Calls for Papers

IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committee on Security and Privacy


Past Conferences and Journal Special Issues

Last Modified:01/13/05

Note: Please contact by email if you have any questions..



Past Conferences and Other Announcements - 1999


ACSAC'99 15th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS TO REAL WORLD SECURITY PROBLEMS, December 6-10, 1999, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. (submissions due: May 28, 1999) [posted here: 2/18/99]
Sponsored by the Applied Computer Security Associates (ACSA) in cooperation with the ACM Special Interest Group on Security, Audit and Control Nearly everyone today is dependent upon computers for everything from electronic commerce to military command and control. The very technology that created this dependence is its greatest weakness: the infrastructure is fundamentally insecure to attacks from individuals, organizations, or nation-states that can easily deny service or compromise the integrity of information. This has left us extremely vulnerable to fraud, crime, and espionage. If you are developing practical solutions to problems relating to protecting your country's information infrastructure or a commercial enterprise, consider submitting a paper to the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference. We are looking for papers, panels and tutorials that address:

  • Internet technologies
  • Electronic commerce
  • Crypto, key management, and digital signature applications
  • Network management and smart card applications
  • Mobile computing
  • Legal and ethical concerns over protecting intellectual property
  • Incident response planning - governmental and other perspectives
  • Audit and audit reduction/Intrusion detection
  • New paradigms for protecting electronic intellectual capital
  • Securing very high-speed telecommunications (e.g., ATM)
  • Defensive information warfare
  • Software safety and program correctness

The complete Call for Papers is available at, or you may contact the publicity chair, Vince Reed, at Phone: +1.256.890.3323, FAX: +1.256.830.2608,


Mobile'99, Foundations of Mobile Computation: A Post-Conference Satellite Workshop of FST & TCS 99, Chennai, India, December 16-17, 1999. (Submissions due: September 15, 1999) [posted here: 8/17/99]
The workshop will address fundamental principles in the definition, analysis and implementation of languages and models for mobile distributed programming. The theme of the workshop is formal operational foundations of mobile computation, including semantics, equivalences and program logics. Issues include: typing and type safety, security, mobility, architectures and protocols, active networks, proof-carrying code, protocol analysis and verification, concurrent constraint solving, as well as numerous interesting applications such as switchware, programmable hybrid systems, and reactive systems. The aim of the workshop is to introduce operational frameworks to potentially interested researchers (the tutorial aspect) as well as provide a forum for researchers active in the area to report on recent results or ongoing work. Additional information at: and email:


HASE'99, Fourth IEEE Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering, Washington, DC Metropolitan Area, USA, November 17-19, 1999. (DEADLINE EXTENDED TO APRIL 21, 1999) [posted here: 12/14/98].
The HASE Symposium is a forum for discussion of systems engineering issues specifically for high-assurance systems. The focus this year is on embedded systems, although submissions will be welcomed in all areas related to high assurance issues. Submissions are due April 7, 1999, to Catherine Meadows, Program Chair, More information may be found at


IICIS99, Third Annual IFIP TC-11 WG 11.5 Working Conference on Integrity and Internal Control in Information Systems: Strategic views on the need for control, Amsterdam, The Netherlands G November 18-19, 1999. (submissions due: April 1, 1999) [posted here: 12/13/98].
Confidentiality, integrity and availability are high-level objectives of IT security. IFIP TC-11 Working Group 11.5 has been charged with exploring the area of the integrity objective within IT security and the relationship between integrity in information systems and the overall internal control systems that are established in organizations to support corporate governance codes. The goals for this conference are to find an answer to the following questions: what precisely do business managers need to have confidence in the integrity of their information systems and their data; what is the status quo of research and development in this area; where are the gaps between business needs on the one hand and research and development on the other and what needs to be done to bridge these gaps. We solicit papers describing original ideas and research results on foundations and applications related to the subject of integrity and internal control in information systems. Also business cases are explicitly solicited. A complete list of topics of interest along with instructions for authors can be found on the conference web page at or you may contact Leon Strous, tel.: +31 20 5242748 / +31 492 548636 (also fax), e-mail:


CQRE CQRE [Secure] Exhibition & Congress, Duesseldorf, Germany, November 30-December 2, 1999. (submissions due: May 14th 1999.) [posted here 2/18/99]
We are looking for papers and panel discussions covering:

  • electronic commerce (new business processes, secure business transactions, online merchandising, electronic payment / banking, innovative applications)
  • network security (virtual private networks, security aspects in internet utilization, security aspects in multimedia-applications, intrusion detection systems)
  • legal aspects (digital signature acts, privacy and anonymity, crypto regulation, liability)
  • corporate security
  • access control
  • secure teleworking (enterprise key management, IT-audit risk / disaster management, security awareness and training, implementation, accreditation, and operation of secure systems in a government, business, or industry environment)
  • security technology
  • cryptography (public key infrastructures, chip card technology, biometrics)
  • trust management (evaluation of products and systems, international harmonization of security, evaluation criteria)
  • standardization
  • future perspectives

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of their contribution to the program chair ( Complete instructions are given on the conference web page at


NISSC'99 22nd Annual National Information Systems Security Conference, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Crystal City, VA, USA, week of October 18, 1999. (papers and session proposals due February 15, 1999) [posted here: 1/20/99]
The National Information Systems Security Conference (NISSC) welcomes papers, panels, and tutorials on all topics related to information systems security. Papers and panel discussions typically cover:

  • research and development for secure products and systems, presenting the latest thinking and directions
  • electronic commerce
  • legal issues such as privacy, ethics, investigations, and enforcement
  • practical solutions for government, business and industry information security concerns
  • network security issues and solutions;
  • management activities to promote security in IT systems including security planning, risk management, and awareness and training
  • implementation, accreditation, and operation of secure systems in a government, business, or industry environment
  • international harmonization of security criteria and evaluation
  • evaluation of products, systems and solutions against trust criteria
  • tutorials on security basics and advanced issues
  • security issues dealing with rapidly changing information technologies
  • highlights from other security forums
  • implementing policy direction

For more details see


NATO Symposium: Protecting NATO Information Systems in the 21st Century October 25-27, 1999, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C. (Abstracts due December 15, 1998; papers due March 31, 1999). [posted here: 11/5/98].
This Symposium will deal with the common NATO interest in information defense. Abstracts and papers are sought of several kinds:

  • Survey, tutorial, and operational papers that expose relevant issues or practices of operational and information assurance. Papers addressing either technology areas or measures taken to protect particular NATO and NATO allied information systems and networks are appropriate.
  • Papers describing current research results in relevant technology areas.
  • Papers projecting requirements and solutions for protecting information in future, 21st century NATO computer systems and networks.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Information Warfare threats to NATO and NATO allied information systems and infrastructures.
  • Vulnerabilities of COTS components.
  • Authentication in mobile and distributed systems.
  • Emissions security, including "Soft TEMPEST".
  • Security analysis of crypto and communication protocols.
  • Information system survivability and architecture.
  • Co-ordinated threat analysis, incident detection, and response.
  • Maintaining data origin in NATO and NATO allied information systems.
  • Role of Information Warfare and Information Protection in future military conflicts.

Abstracts of up to 350 words in either English or French are due by e-mail (ascii preferred) by 15 DECEMBER 1998. U.S. authors should e-mail abstracts to; non-U.S. authors should follow submission guidelines found in the full call for papers available at: or send e-mail to requesting the full call for papers. The conference is being organized under the auspices of the Information Systems Technology Panel of NATO's Research and Technology Organization.


RBAC'99 Fourth ACM Workshop on Role-based Access Control, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA, October 28-29, 1999. (Submissions due: May 15, 1999) [posted here: 2/9/99]
The ACM workshop on RBAC bring together researchers, developers, and practitioners to discuss the development of new access control paradigms and their application. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, new access control modeling concepts, verification of access control model properties, and case studies in a variety of areas, such as operating systems, language systems, groupware, databases, and enterprise systems. Please see the workshop web page at for complete submission instructions or contact Sylvia Osborn at


NORDSEC'99 The fourth Nordic Workshop on Secure IT systems - Encouraging Co-operation, Stockholm, Sweden, November 1-2, 1999. (Submissions due: August 16, 1999) [posted here: 4/1/99]
The NORDSEC workshops were started in 1996 with the aim to bring together researchers and practitioners within IT security in the Nordic countries. NORDSEC'99 is organised by the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, DSV, Stockholm University & the Royal Institute of Technology, the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration and Telia AB. This is the theme our workshop addressed: knowledgeable and maturing use, applications, developments and research of IS/IT security in order to provide individuals, companies & organisations and societies with a reliable, safe and secure, and changing world. A complete list of topics can be found at the workshop's website at The workshop will consist of paper sessions, panel discussions and invited talks. We also welcome the submission of application-oriented papers focusing on new or difficult problems, pilots, and experiences. Authors are requested to submit an extended abstract (4-5 pages) or a full paper (up to 15 pages) to Dr. Louise Yngstrvm ( by August 16, 1999.


ECC'99, The 3rd workshop on Elliptic Curve Cryptography, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, November 1-3, 1999. [posted here: 7/12/99]
ECC '99 is the third in a series of annual workshops dedicated to the study of elliptic curve cryptography. ECC '99 will have a broader scope than ECC '98 and ECC '97, which focussed primarily on the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem. The main themes of ECC '99 will be:

  • Provably secure discrete log-based cryptographic protocols for encryption, signatures and key agreement.
  • Efficient software and hardware implementation of elliptic curve cryptosystems.
  • The discrete logarithm and elliptic curve discrete logarithm problems.

There will be approximately 15 invited lectures (and no contributed talks), with the remaining time used for informal discussions. For further information or to return your Registration, please contact: Mrs. Frances Hannigan / Department of Combinatorics & Optimization / University of Waterloo / Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1 / e-mail: / Fax: (519) 725-5441 / Phone: (519) 888-4027 /


ISW'99. 1999 Information Security Workshop, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 6-7, 1999. [posted here: 6/15/99]
ISW'99, the second workshop in the international workshop series on information security, will be held in Monash University's Sunway Campus which is about 20km to the south west of downtown Kuala Lumpur. The focus of ISW'99 will be on the following emerging areas of importance in information security:

  • multimedia watermarking
  • electronic cash
  • secure software components and mobile agents
  • protection of software

ISW'99 will be co-located with the 6th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, 1-4, November, 1999, and Asiacrypt'99, 15-18, November 1999. Both the ACM conference and Asiacrypt will be held in Singapore which is only a short distance to the venue of ISW'99. The WWW homepage of ISW'99 is:


ICICS'99 The Second International Conference on Information and Communication Security, Sydney, Australia, November 9-11, 1999. (EXTENDED submission date: May 17, 1999) [posted here: 11/2/98].
Original papers may present theory, techniques, applications and practical experiences on a variety of topics including:

* Access control * Authentication

* Electronic commerce * Applied cryptography

* Viruses and worms * Distributed system security

* Database security * Security policy

* Key management * Mobile system security

* Auditing and accounting * Network security

* Security protocols * Secure operating systems

* Security architectures & models * Security management

* Secure intelligent agents * Software Protection

* Security evaluation & certification * Smartcards and PDAS

Detailed submission instructions can be found on the conference web page at


CCS'99 6th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security,Kent Ridge Digital Labs, Singapore, November 1-4, 1999. [posted here: 1/11/99].
The ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) is a premier forum for the presentation of new research results and the identification of future research directions in the area of computer and communications security. Papers offering research contributions in any aspect of computer security are solicited for submission to CCS'99. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference and published by the ACM in a conference proceedings. Outstanding papers will be invited for submission to ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC). For more details, please see the conference web page at


ISW'99 1999 Information Security Workshop, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 6-7, 1999, (submissions due: June 4, 1999) [posted here: 2/3/99]
ISW'99, the second workshop in the international workshop series on information security, will be held in Monash University's Sunway Campus which is about 20km to the south west of downtown Kuala Lumpur. ISW'99 will seek a different goal from its predecessor ISW'97 held in Ishikawa, Japan. More specifically, the focus of ISW'99 will be on the following emerging areas of importance in information security:

  • multimedia watermarking
  • electronic cash
  • secure software components and mobile agents
  • protection of software

ISW'99 will be co-located with the 6th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, November 1-4, 1999, and Asiacrypt'99, November 15-18, 1999. Both the ACM conference and Asiacrypt will be held in Singapore which is only a short distance to the venue of ISW'99. Complete instructions for authors can be found on the conference web page at You may also send general inquires to


FM'99 FM99 Mini-track on Security, Toulouse, France, September 20-24, 1999. (Submission due February 14, 1999) [posted here 10/29/98].
The FM99 Mini-track on Security is concerned with the role of formal methods in the development of secure systems. The FM99 security mini-track will be a unique opportunity for people interested in computer security to exchange their views with researchers and members of the industrial community developing new formal methods or applying them to other critical system properties. The security mini-track is seeking both technical papers and industrial experience reports dealing with the application and development of formal methods for secure systems. All papers submitted in response to this specific mini-track Call for Paper should be sent to and reach Dr James Woodcock by February 14, 1999 (notification of acceptance is May 14,1999). The cover sheet must include the SECURITY key-word. Please refer to the general technical symposium Call for Paper for applicable paper evaluation criteria and submission rules. Mini-track contacts: P Bieber, P Y A Ryan


CMS'99 Communications and Multimedia Security, International Federation for Information Processing, Joint working conference IFIP TC6 and TC11, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, September 20-21, 1999. (submissions due: March 15, 1999) [posted here: 1/28/99].
CMS '99 is the fourth in a series of international conferences which aim at reviewing state-of-the-art issues as well as practical experiences and new trends in the areas of communications and multimedia systems security. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

*communications systems security *mobile communications security

*Internet, intranet and extranet security *security of mobile code

*multimedia systems security *applied cryptography

*electronic commerce and digital signatures *security in distributed systems

*secure teleworking, telecooperation, telemedicine *legal, social and ethical aspects of communication systems security

*standards for communication and multimedia systems security

Authors are strongly encouraged to submit their papers electronically. For detailed instructions on submitting a paper, please see the conference web page at, or contact: Prof. Bart Preneel, Program Committee Chair CMS'99, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Dept. Electrical Engineering-ESAT/COSIC, K. Mercierlaan 94, B-3001 Heverlee, BELGIUM. Email:, Tel +32 16 32 10 50, Fax: +32 16 32 19 86.


NSPW'99, New Security Paradigms Workshop 1999, Caledon Hills, Ontario, Canada, September 22-24 1999. (submissions due: hardcopy by March 26, 1999 or electronic copy by April 2, 1999) [posted here: 2/5/99].
For seven years, the New Security Paradigms Workshop has provided a productive and highly interactive forum in which innovative new approaches (and some radical older approaches) to computer security have been offered, explored, refined, and published. In order to preserve the small, intimate nature of the workshop, participation is limited to authors of accepted papers and conference organizers. Because these are new paradigms, we cannot predict what subjects will be covered. Any paper that presents a significant shift in thinking about difficult security issues will be welcomed. To participate, please submit (a) a 5-10 page position paper or discussion topic proposal, (b) a justification for including your paper in NSPW'99, and (c) who will attend to present the paper. Send information to to both Program Chairs -- Steven J. Greenwald ( and Cristina Serban ( -- by Friday, April 2, 1999 (hardcopy submissions must be received by Friday, March 26, 1999). More information will be available on a workshop web page.


HUC'99, International Symposium on Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing Karlsruhe, Germany, September 27-29, 1999. [posted here: 3/15/99].
The symposium will bring together researchers and practitioners from different communities to explore links and synergies between personal and environment-based technologies, in the context of innovative applications with thematic focus on "Interaction with Environments", "Information Appliances" and "Handheld CSCW". We solicit full papers (5000 words) and poster contributions (1500 words) related to the symposium themes. Note, that in addition to papers and posters, also contributions to workshops are sought. For further information and a complete list of topics of interest, see the conference web page at, or contact: Hans-W. Gellersen / Telecooperation Office (TecO) / University of Karslruhe Vincenz-Priessnitz-Str. 1 / 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany /


DISC'99, 13th International Symposium on DIStributed Computing, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, September 27-29, 1999. (Papers due: April 9, 1999; "Brief Announcements" due May 10, 1999.) [posted here: 2/15/99].
DISC was formerly known as WDAG. The name change, which took effect in 1998, reflects the expansion from a workshop to a symposium and from distributed algorithms to all aspects of distributed computing. Original contributions to theory, design, analysis, implementation, or application of distributed systems and networks are solicited. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • distributed algorithms and their complexity
  • fault-tolerance of distributed systems
  • consistency conditions, concurrency control, and synchronization
  • multiprocessor/cluster architectures and algorithms
  • cryptographic and security protocols for distributed systems
  • distributed operating systems
  • distributed computing issues on the internet and the web
  • distributed systems management
  • distributed applications, such as databases, mobile agents, and electronic commerce
  • communication network architectures and protocols
  • specification, semantics, and verification of distributed systems

In addition to regular papers, Brief Announcements are also solicited this year. Ongoing work for which full papers are not ready yet or recent results published elsewhere are suitable for submission as brief announcements. It is hoped that researchers will use the brief announcement track to quickly draw the attention of the community to their experiences, insights and results from ongoing distributed computing projects. Detailed submission instructions can be found on the conference web page at Authors unable to submit via the web should contact the program chair, Prasad Jayanti, by email at to receive instructions.


WIH'99 Third International Workshop on Information Hiding, Dresden, Germany, Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 1999. (submissions due: June 1, 1999) [posted here: 10/19/98]
Many researchers are interested in hiding information or in stopping other people doing this. Current research themes include copyright marking of digital objects, covert channels in computer systems, detection of hidden information, subliminal channels in cryptographic protocols, low-probability-of-intercept communications, and various kinds of anonymity services ranging from steganography through location security to digital elections. Interested parties are invited to submit papers on research and practice which are related to these areas of interest. Submissions can be made electronically (pdf or postscript) or in paper form; in the latter case, send eight copies. Papers should not exceed fifteen pages in length and adhere to the guidelines of the LNCS series Addresses for submission:, Andreas Pfitzmann, Dresden University of Technology, Computer Science Department, D 01062 Dresden, Germany


DSOM'99, Tenth IFIP/IEEE International Workshop on Distributed Systems: Operations & Management, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH, TIK, Zurich, Switzerland, October 11-13, 1999. (submissions due: April 1, 1999) [posted here: 3/15/99].
The DSOM workshops focus on the latest advancements in operations and management in networked environments and discuss the impact of emerging computing and networking technologies on management. Of specific interest to DSOM'99 will be the current developments in the field of active and programmable networks. The workshop will be limited to approximately 100 participants and will follow a single track program, in order to allow for in-depth discussions and interaction among workshop participants. Topics of interest include:

  • Management of Active and Programmable Networks
  • Mobile and Intelligent Agent Technology in Management
  • Telecommunication Services Management
  • Interdomain Management
  • Management of Mobile Systems and Networks
  • Management of the Internet and Internet Services
  • Enabling Management Platforms: CORBA, Java, Web, etc.
  • Integration of Network Control and Management
  • Monitoring, Event Handling, and Fault Management of Networks and Services
  • Policy-Based Management
  • Security Management
  • Management Aspects of Service Pricing and Electronic Commerce

For full instructions on submission of papers, please see the conference web site at


DEXA'99 10th International Conference and Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, University of Florence, Florence, Italy, August 30-September 3, 1999. [posted here 6/14/99].
The aim of DEXA 99 is to present both research contributions in the area of data and expert systems and a large spectrum of already implemented or just being developed applications. DEXA will offer the opportunit to extensively discuss requirements, problems, and solutions in the field. The workshop and conference should inspire a fruitful dialogue between developers in practice, users of database and expert systems, and scientists working in the field. More information can be found on the conference web page at


RAID'99 Second International Workshop on the Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA, September 7-9, 1999. (submissions due: May 21st 1999.) [posted here 4/27/99]
The RAID International Workshop series is intended to further progress in intrusion detection by promoting the exchange of ideas in a broad range of topics among researchers, system developers, and users and by encouraging links between these groups. The program committee invites submission of both technical and general interest papers and panels from those interested in formally presenting their ideas during the workshop. This year, we are emphasizing following topic areas: Assessing IDS; IDS in High Performance and Real-Time Environments; Vulnerabilities and Attacks; IDS Integration; Innovative Approaches; and Practical Considerations. A detailed list of topics along with instructions for authors of papers and panel proposals can be found on the conference web page at A preliminary program for RAID'99 will be available there by July 21, 1999.


8th USENIX Security Symposium, JW Marriott Hotel, Washington, D.C. , USA, August 23-26, 1999. (submissions due: March 9, 1999) [posted here 12/11/98].
The USENIX Security Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in security and applications of cryptography. If you are working in any practical aspects of security or applications of cryptography, the program committee would like to urge you to submit a paper by March 9, 1999. This symposium will last for four days. Two days of tutorials will be followed by two days of technical sessions including refereed papers, invited talks, works-in-progress, and panel discussions. More information can be found on the conference web page at


WIAPP'99, 1999 IEEE Workshop on Internet Applications, San Jose, California, USA, July 26-27, 1999. (Submissions due: February 15, 1999) [posted here: 2/3/99]
The goal of this workshop is to bring together application and network designers to exchange ideas about the problems they are facing and the functions they are expecting the others to provide. The list of topics of interest includes, but is not limited to, the network effects on applications, and the application effects on networking, of the following:

* caching * electronic commerce

* information retrieval & searching * Internet telephony

* metacomputing * mobile computing

* monitoring * performance

* quality of service issues * security

* reliability and high availability * traffic measurement

* traffic models & statistics * Web interfaces to databases

Submitted manuscripts should not exceed 5000 words. Please see the conference web page at for complete submission instructions, or contact Arun Iyengar,


IFIP 13th IFIP WG11.3 Working Conference on Database Security, Seattle, Washington, USA, July 26-28, 1999. (papers are panel proposals due: February 15, 1999) [posted here 10/28/98].
The conference provides a forum for presenting original unpublished research results, practical experiences, and innovative ideas in database security. Papers and panel proposals are solicited. Submit PostScript version of papers up to 5000 words and panel proposals by February 15, 1999 to Vijay Atluri (, MS/IS Department, Rutgers University, 180 University Ave., Newark, NJ 07102, USA. Details on IFIP WG11.3 and the conference available at


IDA Information Domain Workshop, Alexandria, VA USA, August 5-6, 1999. (submissions due: May 8, 1999) [posted here 2/18/99]
The intent of this workshop is to bring together computer system security architects, researchers, and users interested in exploring the use and implementation of information domains. The goal is to enhance our understanding of the potential for security within a shared-resource environment, as offered by information domains. We seek descriptions of work on the definition, implementation, and real-world application of information domains. We are especially interested in work-in-progress, including prototypes. Case studies and experience papers are also of interest. This will be a two-day workshop consisting of work-in-progress reports and discussion. An electronic proceedings will be published at the conclusion. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Information Domain architecture descriptions
  • Expression of enterprise-level policy using information domains
  • Implementation of information domains
  • Associations between incarnations of a domain on multiple end systems
  • Inter-domain interactions
  • Management of information domains
  • Granularity of information domains
  • Separation of security policy definition and enforcement
  • Multidomain objects

Please see the web page at for detail on submitting a paper, or contact: Ed Schneider (


SAC'99, Sixth Annual Workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, August 9-10, 1999. (Submissions due: April 30, 1999) [posted here: 2/5/99].
Original papers related to the following themes are solicited.

  • Design and Analysis of Symmetric Key Cryptosystems
  • Efficient Implementations of Cryptographic Systems
  • Cryptographic Solutions for Web/Internet Security

The Proceedings will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Detailed instructions for submitting papers are available at As well, general information on the Workshop will be available on the SAC '99 web page at Email inquiries may be directed to


CHES'99 Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA, August 12-13, 1999 (precedes CRYPTO'99). (Papers due: April 30, 1999) [posted here: 1/7/99].
The focus of this workshop is on all aspects of cryptographic hardware and embedded system design. We hope that the workshop will help to fill the gap between the cryptography research community and the application areas of cryptography. The topics of interest include but are not limited to:

* Computer architectures for public-key cryptosystems * Architectures for smart cards

* Computer architectures for secret-key cryptosystems * Tamper resistance for smart cards

* Reconfigurable computing and applications in cryptography * Tamper resistance on the chip and board level

* Cryptographic processors and co-processors * Fast network encryption

* Modular and Galois field arithmetic architectures * Efficient algorithms for embedded processors

* Special-purpose hardware for cryptanalysis * True and pseudo random number generators

Please see the conference web site at ece.WPI.EDU/Research/crypt/ches for additional information and submission instructions.


CRYPTO'99 Nineteenth Annual IACR Crypto Conference, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 15-19, 1999. [posted here: 12/11/99]
Original papers on all technical aspects of cryptology are solicited for submission to Crypto'99. Authors are strongly encouraged to submit their papers electronically (see for details). Other information, including contacts and a procedure for submitting a paper through FAX or mail, is given on the conference web page at


MobiCom'99, The Fifth Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, Seattle, Washington, USA, August 15-19, 1999. (papers, tutorial and panel proposals: January 15, 1999) [posted here 12/9/98].
Technical papers describing previously unpublished, original, completed research, not currently under review by another conference or journal, are solicited on topics related to mobile computing. (Please see the call-for-papers web site for detailed areas of interest along with submission instructions). Additionally, MobiCom solicits short papers (8 pages max.) for the new "Next Century Challenges" session, along with proposals for tutorials and panel sessions. Information can be found at, or you can contact the Program Co-Chairs, Tomasz Imielinski,, Tel: +1 732 445-3546, Fax: +1 732 445-1003; and Martha Steenstrup,; Tel: +1 617 873-3912, Fax: +1 617 873-6091; or the Local Chair, Randy Granovetter,, Tel: +1 425 703-7446, Fax: + 1 425 936-7329.


IMACS-IEEE'99, Special Session on Applied Coding, Cryptology and Security, Athens, Greece, July 4-8, 1999. (One page abstracts due January 4, 1999, Full papers due February 25, 1999). [posted here 12/17/98].
Coding and Cryptology have become essential tools in the security of our computer systems, networks, Web applications and technologies. The Special Session "Applied Coding, Cryptology and Security" is aimed to explore the importance of these fields in the pursuit of a secure Information Society for the 21st Century. Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers in any of the following subject categories:

  • Implementation of coding schemes and cryptosystems
  • Applied Cryptanalytic and Decoding Techniques
  • Network Security and Encryption
  • Security for Web technologies and applications

Contact Details for the Special Session: Dr. Nineta Polemi, Institute of Communications & Computer Systems(ICCS), National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Heroon Polytechniou 9, Zografou 157 73, Athens, Greece, tel: 30-1-772 2466, mobile: 30-94 783685, e-mail:, URL:


WFMSP'99, 1999 Workshop on Formal Methods and Security Protocols, Trento, Italy, July 5, 1999 (part of FLOC'99). (submissions due: March 26, 1999) [posted here: 2/4/99].
Topics of interest include descriptive techniques (specification languages, models, logics) and analysis techniques (model checking, theorem proving, and their combination), as applied to protocols for authentication, fair exchange, electronic commerce, electronic auctions, etc. The program will consist of a keynote lecture by Catherine Meadows (NRL), technical sessions, and a panel discussion. Extended abstracts (about 5-10 pages) explaining recent research results or work in progress should be mailed electronically to both organizers, and, to be received by March 26, 1999. Submissions should be formatted as a PostScript file in USLetter size. See for more information.


ISCC'99, The Fourth IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, Sharm El Sheikh, Red Sea, Egypt, July 6-8, 1999. [posted here: 12/12/98].
This year, special focus will be on the challenging issues related to the global reach of the Internet and its applications, that include the creation, management, dissemination, and communication of information. A complete list of topics emphasized can be found on the conference web page at


The Black Hat Briefings'99, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 7-8, 1999. [posted here: 3/16/99]
The Black Hat Briefings conference series was created to fill the need of computer professionals to better understand the security risks to their computer and information infrastructures by potential threats. Spanning two days with three separate tracks, The Black Hat Briefings will focus on the vital security issues facing organizations with large Enterprise networks and mixed network operating systems. Topics will Include Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS), Computer Forensics (CF) systems, Incident Response, secure programming techniques and tool selection for creating and effectively monitoring your networks. This year, there will be a third track for CEOs and CIOs who manage technology. More information about the conference can be found at


FIRST 11th FIRST Conference on Computer Security Incident Handling and Response, Brisbane, Australia, June 13-18, 1999. (Submissions due: November 1, 1998) [posted here 10/8/98].
The Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST) was formed in November 1990 to address the problem of an ever increasing number of computer and network security related incidents, affecting thousands of systems around the world. The Forum is made up of government, private and academic Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) from around the globe. Its primary goal is to coordinate the efforts of its members in order to increase both their individual and collective effectiveness. The FIRST Conference is a unique opportunity for those involved in computer security to get together and discuss all aspects of the subject. The conference will provide the opportunity to listen to experts in the fields of computer security incident response and vulnerability analysis. They will share their valuable expertise by speaking about their experience in dealing successfully with the coordination of incidents traversing international boundaries, highlighting particular problems where appropriate. There will also be the opportunity to hear how other organizations have addressed some popular problems related to building protection infrastructures such as security policies, firewalls, net wide antivirus or intrusion detection systems etcetera. The emphasis of the conference is on practice and experience as opposed to experiment and prototype. Please see the conference web page at for a complete list of topics and for submission details.


Conference on User Identification and Privacy Protection - Applications in Public Administration and Electronic Commerce June 14-15, 1999, Stockholm, Sweden. (Extended deadline: Submissions due February 8, 1999). [posted here 11/20/98].
The conference will focus on legal, social, technical and organisational aspects of information infrastructures and of new applications particularly in the area of Electronic Commerce and Public Administration. Invited topics include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Digital Signature Schemes:
    Public Key Infrastructures, Implementation of Pseudonyms, TTP Certification / Regulation, Liability of TTPs, Law Enforcement Implications / Activities, Applications in Public Administration or Electronic Commerce
  • Protection of Privacy and Confidentiality in the GII:
    IT Misuse and Risks, Confidentiality vs. Identification of Communication Partners, Anonymity: A right to ?, Legislation, Implications (e.g., potential misuse by criminals), Technical solutions: Privacy Enhancing Technologies, State Regulations vs. Self-Regulation, Cryptographic Policies and Crypto Debate, Applications in Public Administration or Electronic Commerce

We especially welcome the submission of general papers discussing these topics or application-oriented papers focusing on problems and solutions for the application areas Public Administration and Electronic Commerce. Authors are requested to submit either an extended abstract (4-5 pages) or a full paper (up to 15 pages). Each paper must have an abstract and a list of keywords. Papers or extended abstracts must be written and presented in English and should be sent to: Dr. Simone Fischer-H=FCbner; Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV); Stockholm University / KTH; Electrum 230; S- 164 40 Kista; Tel.: +46 -8-161606; Fax: +46-8-703 90 25; Email: The conference web page is at


WET-ICE'99, Fourth International Workshop on Enterprise Security, Stanford University, California, USA, June 16-18, 1999. (DEADLINE FOR PAPERS HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO APRIL 12, 1999) [posted here: 12/18/98].
This workshop will focus on the problems and challenges relating to enterprise security in inter-organizational systems. We aim to bring together principal players from both the internetwork and the enterprise security community and will provide plenty of time for discussion. Topics include: INTERNET SECURITY(security protocols for the Internet, the work and efforts of IETF security groups, global key infrastructures), DISTRIBUTION (distributed database security, secure transactions, inter- and intra-organizational security, security of collaborative applications), SECURE INFRASTRUCTURES (secure applications and environments, object-oriented and CORBA security, secure enterprise infrastructures, security algorithms, public key infrastructures), and SECURITY MANAGEMENT (role-based access control, enterprise security policies, security in workflow processes). Instructions for authors can be found on the conference web page at


WISE1 1st World Conference on Information Security Education, June 17-19, 1999, Stockholm, Sweden. (Submissions due: January 30, 1999 Extended Deadline) [posted here: 10/1/98].
IFIP Working Group 11.8 (IT Security Education) invites you to contribute to their activities by submitting papers and panel suggestions for the first world conference, to be held at the Department of Computer and System Sciences (DSV), Stockholm University. Potential topics include teaching (and assessment) of computer security education for audiences in academia, industry, the military, and IT professionals. Please see the conference web page at for a detailed list of topics and for instructions for submitting an original paper.


ICATM'99, 2nd International IEEE Conference on ATM, Technical Institute, Colmar, France, June 21-23, 1999. (Extended abstracts due: December 10, 1998) [posted here: 10/3/98].
In order to encourage closer interaction between academic and industrial ATM research communities, we solicit both academic research papers and industrial contributions. Papers should describe significant research as well as innovative development and applications relating to ATM. A complete list of topics of interest, along with detailed submission instructions can be found on the conference web page at


WSS'99 Fourth Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Austin, Texas, USA, June 5, 1999. [posted here 12/9/98].
WSS'99 provides a forum for the presentation of new research results, and the identification of future directions in its rapidly growing area of research. Topics include:

  • Stabilization in distributed and networked systems
  • Stabilization in the context of system fault-tolerance
  • Stabilization in the context of system security
  • Stabilization in the context of real-time systems
  • Design, analysis and implementation methods for stabilization
  • Impossibility results and lower bounds for stabilizing systems
  • Applications of stabilization, experience reports

For further Information, see the conference web page at, or contact Prof. Anish Arora, Department of Computer and Information Science, The Ohio State University, 2015 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43210-1277, U.S.A. Tel: (614)292-1836, Fax: (614) 292-2911, E-mail:


USENIX'99 Annual Technical Conference, Monterey, California, June 6-11, 1999. (Papers due: December 2, 1998) [posted here: 10/31/98].
The USENIX Technical Conference Program Committee seeks original and innovative papers about the applications, architecture, implementation, and performance of modern computing systems. As at all USENIX conferences, papers that analyze problem areas and draw important conclusions from practical experience are especially welcome. Some particularly interesting application topics are:

* Availability * Distributed caching and replication

* Embedded systems * Extensible operating systems

* File and storage system * Interoperability of heterogeneous systems

* Mobile code and computing * Multimedias

* New algorithms and applications * Personal digital assistants

* Quality of service * Reliability

* Quality of service * Reliability

* Security and Privacy * Web technologies

* Ubiquitous computing and messaging

Detailed submission instructions can be found on the conference web page at


Federal Computer Security Conference on Threats, Vulnerabilities and Promising Practices For Meeting The Challenge, Hyatt Regency Inner Harbor, Baltimore Maryland, May 10-11, 1999. [posted here: 3/15/99].
Topics include: cyberterrorism, winning top management support for security improvements, intrusion detection, presidential decision directive 63 and the critical infrastructure assurance office, certification and accreditation-how to do it right, windows NT security, federal security resources: what works?, and the new levelone initiative to protect federal computers from known network threats. More information can be found on the workshop web page at


SMARTCARD'99 USENIX Workshop on Smartcard Technology, McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois, USA, May 10-11, 1999, [posted here: 10/12/98].
Review the full program and register online at Save when registering before Friday, April 16, 1999. You'll hear reports of the latest research, developments, and deployments in:

  • smart card hardware
  • smart card software
  • system issues
  • strengths and weaknesses of smart cards
  • smart cards' role in operating systems
  • smart cards as a base technology in cryptographic systems

Sponsored by the USENIX Association; Co-sponsored by CardTech/SecureTech and held in conjunction with CardTech/SecureTech - May 11-14, 1999 [] Workshop for researchers & practitioners to learn from each other the state of the art in practical applications and deployment of technology that extends the use of smart cards for authentication, electronic commerce, and secure personal data storage.


CFP'99 The Ninth Annual Conference on Computers, Freedom + Privacy, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC, USA, April 6-8, 1999. [posted here: 3/15/99].
CFP is the leading Internet policy conference. Topics include: access, anonymity, censorship, civil society, consumer protection, copyright, crime, culture, democracy, diversity, electronic commerce, encryption, free expression, freedom, governance, human rights, legislation, privacy, security, standards, and surveillance. More information can be found on the conference web page at


ACISP'99 The Fourth Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia, April 7-9, 1998. (Papers due: December 7, 1998) [posted here: 11/1/98].
Theoretical and practical papers on all aspects of Information Security are invited. The profile of the conference includes (but is not limited to): Access control, Authentication & identification, Authorization, Computer security, Copyright protection, Cryptography, Database security, Evaluation and certification, Intrusion detection, Key management, Key establishment protocols, Mobile system security, Network & communication security, Secure electronic commerce, Secure operating systems, Secure protocols, Smartcards, and Viruses. Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts of original papers. Complete submission instruction can be found on the conference web page at


WECWIS'9, International Workshop on Advance Issues of E-Commerce and Web-based Information Systems, April 8-9, 1999, Santa Clara, California, USA. [posted here 3/15/99].
The pervasive connectivity of the Internet and the powerful architecture of WWW have created a tremendous opportunity for conducting business on Internet. The terms e-commerce and e-business have been used to describe those systems and technologies that make conducting business on Internet possible. The purpose of this workshop is to identify and to explore the technical issues and solutions for future e-commerce and web-based information systems. An agenda, registration and other important information is provided at


USENIX 1st USENIX Workshop on Intrusion Detection and Network Monitoring, April 11-12, 1999, Santa Clara, California, USA. (extended abstracts due November 1, 1998) [posted here 10/3/98].
The goal of this workshop is to bring together network managers, engineers and researchers interested in deploying and developing intrusion detection systems (IDS) and network monitoring technologies for security, traffic analysis, or forensics. The emphasis is on practical results, case studies, and real-world large-scale deployment. This will be a two-day workshop, consisting of refereed papers, invited talks, and work-in-progress reports. Topics of interest include:

* Case studies of IDS in practice * Statistical models for IDS

* Anomaly detection systems * Misuse detection systems

* Host based approaches to IDS * Network based approaches to IDS

* Application based approaches to IDS * IDS in cryptographically protected networks

* Distributed IDS in large networks * Correlation techniques

* Event thresholding * Reducing false positives

* Alternative approaches

More information, including detailed submission instructions, can be found on the conference web page at


AIPA'99, Advanced Information Processing & Analysis, Ronald Reagen International Trade Center, Washington, D.C., USA, March 23-24, 1999. (Abstracts due: February 1, 1999) [posted here: 1/23/99]
Theme: Shaping Intelligence Processes: Next Generation Information Services. The AIPA Steering Group is seeking Paper Presentations and Vendor Exhibits with the following characteristics:

  • Specifically relate to applications or technologies that will support Intelligence Community analysts.
  • Provide high-interest presentations for information analysts, technologists and decision makers.
  • Provide those analysts and technologists with the most usable information services.

Each paper will be given 30 minutes for presentation and discussion. Technology demonstrations are encouraged. The AIPASG welcomes presenters from government, industry, and academia. Potential paper presenters should submit a one-page abstract of the proposed topic describing how the presentation relates to the AIPA99 theme. Please see the conference web page at for submission details and registration information.


AES'99, Second Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) Candidate Conference, Hotel Quirinale, Rome, Italy, March 22-23, 1999. (submissions due: February 1, 1999) [posted here: 12/9/98]
This conference is for an international audience consisting of cryptographers and other interested parties, who wish to participate in the evaluation and analysis of the fifteen candidate algorithms for the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). This conference is being held immediately preceding the Fast Software Encryption Workshop 1999 (FSE6) scheduled for March 24-26, 1999 at the same venue. The format is Primarily panel presentations and discussion by experts who have analyzed the candidate algorithms for security, efficiency, and other characteristics. Audience members and algorithm submitters will have an opportunity to question the panel regarding their findings. Simply put, the purpose of this conference will be to help answer the question: "Which algorithms merit selection for Round 2 and why?" Registration Contact: Lori Phillips Buckland, NIST, Building 101, Room B116, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001, phone: 301/975-4513, fax: 301/948-2067, email: Lori Phillips. Technical Contact: Miles Smid, NIST, Building 820, Room 426, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001, phone: 301/975-2938, fax: 301/948-1233, email: Miles Smid; or Jim Foti, NIST Building 820, Room 426, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001, phone: 301/975-5237, fax: 301/948-1233, email: Jim Foti. More information can be found on the conference web page at


FSE6, Fast Software Encryption Workshop 1999, Rome, Italy, March 24-26, 1999. (Submissions Due December 14, 1998) [posted here: 12/8/98].
The workshop concentrates on all aspects of fast secret key ciphers, including the design and cryptanalysis of block and stream ciphers, as well as hash functions. Instructions for Authors Interested parties are invited to submit original unpublished papers on the design and analysis of fast encryption algorithms and hash functions. In particular we encourage submissions containing proposals for and analysis of candidates for the future Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). It is strongly preferred that submissions be processed in LaTeX according to since this will be a mandatory requirement for the final papers. The paper must not exceed 15 pages in length. The LaTeX files are to be sent electronically, together with the email and physical addresses of the sender. If papers are submitted in paper form, 11 copies are required. The papers must not be submitted simultaneously to other workshops or conferences with proceedings. Preproceedings will be available at the meeting and the final proceedings will be published in the Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Address for Submission: or Lars Knudsen, University of Bergen, Dept. of Informatics, Hi-techcenter, 5020-Bergen, Norway .


ASSET'99 IEEE Symposium on Application-Specific Systems and Software Engineering Technology, Richardson, Texas, USA, March 25-27, 1999. (submissions due: August 31, 1998) [posted here: 7/15/98]
The main focus of this symposium is on application-specific system engineering and software engineering issues encountered in the design and development of complex systems. The symposium will consist of technical papers, panels, and tutorials. Participation from both industry and academia is sought. The topics of interests include, but are not limited to:

  • Experiences in software design, development, and validation for telecommunication, embedded, multimedia, wireless, and mobile systems.
  • Specialized systems and software engineering techniques, including specification, design, and development techniques for telecommunication, embedded, and transaction processing systems.
  • Integrated system design and assessment techniques that consider multiple systems requirements, such as security, real-time, reliability, availability, survivability, etc.
  • Techniques and algorithms in network security, real-time communication, network management, telecontrol, and high speed networks.
  • CASE tools for application-specific systems development.
  • Simulation environments for integrated design and assessment.
  • Quality of service analysis for various application systems.
  • Performance modeling and evaluation for application-specific systems.
  • Application-specific verification, validation, and assessment techniques.

Papers are due Aug 31. See the Web page at for details or contact the program chair at For tutorial proposals contact


ICEIS'99, 1st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, March 27-30, 1999, Setubal, Portugal. (Abstracts are due by November 6, 1998) [posted here 10/28/98].
The main purpose of the conference is to address real world problems and practical solutions, based on the use of information systems Preferentially, the articles should present new ideas on how to solve management and decision problems using information technologies. Articles describing innovative architectures of decision support systems, database search engines, artificial intelligence techniques, distributed computing, etc. are also welcomed. A complete list of topics, along with detailed submission instructions, can be found on the conference web page at


FC'99 3rd Annual Conference on Financial Cryptography, February 22-25, 1999, Anguilla, BWI. (submissions due: September 25, 1998) [posted here: 2/23/98]
Original papers are solicited on all aspects of financial data security and digital commerce in general for submission to the 3rd Annual Conference on Financial Cryptography (FC99). FC99 aims to bring together persons involved in both the financial and data security fields to foster cooperation and exchange of ideas. Relevant topics include: Anonymous Payments, Auditability, Authentication, Copyright Protection, Credit/Debit Cards, Currency Exchange, Digital Cash, Digital Receipts, Economic Implications, Electronic Funds Transfer, Electronic Purses, Identification, Implementations, Loss Tolerance, Loyalty Mechanisms, Micropayments, Network Payments, Privacy Issues, Regulatory Issues, Smart Cards. Complete submision instructions can be found on the conference web page at or contact Matthew Franklin, FC99 Program Chair; AT\&T Labs, Room A281, 180 Park Avenue, Florham Park, NJ 07932, USA email: phone: 973-360-8353, fax: 973-360-8809.


PKC'99 1999 International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography, Kanto, Japan, March 1-3, 1999. (Submissions due: September 25, 1998) [posted here 5/26/98].
Both original research papers and high quality surveys pertaining to all aspects of public key encryption, digital signature and one-way hashing are solicited. Submissions may present theory, techniques, applications and practical experience on topics including, but not limited to: certification and time-stamping, cryptanalysis, comparison and assessment, discrete logarithm, elliptic curve cryptography, encryption data formats, fast implementation, integer factorization, international standards, key-ed one-way hashing, lattice reduction, one-way hashing algorithms, provable security, public key infrastructure, secure electronic commerce, signature data formats, and signcryption schemes. Complete instruction on submitting a paper can be found on the conference web page at


IETF 44th IETF Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, USA, March 15-19, 1999. [posted here February 3, 1999].
[from the IETF Web page at
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet. It is open to any interested individual. The actual technical work of the IETF is done in its working groups, which are organized by topic into several areas (e.g., routing, transport, security, etc.). Much of the work is handled via mailing lists. The IETF holds meetings three times per year. Future IETF Meeting Sites:

  • Summer 1999 - 45th IETF, July 12-16, 1999, Oslo, Norway, Host: Uninett
  • Fall 1999 - 46th IETF,November 8-12, 1999, Washington, DC, Host: Nortel
  • March 2000 - 47th IETF, March 27-31, 2000, Adelaide, Australia, Host: Sellnet and


RSA'99 The Eighth Annual RSA Data Security Conference and Expo, McEnery Convention Center, San Jose, California, January 17-21,1999. [posted here: 10/31/98]
The eighth annual RSA Conference delivers keynote presentations from industry leaders and national policy makers, plus more than 150 individual break-out sessions on topics ranging from the latest in cutting-edge cryptographic research to the most current implementations of enterprise security and secure electronic commerce. More information can be found on the conference web page at


NDSS'99 The Internet Society 1999 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium, San Diego, California, USA, February 3-5, 1999. (submissions due: July 31, 1998) [posted here: 7/16/98]
The Internet Society 1999 Network and Distributed System Security Symposium (NDSS'99). 3-5 February 1999; San Diego, California, USA. The symposium will foster information exchange among hardware and software developers of network and distributed system security services. The intended audience includes those who are interested in the practical aspects of network and distributed system security, focusing on actual system design and implementation, rather than theory. A major goal of the symposium is to encourage and enable the Internet community to apply, deploy, and advance the state of available security technology. Technical papers and panel proposals for topics of technical and general interest are invited. Deadline for electronic submission is 31 July 1998. The complete call for papers is available at the conference web page at


WECS'99 Call for participation in a workshop on Education in Computer Security, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, California, USA, January 4-6, 1999. (Submissions due: November 30, 1998) [posted here: September 16, 1998].
The Workshop on Education in Computer Security is intended to bring together those interested in developing and enhancing instruction in computer security within undergraduate and graduate computer science programs. There will be several themes for the 1999 workshop: the use of analogies to describe difficult concepts in computer security; teaching use of commercial-off-the-shelf technologies to achieve; security solutions and the challenge of using commercially available products to achieve assurance objectives; applying high level system design and architectural principles in security education. It is expected that the outcome of the workshop will be a set of materials that will permit participants and others to enhance the teaching of security. We are planning a half-day tutorial on a topic that will increase our expertise in some important area. Submissions should be sent to: Prof. Cynthia E. Irvine, Computer Science Department, Code CS/Ic, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA 93943-5118, USA. Voice: +1 408 656 2461. Fax: +1 408 656 2814. More information can be found on the workshop web page at


HICSS-32 Electronic Commerce Technologies Minitrack part of the Software Technology Track of HICSS-32 32nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences Maui, Hawaii - January 5-8, 1999. [posted here: 7/16/98].
Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) is the ability to conduct business via electronic networks such as the Internet and the World Wide Web. The purpose of this mini-track is to cover enabling technologies, critical technical approaches and business-centered design methodologies that address shortcomings of contemporary E-Commerce applications and that can have a major impact on the evolution of business-to-consumer and mainly of business-to-business E-Commerce. Emphasis is given to distributed systems technologies and in particular how these meet the requirements of business (vertical) applications that span locational as well as organizational boundaries. More information can be found on the minitrack web page at or on the HICSS conference web page at, or contact the Track Administrator, Eileen Dennis, at


DCCA-7 Seventh IFIP International Working Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical Applications, San Jose California, USA, January 6-8, 1999. (submissions due August 3, 1998) [posted here June 30, 1998]
This is the seventh conference in a series dedicated to advancing the theory and practice of dependable computing for critical applications. Previously unpublished papers are sought in all aspects of dependable computing, including, but not limited to:

  • Attributes of dependability such as security, safety, reliability
  • Impairments to dependability such as permanent and transient faults, intrusions, design flaws, human error
  • Algorithms and techniques for fault-tolerant, real-time, secure, distributed systems
  • Design and verification techniques such as formal methods, model checking, fault injection, stochastic modeling
  • Requirements validation, hazard analysis, safety analysis
  • Regulatory and certification issues such as standards, safety cases, reliability assessment
  • Critical application areas such as transportation and medical systems, process and power industries.

Papers that deal with combinations of issues, such as security and reliability, or combinations of techniques, such as formal methods and fault injection, are particularly encouraged. Papers should be submitted electronically according to the instructions available from the DCCA Web page