Cipher Issue 135, November 29, 2016, Editor's Letter

Dear Readers,

The past two months have yielded a cornucopia of items related to security and privacy. The US presidential election demonstrated how vulnerable computer systems are to hacking, and even NSA was subjected to yet another embarrassing exfiltration of classified material by a trusted contractor. Furthermore, a discussion about the integrity of online information has emerged. Although information integrity has been part of cybersecurity in the technical sense of being the dual of security classification, this does not begin to encompass the provenance issues that we face today. The Internet is a phenomenon driven by the desire and need for communication, but in fulfilling that need, it has created questions about the power and meaning of information within a democratic society. Can the research and practitioner community address this challenge?

There is a full agenda conferences for the tail of 2016 and start of 2017, and almost any topic in security and privacy will be addressed at one or more venues. They await your papers and your attendance.

One of our news articles mentions that upwards of a million jobs will be created in cybersecurity over the next few years, yet academia usually omits it from the computer science curriculum. There's opportunity there for those who are eager to get into a field that seems to be permanently in the midst of major issues in industry and international affairs. Along these lines, please note that the GREPSEC workshop for invited graduate students will be held in 2017, see Applications will be taken in January.

Four kernel errors,
Three Samsung fires,
Two Apple subpoenas,
And a conspiracy in a DNS tree.

      Hilarie Orman