Cipher Issue 126, May 30, 2015, Editor's Letter

Dear Readers,

At the recent Symposium on Security and Privacy, the IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committee on Security and Privacy (the organization that sponsors this newsletter), selected Sean Peisert as the incoming Vice Chair of the committee. The symposium's General Chair for 2016 is Michael Locasto, and the Program Chairs are Vitaly Shmatikov and Úlfar Erlingsson

This month our fearless book reviewer, Richard Austin, tackles a book about violence in the digital era. This is a book with more than just technology. It approaches the philosophical questions of where violence comes from and how it will be interpreted in our technological future.

The news continues to inspire with an unending feast of attacks and malware of many species. The articles about a passenger accessing the flight controls on an airliner seemed hardly credible, but apparently there is no "air gap" between the internal networks. But the firewall, that's fully verified, right? In a totally retro turn, the security report from an early secure operating system, B2 Multics, has finally been released to the public. In 1986, many of us expected fully secure OS's by this time. We were so much younger then.

Keep your router dry,

      Hilarie Orman