Poster: A Moving Target Defense Scheme with Overhead Control
Ashley McAbee, Murali Tummala, and John McEachen (Naval Postgraduate School)
Poster: A Secure Plausibly Deniable System for Mobile Devices against Multi-snapshot Adversaries
Bo Chen and Niusen Chen (Department of Computer Science, Michigan Technological University)
Poster: Android IME Privacy Leakage Analyzer
Peng Lo, Jia-Chi Huo, and Hsu-Chun Hsiao (National Taiwan university); Bo Sun, Tao Ban, and Takeshi Takahashi (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
Poster: Defining Actionable Rules for Verifying IoT Security
Kayla E Ibrahim and Suryadipta Majumdar (University at Albany); Daniel Bastos (British Telecom); Anoop Singhal (National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST))
Poster: Ensemble Learning-Based Detection of Office Malware
Michael Blair and François Gautheir (Oracle Labs); Scott Gaetjen (Oracle)
Poster: Evolution of Adblock Plus’s Acceptable Ads
Ahsan Zafar and Anupam Das (North Carolina State University)
Poster: Incorporating Malware Detection into The Flash Translation Layer
Wen Xie, Niusen Chen, and Bo Chen (Department of Computer Science, Michigan Technological University)
Poster: Nebula: an Industrial-purpose Privacy-preserving Machine Learning System
Bingzhe Wu (Peking University); Cen Chen, Li Wang, Lei Wang, Jin Tan, Chaochao Chen, and Jun Zhou (Ant Financial); Guangyu Sun (Peking University)
Poster: Perceptions of Handling Sensitive Data in Cloud Office Applications
Dominik Wermke, Christian Stransky, Nicolas Huaman, Niklas Busch, Alexander Krause, Yasemin Acar, and Sascha Fahl (Leibniz University Hannover)
Poster: Privacy Risks of Explaining Machine Learning Models
Reza Shokri, Martin Strobel, and Yair Zick (National University of Singapore)
Poster: Privacy-Preserving Contact Tracing of COVID-19 Patients
Leonie Reichert and Samuel Brack (Humboldt University Berlin); Björn Scheuermann (Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society)
Poster: Query-Efficient Adversarial Attack Framework by Utilizing Transfer Gradients
Chilin Fu, Xiaolu Zhang, and Jun Zhou (Ant Financial Services Group)
Poster: Safe and Sound: Approximately-Optimal Black-box Model Explanations with Differential Privacy
Neel Patel, Reza Shokri, and Yair Zick (National University of Singapore)
Poster: Sharing Expertise and Artifacts for Reuse through Cybersecurity Community Hub (SEARCCH)
Terry Benzel and Jelena Mirkovic (USC-ISI); Laura Tinnel and David Balenson (SRI International); Eric Eide (U. Utah); Tim Yardley (U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign)
Poster: Transparent Certificate Revocation for CBE Based on Blockchain
Qin Wang (Swinburne University of Technology), Rujia Li (University of Birmingham & Southern University of Science and Technology), Qi Wang (Southern University of Science and Technology), David Galindo (University of Birmingham)
Poster: Ultimate Power of Inference Attacks: Privacy Risks of Learning High-Dimensional Graphical Models
Sasi Kumar Murakonda and Reza Shokri (National University of Singapore); George Theodorakopoulos (Cardiff University)
Poster: When Brave Hurts Privacy: Why Too Many Choices do More Harm Than Good
Anna Lena Fehlhaber (Leibniz University Hannover); Marco Gutfleisch, Daniel Theis, and Florian Wallkoetter (Ruhr University Bochum); Yasemin Acar and Sascha Fahl (Leibniz University Hannover)