cryptocurrency Analysis
- Data and System Integrity
- Data Protection
- Database Security
- Decentralized Application Development
- Formal Method
- Intrusion Detection
- Smart Contracts
- Trust and Privacy of Applications
- Vulnerability Analysis
For more information, please see
24th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies,
Toronto, Canada, June 4-6, 2019.
[posted here 10/15/18]
The organizing committee of the 24th ACM Symposium on Access Control
Models and Technologies (SACMAT 2019) invites contributions in all
aspects of access control. The symposium will provide participants the
opportunity to present work at different levels of development, from
early work on promising ideas to fully developed technical results as
well as system demonstrations.
Papers offering novel research contributions are solicited for submission.
Accepted papers will be presented at the symposium and published by the ACM
in the symposium proceedings. In addition to the regular research track, this
year SACMAT will again host a special track -- ìBlue Sky/Vision Trackî.
Researchers are invited to submit papers describing promising new ideas and
challenges of interest to the community as well as access control needs emerging
from other fields. We are particularly looking for potentially disruptive and new
ideas which can shape the research agenda for the next 10 years. We encourage
submissions that present ideas that may have not been completely developed and
experimentally evaluated.
Submissions to the regular track covering any relevant area of access control
are welcomed. Areas include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Access control for edge computing
- Applications
- Applied machine learning for access management
- Attribute-based systems
- Authentication
- Big data
- Biometrics
- Blockchain
- Cloud computing and network access control management
- Cryptographic approaches
- Cyber attacks and network dynamics
- Cyber-physical systems and Internet of Things (IoT)
- Databases and data management
- Data protection on untrusted infrastructure
- Design methodology
- Distributed and mobile systems
- Economic models and game theory
- Enforcement mechanisms
- Hardware enhanced security
- Identity management
- Identification of and protection from data leakage
- Mechanisms, systems, and tools
- Models and extensions
- Obligations
- Privacy-aware access control
- Policy engineering and analysis
- Requirements
- Risk and uncertainty
- Safety analysis
- Theoretical foundations
- Trust management
- Usability
For more information, please see
Safethings 2019
IEEE Workshop on the Internet of Safe Things,
Held in conjunction with the 40th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP 2019),
San Francisco, California, USA, May 23, 2019.
[posted here 12/17/18]
The Internet of Things (IoT) has become increasingly popular
and innovative. With the rise of connected devices, we have an opportunity
to significantly improve the safety of legacy systems. For instance, insights
from data across systems can be exploited to reduce accidents, improve
air quality and support disaster events. IoT based cyber-physical systems
(CPS) also bring new risks that arise due to the unexpected interaction
between systems and the larger number of attack vectors on these systems.
These safety risks can arise in the context of use of medical devices,
smart home appliance control, smart car design or conflicts in policy
execution at a societal scale.
The Internet of Safe Things workshop seeks to bring together
researchers to create solutions for the development of safe
cyber-physical systems. As safety is inherently linked with the
security and privacy of a system, we also seek contributions in
these areas that address safety concerns. We seek to develop a community
that systematically dissects the vulnerabilities and risks exposed by
these emerging CPSes, and creates tools, algorithms, frameworks, and
systems that help in the development of safe systems.
We seek contributions across domains - autonomous vehicles,
smart homes, medical devices, smart grid; and across disciplines
- systems, control, human-computer interaction, security, reliability,
machine learning, and verification.
For more information, please see
WTMC 2019
4th International Workshop on Traffic Measurements for Cybersecurity,
Held in conjunction with 40th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP 2019),
San Francisco, California, USA, May 23, 2019.
[posted here 12/3/18]
Current communication networks are increasingly becoming pervasive, complex, and
ever-evolving due to factors like enormous growth in the number of network users,
continuous appearance of network applications, increasing amount of data transferred,
and diversity of user behaviors. Understanding and measuring traffic in such
networks is a difficult yet vital task for network management but recently also
for cybersecurity purposes. Network traffic measuring and monitoring can, for example,
enable the analysis of the spreading of malicious software and its capabilities or
can help to understand the nature of various network threats including those that
exploit usersà behavior and other userÃs sensitive information. On the other hand
network traffic investigation can also help to assess the effectiveness of the
existing countermeasures or contribute to building new, better ones. Recently,
traffic measurements have been utilized in the area of economics of cybersecurity
e.g. to assess ISP ìbadnessî or to estimate the revenue of cyber criminals.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together the research accomplishments provided
by the researchers from academia and the industry. The other goal is to show the
latest research results in the field of cybersecurity and understand how traffic
measurements can influence it. We encourage prospective authors to submit related
distinguished research papers on the subject of both: theoretical approaches and
practical case reviews. This workshop presents some of the most relevant ongoing
research in cybersecurity seen from the traffic measurements perspective.
The workshop will be accessible to both non-experts interested in learning about
this area and experts interesting in hearing about new research and approaches.
For more information, please see
SP 2019
40th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy,
San Francisco, CA, USA, May 20-22, 2019.
(Submission Due first day of each month) [posted here 06/12/17]
Since 1980 in Oakland, the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy has been the premier
forum for computer security research, presenting the latest developments and bringing
together researchers and practitioners. We solicit previously unpublished papers offering
novel research contributions in any aspect of security or privacy. Papers may present
advances in the theory, design, implementation, analysis, verification, or empirical
evaluation and measurement of secure systems. Topics of interest include:
- Access control and authorization
- Accountability
- Anonymity
- Application security
- Attacks and defenses
- Authentication
- Censorship resistance
- Cloud security
- Distributed systems security
- Economics of security and privacy
- Embedded systems security
- Forensics
- Hardware security
- Intrusion detection and prevention
- Malware and unwanted software
- Mobile and Web security and privacy
- Language-based security
- Network and systems security
- Privacy technologies and mechanisms
- Protocol security
- Secure information flow
- Security and privacy for the Internet of Things
- Security and privacy metrics
- Security and privacy policies
- Security architectures
- Usable security and privacy
This topic list is not meant to be exhaustive; S&P is interested in all aspects of computer
security and privacy. Papers without a clear application to security or privacy,
however, will be considered out of scope and may be rejected without full review.
Systematization of Knowledge Papers
As in past years, we solicit systematization of knowledge (SoK) papers that evaluate, systematize,
and contextualize existing knowledge, as such papers can provide a high value to our community.
Suitable papers are those that provide an important new viewpoint on an established, major
research area, support or challenge long-held beliefs in such an area with compelling evidence,
or present a convincing, comprehensive new taxonomy of such an area. Survey papers without
such insights are not appropriate. Submissions will be distinguished by the prefix ìSoK:î in the
title and a checkbox on the submission form. They will be reviewed by the full PC and held to
the same standards as traditional research papers, but they will be accepted based on their
treatment of existing work and value to the community, and not based on any new research
results they may contain. Accepted papers will be presented at the symposium and included
in the proceedings.
The Symposium is also soliciting submissions for co-located workshops. Further details
on submissions can be found at
Ongoing Submissions
To enhance the quality and timeliness of the scientific results presented as part of the
Symposium, and to improve the quality of our reviewing process, IEEE S&P now accepts
paper submissions 12 times a year, on the first of each month. The detailed process
can be found at the conference call-for-papers page. .
For more information, please see
ACM WiSec 2019
12th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks,
Miami beach, FL, USA, May 15-17, 2019.
[posted here 11/19/18]
ACM WiSec is the leading ACM and SIGSAC conference dedicated to all aspects of
security and privacy in wireless and mobile networks and their applications. In
addition to the traditional ACM WiSec topics of physical, link, and network layer
security, we welcome papers focusing on the increasingly diverse range of mobile or
wireless applications such as Internet of Things, and Cyber-Physical Systems, as well
as the security and privacy of mobile software platforms, usable security and privacy,
biometrics, and cryptography. The conference welcomes both theoretical as well as
systems contributions. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Security protocols for wireless networking
- Security & privacy for smart devices (e.g., smartphones)
- Security of mobile applications for smartphones and wearables
- Wireless and mobile privacy and anonymity
- Secure localization and location privacy
- Cellular network fraud and security
- Jamming attacks and defenses
- Key management (agreement or distribution) for wireless or mobile systems
- Theoretical and formal approaches for wireless and mobile security
- Physical layer and Information-theoretic security schemes for wireless systems
- Cryptographic primitives for wireless and mobile security
- NFC and smart payment applications
- Security and privacy for mobile sensing systems
- Wireless or mobile security for Cyber-Physical Systems (e.g, healthcare,
smart grid, or IoT applications)
- Vehicular networks security (e.g., drones, automotive, avionics, autonomous driving)
- Physical tracking security and privacy
- Usable mobile security and privacy
- Economics of mobile security and privacy
- Mobile malware and platform security
- Security for cognitive radio and dynamic spectrum access systems
For more information, please see
SPW 2019
27th International Workshop on Security Protocols,
Cambridge, UK, April 10-12, 2019.
[posted here 12/10/18]
The theme of the 2019 workshop is "security protocols for humans". Getting
protocol details right is critical in the presence of a malicious adversary,
but so is understanding the context in which a protocol is deployed: protocols
are components of larger systems that human beings put their trust in. How can
we design protocols to expose meaningful information about state and functionality
to their users? What are the consequences when we donÃt? How can we bridge the
gap between technical definitions of protocol correctness and users' security
expectations? Note: this theme is not intended to restrict the topic of your paper,
but to help provide a particular perspective and focus to the discussions. Our intention
is to stimulate discussion likely to lead to conceptual advances, or to promising new
lines of investigation, rather than to consider finished work.
For more information, please see
HotSoS 2019
6th Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security,
Nashville, Tennessee, USA, April 2-3, 2019.
[posted here 12/10/18]
This symposium solicits original and solid scientific work in
security and privacy which examines the scientific foundations of trustworthy
systems for security and privacy, and it can be generalized across multiple
domains with quantifiable evidence for advancing security objectives. The
symposium program will include invited talks, refereed papers, panels,
tutorials, and posters. The poster session will include a poster
competition on developing security metrics. The papers will appear in
the conference proceedings to be published by ACM Press.
We invite submissions on any topic related to science of security that
aligns with the conference scope and goals listed above. HoTSoS 2019
will highlight the following themes:
- Resilient Architectures for designing and analyzing system architectures
that deliver required service in the face of compromised components,
- Scalability and Composability for automating the construction of provably
secure systems from components with known security properties,
- Policy Governed Secure Collaboration for handling data across different
domains of authority while ensuring security and privacy,
- Security-Metrics-Driven Development and Evaluation for guiding choice-making
in security engineering and response by assuring or predicting the security
properties of cyber systems,
- Understanding and Accounting for Human Behavior, including modeling users,
operators, and adversaries, to for enabling the design, modeling, and
analysis of systems with specified security properties,
- Privacy Policy Enforcement for enabling the use (i.e., collect, store,
and share) of data in accordance with requirements, and
- Foundations for the security of cyber-physical systems security and
resilience, including applications to the Internet of Things.
For more information, please see
IWSPA 2019
5th International Workshop on Security and Privacy Analytics,
Co-located with ACM CODASPY 2019,
Dallas, TX, USA, March 27, 2019.
[posted here 10/22/18]
Increasingly, sophisticated techniques from machine learning, data mining,
statistics and natural language processing are being applied to challenges in
security and privacy fields. However, experts from these areas have no medium
where they can meet and exchange ideas so that strong collaborations can emerge,
and cross-fertilization of these areas can occur. Moreover, current courses and
curricula in security do not sufficiently emphasize background in these areas and
students in security and privacy are not emerging with deep knowledge of these topics.
Hence, we propose a workshop that will address the research and development efforts
in which analytical techniques from machine learning, data mining, natural language
processing and statistics are applied to solve security and privacy challenges
("security analytics"). Submissions of papers related to methodology, design,
techniques and new directions for security and privacy that make significant
use of machine learning, data mining, statistics or natural language processing
are welcome. Furthermore, submissions on educational topics and systems in the
field of security analytics are also highly encouraged.
For more information, please see
9th ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy,
Dallas, TX, USA, March 25-27, 2019.
[posted here 8/6/18]
CODASPY has had eight successful years and the goal of the conference is to
discuss novel, exciting research topics in data and application security and
privacy, and to lay out directions for further research and development in
this area. The conference seeks submissions from diverse communities, including
corporate and academic researchers, open-source projects, standardization bodies,
governments, system and security administrators, software engineers and application
domain experts. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Application-layer security policies
- Access control for applications
- Access control for databases
- Data-dissemination controls
- Data forensics
- Data leak detection and prevention
- Enforcement-layer security policies
- Privacy-preserving techniques
- Private information retrieval
- Search on protected/encrypted data
- Secure auditing
- Secure collaboration
- Secure data provenance
- Secure electronic commerce
- Secure information sharing
- Secure knowledge management
- Secure multiparty computation
- Secure software development
- Securing data/apps on untrusted platforms
- Securing the semantic web
- Security and privacy in GIS/spatial data
- Security and privacy in healthcare
- Security and privacy in the Internet of Things
- Security policies for databases
- Social computing security and privacy
- Social networking security and privacy
- Trust metrics for applications, data, and users
- Usable security and privacy
- Web application security
For more information, please see
NDSS 2019
26th Annual Network and Distributed System Security Symposium,
San Diego, California, USA, February 24-27, 2019.
[posted here 07/02/18]
The Network and Distributed System Security Symposium is
a top venue that fosters information exchange among researchers and
practitioners of network and distributed system security. The target
audience includes those interested
in practical aspects of network and distributed system security, with a
focus on actual system design and implementation. A major goal is to
encourage and enable the Internet community to apply, deploy, and
advance the state of available security technologies.
Technical papers and panel proposals are solicited. All submissions
will be reviewed by the Program Committee and accepted submissions
will be published by the Internet Society in the Proceedings of
NDSS 2019. The Proceedings will be made freely accessible from
the Internet Society webpages. Furthermore, permission to
freely reproduce all or parts of papers for noncommercial
purposes is granted provided that copies bear the Internet
Society notice included in the first page of the paper. The
authors are therefore free to post the camera-ready versions
of their papers on their personal pages and within their
institutional repositories. Reproduction for commercial
purposes is strictly prohibited and requires prior consent.
Submissions are solicited in, but not limited to, the following areas:
- Anti-malware techniques: detection, analysis, and prevention
- Cyber-crime defense and forensics (e.g., anti-phishing, anti-blackmailing,
anti-fraud techniques)
- Security for future Internet architectures and designs (e.g.,
Software-Defined Networking)
- Implementation, deployment and management of network security policies
- Integrating security in network protocols (e.g., routing, naming,
and management)
- Cyber attack (e.g., APTs, botnets, DDoS) prevention, detection,
investigation, and response
- Software/firmware analysis, customization, and transformation for
systems security
- Privacy and anonymity in networks and distributed systems
- Security and privacy for blockchains and cryptocurrencies
- Public key infrastructures, key management, certification,
and revocation
- Security for cloud/edge computing
- Security and privacy of mobile/smartphone platforms
- Security for cyber-physical systems (e.g., autonomous vehicles,
industrial control systems)
- Security for emerging networks (e.g., home networks, IoT,
body-area networks, VANETs)
- Security for large-scale, critical infrastructures (e.g.,
electronic voting, smart grid)
- Security and privacy of systems based on machine learning and AI
- Security of Web-based applications and services (e.g., social
networking, crowd-sourcing)
- Special problems and case studies: e.g., tradeoffs between
security and efficiency, usability, cost, and ethics
- Usable security and privacy
- Trustworthy Computing software and hardware to secure networks
and distributed systems
For more information, please see
IFIP 11.9 DF 2019
15th Annual IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics,
Orlando, Florida, USA, January 28-30, 2019.
[posted here 5/28/18]
The IFIP Working Group 11.9 on Digital Forensics (www.ifip119.org) is an
active international community of scientists, engineers and practitioners dedicated
to advancing the state of the art of research and practice in digital forensics.
The Fifteenth Annual IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics will
provide a forum for presenting original, unpublished research results and innovative
ideas related to the extraction, analysis and preservation of all forms of electronic
evidence. Papers and panel proposals are solicited. All submissions will be refereed
by a program committee comprising members of the Working Group. Papers and panel
submissions will be selected based on their technical merit and relevance to IFIP
WG 11.9. The conference will be limited to approximately sixty participants to
facilitate interactions between researchers and intense discussions of critical
research issues. Keynote presentations, revised papers and details of panel
discussions will be published as an edited volume - the fifteenth volume in the
well-known Research Advances in Digital Forensics book series (Springer, Heidelberg,
Germany) during the summer of 2019.
Technical papers are solicited in all areas related to the theory and practice of
digital forensics. Areas of special interest include, but are not limited to:
- Theories, techniques and tools for extracting, analyzing and preserving digital evidence
- Enterprise and cloud forensics
- Embedded device forensics
- Internet of Things forensics
- Digital forensic processes and workflow models
- Digital forensic case studies
- Legal, ethical and policy issues related to digital forensics
For more information, please see