Cipher Issue 146, November 20, 2018, Editor's Letter

Dear Readers,

This is our first issue since last July. Wildfires in Utah disrupted the editor's life enough to force cancellation of the newsletter, but ultimately there was no damage (unlike the horrific California fires), and now we are back with all your computer security news.

By now, all the potential papers for the 2019 Security and Privacy and also Euro S&P have been submitted, and the committees are hard at work evaluating them. Make plans to attend a conference next year, and start preparing papers for 2020.

The GREPSEC workshop for diversity in computer security research will be held in 2019 just prior to S&P. The application instructions will be posted at in January.

There is a small effort within the Computer Society to take some organizational steps towards helping to increase diversity across all the Technical Committees. If you have ideas for this or want to participate, please contact Jean-Luc Gaudiot (the Board of Governors sponsor for this ad hoc effort) at .

The Quantum Algorithm Not Executed

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, ...
Wait, I thought, let me and my entangled self,
Take boths roads, and later meet,
And in doing so, collapse our experiences.
This I did, but when the time arrived
To resolve myselves to one,
I simply traveled on, uncaring of that other road,
More traveled by, and its consequential differences.

(With apologies to Robert Frost and Erwin Schrödinger)

      Hilarie Orman