Mitch: A Machine Learning Approach to the Black-Box Detection of CSRF Vulnerabilities
Stefano Calzavara (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia); Mauro Conti (University of Padova); Riccardo Focardi, Alvise Rabitti (Università Ca' Foscari Venezia); Gabriele Tolomei (University of Padova)
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is one of the oldest and simplest attacks on the Web, yet it is still effective on many websites and it can lead to severe consequences, such as money losses and account takeovers. Unfortunately, tools and techniques proposed so far to identify CSRF vulnerabilities either need manual reviewing by human experts or assume the availability of the source code of the web application.
In this paper we present Mitch, the first machine learning solution for the black-box detection of CSRF vulnerabilities. At the core of Mitch there is an automated detector of sensitive HTTP requests, i.e., requests which require protection against CSRF for security reasons. We trained the detector using supervised learning techniques on a dataset of 5,828 HTTP requests collected on popular websites and make it available to other security researchers. Our solution outperforms existing detection heuristics proposed in the literature, allowing us to identify 35 new CSRF vulnerabilities on 20 major websites and 3 previously undetected CSRF vulnerabilities on production software already analyzed using a state-of-the-art tool.
Domain Impersonation is Feasible: A Study of CA Domain Validation Vulnerabilities
Lorenz Schwittmann, Matthäus Wander, Torben Weis (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Web security relies on the assumption that certificate authorities (CAs) issue certificates to rightful domain owners only. However, we show that CAs expose vulnerabilities which allow an attacker to obtain certificates from major CAs for domains he does not own. We present a passive measurement method that allows us to check CAs for a list of technical weaknesses during their domain validation procedures. Our results show that all tested CAs are vulnerable in one or even multiple ways, because they rely on a combination of insecure protocols like DNS and HTTP and do not implement existing secure alternatives like DNSSEC and TLS. We verified our results experimentally and disclosed these vulnerabilities to CAs. Based upon our findings we provide recommendations to domain owners and CAs to close this fundamental weakness in web security.
TraffickStop: Detecting and Measuring Illicit Traffic Monetization Through Large-scale DNS Analysis
Baojun Liu (Tsinghua University); Zhou Li (University of California, Irvine); Peiyuan Zong (Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Chaoyi Lu, Haixin Duan, Ying Liu (Tsinghua University); Sumayah Alrwais (King Saud University); Xiaofeng Wang (Indiana University Bloomington); Shuang Hao (University of Texas at Dallas); Yaoqi Jia (Zilliqa Research); Yiming Zhang (Tsinghua University); Kai Chen (Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences); Zaifeng Zhang (360 Netlab)
Illicit traffic monetization is a type of Internet fraud that hijacks users' web requests and reroutes them to a traffic network (e.g., advertising network), in order to unethically gain monetary rewards. Despite its popularity among Internet fraudsters, our understanding of the problem is still limited. Since the behavior is highly dynamic (can happen at any place including client-side, transport-layer and server-side) and selective (could target a regional network), prior approaches like active probing can only reveal a small piece of the entire ecosystem. So far, questions including how this fraud works at a global scale and what fraudsters' preferred methods are, still remain unanswered.
To fill the missing pieces, we developed TraffickStop the first system that can detect this fraud \textit{passively}. Our key contribution is a novel algorithm that works on large-scale DNS logs and efficiently discovers abnormal domain correlations. TraffickStop enables the first landscape study of this fraud, and we have some interesting findings. By analyzing over 231 billion DNS logs of two weeks, we discovered 1,457 fraud sites. Regarding its scale, the fraud sites receive more than 53 billion DNS requests within one year, and a company could lose up to 53K dollars per day due to fraud traffic. We also discovered two new strategies that are leveraged by fraudsters to evade inspection. Our work provides new insights into illicit traffic monetization, raises its public awareness, and contributes to a better understanding and ultimate elimination of this threat.
Using Guessed Passwords to Thwart Online Guessing
Yuan Tian (U Virginia); Cormac Herley (Microsoft); Stuart Schechter (Unaffiliated)
Practitioners who seek to defend password-protected resources from online guessing attacks will find a shortage of tooling and techniques to help them. Little research suggests anything beyond blocking or throttling traffic from IP addresses sending suspicious traffic; counting failed authentication requests, or some variant, is often the sole feature used to determine suspicion. In this paper we show that several other features can greatly help distinguishing benign and attack traffic. First, we increase the penalties for clients responsible for fail events involving passwords frequently-guessed by attackers. Second, we reduce the threshold (and thus protect better) for accounts with weak passwords. Third, we detect, and are more forgiving of, login failures caused by users mistyping their passwords. Most importantly, we achieve all of these goals without needing any marker that indicates weak accounts, changing the format in which passwords are stored (i.e. we do not store passwords plaintext or in any recoverable form), or storing any information that might be harmful if leaked. We present an open-source implementation of this system and demonstrate it's improvement over simpler blocking strategies in various simulated scenarios.
MALPITY: Automatic Identification and Exploitation of Tarpit Vulnerabilities in Malware
Sebastian Walla, Christian Rossow (CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security)
Law enforcement agencies regularly take down botnets as the ultimate defense against global malware operations. By arresting malware authors, and simultaneously infiltrating or shutting down a botnet's network infrastructures (such as C2 servers), defenders stop global threats and mitigate pending infections. In this paper, we propose an orthogonal defense that does not require seizing botnet infrastructures, and at the same time can also be used to slow down malware spreading and infiltrate its monetization techniques. We describe how to non-intrusively exploit *tarpit* vulnerabilities in malware to slow down or, ideally, even stop malware. Our basic idea is to automatically identify network operations used by malware that will *block* the malware either forever or for a significant amount of time. Using dynamic malware analysis, we monitor how malware interacts with the POSIX and Winsock socket APIs. From this, we infer network operations that would have blocked when provided certain network inputs. We augment this vulnerability search with an automated generation of tarpits that exploit the identified vulnerabilities. We apply our prototype MALPITY on six popular malware families and discover 12 previously-unknown tarpit vulnerabilities, revealing that all families are susceptible to our defense. We demonstrate how to, e.g., halt Pushdo's DGA-based C2 communication, hinder SalityP2P peers from receiving commands or updates, and stop Bashlite's spreading engine.