44th IEEE Symposium on
Security and Privacy

Symposium Presenter Information

The following guidance is for Symposium presenters. Note, it is expected that presentations will be given in person at IEEE S&P. If no authors will be able to attend the conference, please contact the Local Site chairs to arrange for a remote presentation. For all Symposium presenters, these are the mandatory steps requiring your action:

  1. Submit a teaser video (May 1).
  2. Submit your presentation slides (May 15).
  3. Provide permission to share a recording of your presentation to the website and YouTube (May 15).

When you arrive at the conference, we require all presenters to go to the Speaker Ready Room to check in the day before their presentation. The Speaker Ready Room is in Regency A (on the same floor as the Ballroom). Its hours are below:

Sunday   3:00–6:00 PM   (Mon presenter check-in)
Monday   10:00 AM–2:00 PM   (Tue presenter check-in)
Tuesday   10:00 AM–2:00 PM   (Wed presenter check-in)

On the day of your talk, arrive 15 minutes before the session start time and check in at the AV booth in the back of the session room.

Teaser Video Requirements (Due by May 1)

Teaser videos are 60-second summaries of your publication, acting as an “elevator pitch” for your presentation. Only authors of accepted papers are invited to submit a teaser video. These videos are available for Symposium attendees to help them plan their agenda. With your consent, we will also post these videos to the website,YouTube, and the Whova conference platform

Content requirements

  1. Duration: Videos must be 60 seconds or less.
  2. Title slide: The first 3 seconds of the video must include a title slide, detailing (i) the title of your paper and (ii) the author list including affiliations and contact information. This title slide should last 3–4 seconds at most.
  3. Body: The rest of the video should communicate the topic and the main results of your work. It does not need to have a voice-over track but should have an audio track. There is a variety of Creative Commons licensed music appropriate for background audio here: Legal Music for Videos.
  4. Closed captioning: Closed-captioned audio is preferred. We encourage all videos with spoken dialog to include a closed-captioning file (.scc, .srt, or .webvtt format) submitted with the video. You can use YouTube to generate subtitles for you, which can then be hand-tweaked and downloaded, to accompany your submission. These subtitles will appear on the lower part of the screen, so be careful about the placement of other text in your video that the audience needs to read.
  5. 3rd party material: Permission must be obtained for all copyrighted and 3rd party material. It is very important that you have the right to use all the material that is contained in your submission, including music, video, images, etc. Attaining permission to use video, audio, or pictures of identifiable people or proprietary content rests with the author, not with the S&P conference. You are encouraged to use Creative Commons content.

Technical requirements

  1. Resolution: Video resolution must be 1920x1080.
  2. File size: Video size must be no more than 1GB.
  3. File format: Videos must be a .mp4 file.
  4. Encoding: Videos must be encoded using H.264 of H.265.
  5. Filename: Videos must be labeled as [HotCRP paper ID]-[Presentation Title].mp4
    • Example: 2022-00-How to Solve the World’s Problems

Submit your video

  1. Use the following link to submit your teaser video: Submit your teaser video

  2. Use the special link that will be emailed to you to upload your teaser video on the Whova Conference Platform.

Presentation requirements (Due by May 15)

Each presentation has a 15-minute slot. Your talk is expected to take 10-12 minutes, with the 3-5 remaining minutes for questions. Because the schedule is so dense, session chairs will be relatively strict at enforcing these constraints.

You will present your presentation using a computer operated by the Symposium’s A/V staff. Your slides will be queued up and ready to go when you walk on the stage, and you control the presentation using an on-stage remote. Details for preparing and submitting your slides for your presentation on the Symposium’s computer are found below.

Below are the technical requirements for slides and instructions for submitting your slides to the symposium. You will need to complete these steps by May 15th.

Content requirements

  1. 3rd party material: Permission must be obtained for all copyrighted and 3rd party material. It is very important that you have the rights to use all the material that is contained in your submission, including music, video, images, etc. Attaining permission to use video, audio, or pictures of identifiable people or proprietary content rests with the author, not with the S&P conference. You are encouraged to use Creative Commons content.

  2. Material requiring an Internet connection: We strongly advise against content that requires an active Internet connection. Please pre-record any such demonstrations and include them as a video in your presentation.

  3. Non-slideshow material: If your presentation contains anything other than standard slideshow materials, particularly something that requires audio, please tell us in advance so that we can make sure it will work as intended. For demos, please pre-record any such demonstrations and include them as a video in your presentation.

Technical requirements

  1. File Formats: We can accommodate the following presentation formats: PowerPoint (for Windows and macOS), Keynote (for macOS), and Adobe PDF. Google Slides are not allowed (though you can convert a Google Slidedeck to one of the supported formats). If your presentation uses non-standard fonts, please include those in a separate folder, with your presentation.

  2. File size: Slide file size must be no more than 1GB.

  3. Aspect Ratio: Slides must be in a 16:9 aspect ratio.

  4. Required Slide: An introduction slide at the beginning of your presentation that lists: the title of your paper, author list, affiliations, and contact information.

  5. Filename: Videos must be labeled as [Session #]-[Full Name]-[Presentation Title] Example: 01-John Doe-How to Solve the World’s Problems

Submit your slides

Use the following link to submit your slides and provide consent to upload video of your presentation online:

Submit your slides

Permissions to Share Presentation Video (Due by May 15)

Use the following link to provide your permissions to share your presentation video on and YouTube.

Submit your permissions

Presentation Video Requirements (Remote Presentations Only) (Due by May 15)

It is expected that presentations will be given in person at IEEE S&P. If no authors will be able to attend the conference, please contact the Local Site chairs to arrange for a remote presentation. For those remotely presenting, we are also requiring that you upload a pre-recorded version of your talk. This will be used as a backup in case we encounter technical difficulties on the day of the presentation. This presentation video must be uploaded by May 15th.

Content requirements

  1. Slides: Your slides must meet the requirements described above.
  2. Duration: Videos must be 10–12 minutes in duration.
  3. Presenter video: You are encouraged to show the video of the presenter as part of your video submission. The positioning of the speaker should be static and should not cover material in the slides. You are free to use whatever software you want. Some options include:
  4. Closed captioning: Closed-captioned audio is preferred. We encourage all videos with spoken dialog to include a closed-captioning file (.scc, .srt, or .webvtt format) submitted with the video. These subtitles will appear on the lower part of the screen, so be careful about the placement of other text in your video that the audience needs to read.
  5. 3rd party material: Permission must be obtained for all copyrighted and 3rd party material. It is very important that you have the right to use all the material that is contained in your submission, including music, video, images, etc. Attaining permission to use video, audio, or pictures of identifiable people or proprietary content rests with the author, not with the S&P conference. You are encouraged to use Creative Commons content.

Technical requirements

  1. Resolution: Video resolution must be 1920x1080.
  2. File size: Video size must be no more than 10GB.
  3. File format: Videos should be a .mp4 file.
  4. Encoding: Videos should be encoded using H.264 or H.265.
  5. Filename: Videos must be labeled as [HotCRP paper ID]-[Presentation Title].mp4
    • Example: 00-How to Solve the World’s Problems.mp4

Submit your video

Use the following link to submit your presentation video:

Submit your presentation video