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Listing of academic positions available by
Cynthia Irvine
Posted January 2019
University of Lusembourg Interdisciplinary Centre for Security,
Reliability and Trust 2 PhD positions in
"Security and privacy of
resource constrained devices"
and "Risk analysis and regulatory
compliance of DLTs for transaction and management of securities"
Closes April 2019
URL of position descriptions
Conference and Workshop Announcements
Cipher calendar announcements are on Twitter; follow "ciphernews"
Requests for inclusion in the list should sent per instructions.
new calls or announcements added since Cipher E147
(the calls-for-papers and the calendar announcements may differ
slightly in content or time of update):
SP 2020 41st IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, San Francisco, CA, USA, May 18-20, 2020. (Submissions due first day of each month)
Since 1980 in Oakland, the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy has been the premier forum for computer security research, presenting the latest developments and bringing together researchers and practitioners. We solicit previously unpublished papers offering novel research contributions in any aspect of security or privacy. Papers may present advances in the theory, design, implementation, analysis, verification, or empirical evaluation and measurement of secure systems. Topics of interest include:
RAID 2019 International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses, Beijing, China, September 23-25, 2019. (Submissions due 26 March 2019)
Since its inception in 1997, the International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID) has established itself as a venue where leading researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, and the government are given the opportunity to present novel research in a unique venue to an engaged and lively community. This year we are soliciting research papers on topics covering all well-motivated computer security problems. We care about techniques that identify new real-world threats, techniques to prevent them, to detect them, to mitigate them or to assess their prevalence and their consequences. Measurement papers are encouraged, as well as papers offering public access to new tools or datasets, or experience papers that clearly articulate important lessons learned. Specific topics of interest to RAID include, but are not limited to:
AIBlock 2019 1st International Workshop on Application Intelligence and Blockchain Security, Held in Conjunction With ACNS 2019, Bogota, Colombia, Jun 5-7, 2019. (Submissions due 30 March 2019)
This workshop attempts to provide a platform for professionals from academia and industry to discuss challenges and potential solutions in this direction. We seek submissions describing either theoretical or practical solutions in relation to application intelligence security and blockchain security. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
CLOUDS&P 2019 1st Workshop on Cloud Security and Privacy, Bogota, Colombia, June 5-7, 2019. (Submissions due 30 March 2019)
Cloud computing is emerging as a promising IT solution for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, and on-demand accesses to a shared pool of configurable computing resources. However, the widespread adoption of cloud is still being hindered by various serious security and privacy concerns. CLOUD S&P aims to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss a wide-range of security and privacy issues and their solutions to ensure better protection in a cloud ecosystem. This workshop invites submissions on new attacks and solutions on various cloud-centric technologies, as well as short surveys and case studies that shed light on the security implications of clouds.
TrustData 2019 10th International Workshop on Trust, Security and Privacy for Big Data, Atlanta, USA, July 14-17, 2019. (Submissions due 31 March 2019)
The proliferation of new technologies such as Internet of Things and cloud computing calls for innovative ideas to retrieve, filter, and integrate data from a large number of diverse data sources. Big Data is an emerging paradigm applied to datasets whose volume/velocity/variability is beyond the ability of commonly used software tools to manage and process the data within a tolerable period of time. More importantly, Big Data has to be of high value, and should be protected in an efficient way. Since Big Data involves a huge amount of data that is of high-dimensionality and inter-linkage, existing trust, security, and privacy measures for traditional databases and infrastructures cannot satisfy its requirements. Novel technologies for protecting Big Data are attracting researchers and practitioners with more and more attention. The 10th International Workshop on Trust, Security and Privacy for Big Data (TrustData 2019) aims to bring together people from both academia and industry to present their most recent work related to trust, security and privacy issues in Big Data, and exchange ideas and thoughts in order to identify emerging research topics and define the future of Big Data.
Blockchain 2019 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain, Atlanta, GA, USA, July 14-17, 2019. (Submissions due 1 April 2019)
The emergence and popularity of blockchain techniques will significantly change the way of digital and networking systems' operation and management. In the meantime, the application of blockchain will exhibit a variety of complicated problems and new requirements, which brings more open issues and challenges for research communities. The goal of this conference is to promote community-wide discussion identifying the advanced applications, technologies and theories for blockchain. We seek submissions of papers that invent novel techniques, investigate new applications, introduce advanced methodologies, propose promising research directions and discuss approaches for unsolved issues.
IWSEC 2019 14th International Workshop on Security, Tokyo, Japan, August 28-30, 2019. (Submissions due 2 April 2019)
Original papers on the research and development of various security topics, as well as case studies and implementation experiences, are solicited for submission to IWSEC 2019. Topics of interest for IWSEC 2019 include all theory and practice of cryptography, information security, and network security, as in previous IWSEC workshops.
ISC 2019 22nd Information Security Conference, New York, NY, USA, September 16-18, 2019. (Submissions due 5 April 2019)
The Information Security Conference (ISC) is an annual international conference covering research in theory and applications of Information Security. ISC aims to attract high quality papers in all technical aspects of information security. This includes submissions from academia, industry and government on traditional as well as emerging topics and new paradigms in these areas, with a clear connection to real-world problems, systems, or applications. Papers on all technical aspects of information security and privacy are solicited for submission.
GraMSec 2019 International Workshop on Graphical Models for Security, Co-located with CSF 2019 Hoboken, NJ, USA, June 24, 2019. (Submissions due 5 April 2019)
The use of graphical security models to represent and analyse the security of systems has gained an increasing research attention over the last two decades. Formal methods and computer security researchers, as well as security professionals from the industry and government, have proposed various graphical security models, metrics, and measurements. Graphical models are used to capture different security facets and address a range of challenges including security assessment, automated defence, secure services composition, security policy validation, and verification. For example, attack graphs, attack trees, attack-defence trees, and attack countermeasure trees represent possible ways of attacking and defending a system while misuse cases and mal-activity diagrams capture threats and abusive behaviour of users. This year, we encourage excellent submissions related, but not restricted, to the following broad headings:
SecDev 2019 IEEE Secure Development Conference, McLean, VA, USA, September 25-27, 2019. (Submissions due 8 April 2019)
SecDev is a venue for presenting ideas, research, and experience about how to develop secure systems. It focuses on theory, techniques, and tools to "build security in" to existing and new computing systems. SecDev aims to bridge the gap between constructive security research and practice and to enable real-world impact of security research in the long run. Developers have valuable experiences and ideas that can inform academic research, and researchers have concepts, studies, and even code and tools that could benefit developers. We solicit research papers, position papers, systematization of knowledge papers, and "best practice" papers. All submissions should present novel results, provide novel perspectives and insights, or present new evidence about existing insights or techniques. SecDev also seeks hands-on and interactive tutorials on processes, frameworks, languages, and tools for building security in as well as posters and tool demos, and abstracts from practitioners to share their practical experiences and challenges in secure development. Areas of interest include (but are not limited to):
SecureComm 2019 15th EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Communication Networks, Orlando, FL, USA, October 23-25, 2019. (Submissions due 16 April 2019)
SecureComm seeks high-quality research contributions, which have not been previously published or in parallel submission to another conference or journal. Topics of interest encompass research advances in ALL areas of secure communications and networking. Topics in other areas (e.g., formal methods, database security, secure software, theoretical cryptography) will be considered only if a clear connection to private or secure communication/networking is demonstrated.
Elsevier Internet of Things, Special Issue on Machine Learning for Security, Privacy and Trust in IoT, (Submissions due 15 April 2019)
Guest Editors: Abhishek Parakh (University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA)
and Parvathi Chundi (University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA).
Experts predict that there will be 3-4 billions of connected devices in
use by consumers by the end of this year. Although these devices in smart
TVs, microwave ovens, thermostats, etc., will probably make our lives more
energy and cost efficient, they can also threaten the security of our homes.
This is because the manufacturers of these devices are primarily interested
in functionality and do not focus on securing the device against cyber-attacks,
protecting the privacy of consumer information on the device, securing the
communications from/to the device, etc. The massive scale and the variety of
these devices also make it difficult for the manufacturers to design and
implement manageable security and privacy solutions. Another challenge in
the IoT world is the continuous collection of data from the devices that
is analyzed to make conclusions about the environment being monitored by
the IoT devices. The data analyses are also crucial to maintaining the
security and privacy of the data being collected from the devices. The
massive scale of next-generation IoT systems makes the data collection,
analyses, transport, and fusion of the results at the system level seem daunting.
Machine learning (ML) typically automates the creation of analytical models
that allow adaptive algorithms to continuously learn from the generated data.
The main goal of ML here is the generation of reliable actionable information
that can be executed with minimal human intervention. ML powered programs
typically monitor network traffic passively building normal patterns for
users, devices and controller in the IoT system and then can make intelligent
decisions about the threats and intrusion in the network.
This special issue aims to promote discussions of research and relevant
activities in the models and design of secure, privacy-preserving, or trust
architectures, data analyses and fusion platforms, protocols, algorithms,
services, and applications for next generation IoT systems. We especially
encourage security and privacy solutions that employ innovative machine
learning techniques to tackle the issues of data volume and variety
problems that are systemic in IoT platform.
ESORICS 2019 24th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, Luxembourg, September 23-27, 2019. (Submissions due 22 April 2019)
ESORICS is the annual European research event in Computer Security. The Symposium started in 1990 and has been held in several European countries, attracting a wide international audience from both the academic and industrial communities. Papers offering novel research contributions in computer security are solicited for submission to the 2019 Symposium, to be held in Luxembourg. The primary focus is on original, high quality, unpublished research and implementation experiences. We encourage submissions of papers discussing industrial research and development. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
CRITIS 2019 14th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security, Linkoping, Sweden, September 23-25, 2019. (Submissions due 30 April 2019)
CRITIS 2019 aims at bringing together researchers, professionals from academia, critical (information) infrastructure operators, industry, defence sector and governmental organisations working in the field of the security of critical (information) infrastructure systems. Moreover, CRITIS aims to encourage and inspire early stage and open-minded researchers in this demanding multi-disciplinary field of research. Outstanding research performance demonstrated by young researchers may compete for the Young CRITIS Award (YCA). The Projects' Dissemination Session will be an opportunity of dissemination for ongoing European, multinational, and national projects, to share the experiences among scientist and experts working on different projects in the C(I)IP domain.
SciSec 2019 2nd International Conference on Science of Cyber Security, Nanjing, China, August 9-11, 2019. (Submissions due 1 May 2019)
The conference solicits high-quality, original research papers that can justifiably help achieve the ultimate Science of Cyber Security. The conference is organized by the Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications. This new forum aims to catalyze the research collaborations between the relevant communities and disciplines that can work together to deepen our understanding of, and build a firm foundation for, the emerging Science of Cyber Security. Publications in this venue would distinguish themselves from others by taking or thinking from a holistic perspective about cyber security, rather than the building-block perspective.
ACM-CCS 2019 26th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, London, United Kingdom, November 11-15, 2019. (Submissions due 31 January 2019, 15 May 2019, 1 September 2019)
The ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) is the
flagship annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Security, Audit and
Control (SIGSAC) of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The conference
brings together information security researchers, practitioners, developers, and
users from all over the world to explore cutting-edge ideas and results. It provides
an environment to conduct intellectual discussions. From its inception, CCS has
established itself as a high standard research conference in its area. The Conference
on Computer and Communications Security (CCS) seeks submissions presenting
novel contributions related to all real-world aspects of computer security and privacy.
Theoretical papers must make a convincing case for the relevance of their results to
practice. Authors are encouraged to write the abstract and introduction of their paper
in a way that makes the results accessible and compelling to a general computer-security
researcher. In particular, authors should bear in mind that anyone on the program
committee may be asked to give an opinion about any paper.
IMPORTANT: CCS will have three review cycles in 2019: the first with a submission
deadline of January 31, the second with a submission deadline of May 15, and the third
with a tentative submission deadline of September 1. The third review cycle is only for
papers invited for resubmission from the first two cycles; no new submissions will be
considered. Papers rejected from the first review cycle may not be submitted again
(even in revised form) to the second review cycle.
Springer Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences, Thematic Issue on Security, trust and privacy for Human-centric Internet of Things, (Submissions due 30 November 2019)
Guest Editors: Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA),
Uttam Ghosh (Vanderbilt University, USA),
Deepak Tosh (University of Texas El Paso, USA),
Reza M. Parizi (Kennesaw State University, USA),
and Ali Dehghantanha (University of Guelph, Canada).
Cyber-physical system (CPS) integrates both cyber world and man-made physical
world using sensors, actuators and other Internet of Things (IoT) devices,
to achieve stability, security, reliability, robustness, and efficiency in a
tightly coupled environment. Prevalence of such cyber-physical ecosystem
(inherently of distributed nature) imposes exacting demands on architect
models and necessitates the design of distributed solutions and other novel
approaches. This is essential in order to suitably address the security and
privacy concerns since CPS ecosystem involves humans as a part of its core.
Blockchain technology offers a distributed and scalable solution to
maintain a tamper-resistant ledger, which does not require a central
authority. Thus, it can best fit the need of distributed solution to above
mentioned security issues in CPS. However, the challenge in integrating
Blockchain with CPS is yet to be addressed, which requires various
cyber-physical nodes to work effectively and collaboratively in an
asynchronous environment. The goal of this special issue is to bring
together researchers from different sectors to focus on understanding
security challenges and attack surfaces of modern cyber-physical
systems, and architect innovative solutions with the help of
cutting-edge blockchain related technologies. Potential topics
include but are not limited to following:
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