Schedule of Events for the GREPSEC III Workshop, May 20-21, 2017

All events are at the Westin Hotel (formerly the Ste. Claire) in downtown San Jose, California.

Saturday, May 20, 2017
8:30 Introduction
9:00 Keynote: Angela Sasse, University College London
"Protect what people value, and they will value security"
Two decades of usable security research has produced clear evidence that security that does not work for people does not work. As a result, we are now seeing security mechanims that don't require lots of time and attention, or mental gymnastics. Whilst this is a big step in the right direction, it is only the starting point for developing security that supports human and business activities as well as managing risks. Batya Friedman first introduced the idea of value-sensitive design to security 15 years ago, and with colleagues applied it to the design of informed consent mechanisms. I will argue that routine application of this approach is the way to security solutions that people can and want to use.
10:00 Franzi Roesner, University of Washington, "Understanding and Designing for End Users' Security Expectations"
10:45 Coffee
11:15 Student one-minute introductions
12:45 Keynote: Dan Boneh, Stanford, "How to aggregate data privately and robustly"
1:45 Research Panel: Research Environments: Industrial and Academic
Alvaro Cárdenas, UT Dallas (slides) and Ron Perez, VISA Research (slides)
  Terry Benzel, moderator
2:45Aleksandra Korolova, USC, "Understanding sensitivity by analyzing anonymity"
3:30 Coffee
4:00Interactive Team Investigation
Sunday, May 21, 2017
8:30Keynote: Yoshi Kohno, University of Washington, "Experimental Computer Security Research: Project Conception, Execution, and Communication"
9:30Raquel Hill, University of Indiana, "Privacy, Online Data and the Jobseeker"
10:15 Coffee
10:45 Sunny Consolvo, Google, "Exploratory studies of privacy- & security-related beliefs and practices", a talk based on HCI research: "Stories from survivors: Privacy & security practices when coping with intimate partner abuse"
"She'll just grab any device that's closer": A Study of Everyday Device & Account Sharing in Households
11:30Interactive Team Investigation
1:30Roxana Geambasu, Columbia University, Privacy in a Data-Driven World"
2:15 Panel, Picking Research Problems: Nadia Heninger, University of Pennsylvania, Franzi Roessner, University of Washington
  Hilarie Orman, moderator
3:00Concluding Remarks