Cipher Issue 125, March 17, 2015, Editor's Letter

Dear Readers,

Selecting the few, most salient news articles from past weeks is becoming more and more arduous because there are just too many of them. Hacks from criminals, hacks from governments, the pace is accelerating. Only one news article is positive, an announcement of a tablet with strong security controls. At only about 4 times the price of an ordinary tablet, it is unlikely to be widely used.

Our book review this month concerns Bruce Schneier's recent publication, "Data and Goliatth", and it is on the New York Times bestseller list.

Registration for the Computer Society's Security and Privacy Symposium is now open. The program is on the website (, and it looks to be as always, stellar, and bigger than ever.

Hope you had a happy {pi, e} day,

      Hilarie Orman