Support is available to help cover the expenses for US-based students and 2-3 students from international institutions.
We encourage applications from students from a wide variety of institutions, diverse backgrounds, and first time attendees. Undergraduate and graduate students will be considered. An application for a travel award will consist of the student's resume, a statement from the student, and a letter from the student's research advisor. The advisor should include justification of financial need. The student's statement should include a summary of research interests, a statement of why the applicant will benefit from participating in the symposium, and how the applicant can contribute to the symposium through service or technical contribution.
Awards will be determined by a review committee established by the Organizing Committee. Preference will be given to students working in security who can show evidence of financial need, students from institutions not traditionally represented at the conference, and students from diverse backgrounds. The awards are not intended for authors of accepted papers, but students with accepted papers will also be considered for travel awards.
The amount of support provided to US students will be up to $1000 of documented expenses. The amount of support for international students will be up to $1500 of documented expenses.
Applications are due by April 1. Students will be notified by April 11 Extended, and will be expected to register and book air travel and hotel accommodations immediately upon notification. Send applications and advisor's letter (email suffices) to:
Support is also available for students attending the workshops. Please see the SPW travel page at for more details.