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IFIP-TM 2013 7th IFIP International Conference on Trust Management, Málaga, Spain, June 3-7, 2013. (Submissions due 25 January 2013)
IFIPTM 2013 will be the 7th International Conference on Trust Management under the auspices of IFIP. The mission of the IFIPTM 2013 Conference is to share research solutions to problems of Trust and Trust management, and to identify new issues and directions for future research and development work. IFIPTM 2013 invites submissions presenting novel research on all topics related to Trust, Security and Privacy.
International Journal of Cloud Computing, Special Issue on Information Assurance and System Security in Cloud Computing, Fall 2013, (Submission Due 30 January 2013)
Editors: Yu Chen (Binghamton University, USA),
Kai Hwang (University of Southern California, USA),
Wei-Shinn Ku (Auburn University, USA),
and Douglas Summerville (Binghamton University, USA)
Cloud computing has attracted interest from both industry and academia since
2007, which has been recognized as the new paradigm of IT industry.
Cloud computing provides users with flexible services in a transparent
manner. Services are allocated in a "cloud", which is a collection of
devices and resources connected through the Internet. Before this paradigm
can be widely accepted, the security, privacy and reliability provided by
the services in the cloud must be well established. The special issue
seeks original unpublished papers focusing on various aspects of security
issues in cloud computing environments. Aiming at presenting and discussing
the latest developments, this special issue welcomes papers addressing
theoretical analysis, emerging applications, novel system architecture
construction and design, experimental studies, and social impacts of cloud
computing. Both review/survey papers and technical papers are encouraged.
The topics include but are not limited to:
CSF 2013 26th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium, Tulane University, New Orleans Louisiana, USA, June 26 - 28, 2013. (Submissions due 30 January 2013)
The Computer Security Foundations Symposium is an annual conference for researchers in computer security. CSF seeks papers on foundational aspects of computer security, e.g., formal security models, relationships between security properties and defenses, principled techniques and tools for design and analysis of security mechanisms as well as their application to practice. While CSF welcomes submissions beyond the topics listed below, the main focus of CSF is foundational security: submissions that lack foundational aspects risk rejection. New theoretical results in computer security are welcome. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Special Issue on Management of Cloud Services, Fall 2013, (Submission Due 31 January 2013)
Editors: Gregorio Martinez (University of Murcia, Spain),
Roy Campbell (University of Illinois, USA),
and Jose M. Alcaraz Calero (Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, UK)
Cloud computing is becoming recognized as a revolutionary new way to use computing
and storage services more efficiently. Revenues for public cloud services for one company,
Amazon Web Services, have reached almost $1 billion a year. Yet cloud computing is challenging
traditional management methods as it encompasses the business support, provisioning,
configuration, portability, and interoperability of cloud providers supporting cloud consumers
and brokers as outlined in the NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture. Business support
includes the management of customers, contracts, and inventory as well as accounting, billing,
reporting, auditing, pricing, and rating. Provisioning and configuration must consider rapid
provisioning, resource changing, monitoring, reporting, metering, and service level agreements
(SLA). Portability and interoperability concerns both efficient and inexpensive data and application
migration across multiple cloud environments. This can include data portability, data object
migration, bulk data transfer; a unified management interface to support service interoperability
across multiple cloud providers; and the migration of applications, services, machine images or
virtual machine instances from one cloud provider to another. Cloud provisions like multi-tenancy,
interoperability, scalability, reliability, efficiency, support of on-demand service composition,
privacy, security and advanced audit are posing a set of challenges to the management field
still largely to be addressed. This special issue is intending to serve as a work of reference compiling
the major achievements in the management of cloud services with emphasis on the field of network
and service management. The final objective is to make cloud services and technologies more
mature so as to boost and to facilitate a higher widespread uptake of cloud systems in the industry.
Topics of interest, include, but are not limited to the following:
NFSP 2013 2nd International Workshop on Network Forensics, Security and Privacy, Held in conjunction with the 33rd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2013), Philadelphia, PA, USA, July 8, 2013. (Submissions due 31 January 2013)
Cyberspace has been reshaped as an integration of businesses, governments and individuals, such as e-business, communication and social life. At the same time, it has also been providing convenient platforms for crimes, such as financial fraud, information phishing, distributed denial of service attacks, and fake message propagation. Especially, the emergence of social networks has raised significant security and privacy issues to the public. We have seen news of various network related security attacks from time to time, and defenders are usually vulnerable to detect, mitigate and traceback to the source of attacks. It is a new research challenge of fighting against criminals in the cyber space. The potential solutions involve various disciplines, such as networking, watermarking, information theory, game theory, mathematical and statistical modelling, data mining, artificial intelligence, multimedia processing, neural network, pattern recognition, cryptography and forensic criminology, etc.
WISTP 2013 7th Workshop in Information Security Theory and Practice, Heraklion, Greece, May 28-30, 2013. (Submissions due 31 January 2013)
Current developments in IT are characterized by an increasing use of personal mobile devices and an increasing reliance on IT for supporting industrial applications in the physical world. A new persepctive on socio-technical and cyber-physical systems is required that sees in IT more than just an infrastructure but focuses on the ever closer integration between social and technical processes as well. Application markets, such as Google Play and Apple App Store drive a mobile ecosystem, offering new business models with high turnovers and new opportunities, which however, also attract cybercriminals and raise new privacy concerns. In the area of cyber-physical systems, research has to go beyond securing the IT infrastructure and to consider attacks launched by combining manipulations in physical space and cyber space. The workshop seeks submissions from academia and industry presenting novel research on all aspects of security and privacy of mobile devices, such as Android and iOS platforms, as well as studies on securing cyber-physical systems.
ACNS 2013 11th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security, Banff, Alberta, Canada, June 25-28, 2013. (Submissions due 1 February 2013)
The 11th International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security seeks submissions from academia, industry, and government presenting novel research on all aspects of applied cryptography as well as network security and privacy. Papers describing novel paradigms, original directions, or non-traditional perspectives are also encouraged. The conference has two tracks: a research track and an industry track. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
AsiaPKC 2013 ACM Asia Public-Key Cryptography Workshop, Held in conjunction with the the 8th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2013), Hangzhou, China, May 7, 2013. (Submissions due 1 February 2013)
Public-key cryptography plays an essential role in processing various kinds of data while assuring different flavors of cryptographic properties. The theme of this workshop is focused on novel public-key cryptosystems and techniques that can be used to solve a wide range of real-life application problems. This workshop solicits original contributions on both applied and theoretic aspects of public-key cryptography. Topics of interest to the workshop include, but at not limited to:
SESP 2013 1st International Workshop on Security in Embedded Systems and Smartphones, Held in conjunction with the the 8th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2013), Hangzhou, China, May 7, 2013. (Submissions due 1 February 2013)
Embedded computing has recently become more and more present in devices used in everyday life. A wide variety of applications, from consumer electronics to biomedical systems, require building up powerful yet cheap embedded devices. In this context, embedded software has turned out to be more and more complex, posing new security challenging issues. We broadly view that smartphones as mobile embedded systems. This workshop aims to bring together the research efforts from both the academia and industry in all security and privacy aspects related to embedded systems and smart phones. We encourage submissions on all theoretical and practical aspects, as well as experimental studies of deployed systems. Topics of interests include (but are not limited to) the following subject categories related to embedded systems and smart phone:
SCC 2013 International Workshop on Security in Cloud Computing, Held in conjunction with the the 8th ACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security (ASIACCS 2013), Hangzhou, China, May 7, 2013. (Submissions due 1 February 2013)
Cloud computing has emerged as today's most exciting computing paradigm shift in information technology. With the efficient sharing of abundant computing resources in the cloud, users can economically enjoy the on-demand high quality cloud applications and services without committing large capital outlays locally. While the cloud benefits are compelling, its unique attributes also raise many security and privacy challenges in areas such as data security, recovery, privacy, access control, trusted computing, as well as legal issues in areas such as regulatory compliance, auditing, and many others. This workshop aims to bring together the research efforts from both the academia and industry in all security aspects related to cloud computing. We encourage submissions on all theoretical and practical aspects, as well as experimental studies of deployed systems. Topics of interests include (but are not limited to) the following subject categories:
Elsevier Computer Communications Journal, Special Issue on Opportunistic Networking, Fall 2013 (TBD), (Submission Due 10 February 2013)
Editors: Chiara Boldrini (IIT-CNR, Italy),
Kyunghan Lee (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Korea),
Melek Onen (EURECOM, France), Joerg Ott (Aalto University, Finland),
and Elena Pagani (Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Italy)
The widespread availability of mobile portable devices enriched with a variety of sensing
capabilities, coupled with the impelling need of communication anytime and anywhere,
has rapidly raised the interest towards new approaches to communications between users.
Opportunistic networks are an instance of the delay tolerant paradigm applied to networks
made up of users' portable devices (such as smartphones and tablets). As such, they are
able to cope with challenged network conditions that are often present in real life, such as
high node mobility, variable connectivity, and disconnections, which would impair
communications in traditional Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In this scenario, user mobility
becomes one of the main drivers to enable message delivery. In fact, according to
the store-carry-and-forward paradigm, user devices store messages and carry them
around while they move in the network, exchanging them upon encounter with other
nodes, and eventually delivering them to their destination or to interested users.
This new communication paradigm enables legacy applications in challenged scenarios,
as well as it paves the way to innovative solutions. While opportunistic networks initially
received attention to support communication where an infrastructure is not available
(for disaster recovery or in rural areas), nowadays a number of applications can be
envisaged ranging from content sharing, through mobile social networking, to participatory
and urban sensing. All these applications rely on data forwarding amongst devices. As a
consequence, two aspects become relevant, that is, the need for mechanisms
guaranteeing trusted and secure communications while preserving users' privacy
(in the absence of infrastructure and sometimes even end-to-end connectivity), and
incentive mechanisms able to boost the participation in the network. This Special Issue of
Computer Communications seeks contributions pushing the state of the art in Opportunistic
Networking. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:
DIMVA 2013 10th International Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment, Berlin, Germany, July 18-19 2013. (Submissions due 10 February 2013)
The annual DIMVA conference serves as a premier forum for advancing the state of the art in intrusion detection, malware detection, and vulnerability assessment. Each year, DIMVA brings together international experts from academia, industry, and government to present and discuss novel research in these areas. DIMVA solicits submission of high-quality, original scientific papers presenting novel research on malware analysis, intrusion detection, and related systems security topics.
TRUST 2013 6th International Conference on Trust and Trustworthy Computing, London, UK, June 17-19, 2013. (Submissions due 15 February 2013)
TRUST 2013 is an international conference on the technical and socio-economic aspects of trustworthy infrastructures. It provides an excellent interdisciplinary forum for researchers, practitioners, and decision makers to explore new ideas and discuss experiences in building, designing, using and understanding trustworthy computing systems. The conference solicits original papers on any aspect (technical, social or socio-economic) of the design, application and usage of trusted and trustworthy computing. Papers can address design, application and usage of trusted and trustworthy computing in a broad range of concepts including, but not limited to, trustworthy infrastructures, cloud computing, services, hardware, software and protocols.
DBSEC 2013 27th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ, USA, July 15-17, 2013. (Submissions due 15 February 2013)
The 27th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy provides a forum for presenting original unpublished research results, practical experiences, and innovative ideas in data and applications security. Both papers and panel proposals are also solicited. Papers may present theory, techniques, applications, or practical experience on topics of relevance to IFIP WG 11.3:
USENIX-Security 2013 22nd USENIX Security Symposium, Washington, DC. USA, August 14-16, 2013. (Submissions due 21 February 2013)
The USENIX Security Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the security of computer systems and networks. The USENIX Security Symposium is primarily a systems security conference. Papers whose contributions are primarily new cryptographic algorithms or protocols, cryptanalysis, electronic commerce primitives, etc., may not be appropriate for this conference. Refereed paper submissions are solicited in all areas relating to systems and network security, including:
MoST 2013 Mobile Security Technologies Workshop, Co-located with the 34th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P 2013) and an event of the IEEE Computer Society's Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW 2013), San Francisco, CA, USA, May 23, 2013. (Submissions due 22 February 2013)
Mobile Security Technologies (MoST) brings together researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and hardware and software developers of mobile systems to explore the latest understanding and advances in the security and privacy for mobile devices, applications, and systems. We are seeking both short position papers (2-4 pages) and longer papers (a maximum of 10 pages). The scope of MoST 2013 includes, but is not limited to, security and privacy specifically for mobile devices and services related to:
D-SPAN 2013 4th IEEE Workshop on Data Security and Privacy in Wireless Networks, Co-located with the 14th International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2013), Madrid, Spain, June 4, 2013. (Submissions due 28 February 2013)
The workshop focuses on research developments related to data security and privacy in wireless and mobile networks. This workshop solicits papers from two main categories: (1) papers that consider the security and privacy of data collection, transmission, storage, publishing, and sharing in wireless networks broadly defined, e.g., MANET, cellular, vehicular, ad hoc, cognitive, and sensor networks; and (2) papers that use data analytics to address security and privacy problems in wireless networks. The workshop provides a venue for researchers to present new ideas with impact on three communities - wireless networks, databases, and security. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
CNS 2013 1st IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security, Washington D.C., USA, October 14-16, 2013. (Submissions due 1 March 2013)
Cyber security has become an important research and development area for academia, government, and industry in recent years. As government and industry investment in cyber security research continues to grow, there will be a dramatic increase in the amount of new results generated by the research community, which must be disseminated widely amongst the research community in order to provide the peer review feedback that is needed to ensure that high-quality solutions that address important and emerging security issues are developed. As a leading professional society focusing on communications technologies, IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) has identified the need for a high-quality security conference that would focus on communications-oriented aspects of security. IEEE ComSoc has thus decided to launch a new conference dedicated to Communications and Network Security. This new conference is positioned to be a core ComSoc conference (at a level comparable to IEEE INFOCOM ) and will serve as a premier forum for cyber security researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and users to exchange ideas, techniques and tools, raise awareness, and share experience related to security and privacy. IEEE CNS seeks original high-quality technical papers from academia, government, and industry. Topics of interest encompass all practical and theoretical aspects of communications and network security, all the way from the physical layer to the various network layers to the variety of applications reliant on a secure communication substrate. Submissions with main contribution in other areas, such as information security, software security, system security, or applied cryptography, will also be considered if a clear connection to secure communications/networking is demonstrated. Particular topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
W2SP 2013 Web 2.0 Security & Privacy Workshop, Co-located with the 34th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (IEEE S&P 2013) and an event of the IEEE Computer Society's Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW 2013), San Francisco, CA, USA, May 24, 2013. (Submissions due 1 March 2013)
W2SP brings together researchers, practitioners, web programmers, policy makers, and others interested in the latest understanding and advances in the security and privacy of the web, browsers and their eco-system. We are seeking both short position papers (2-4 pages) and longer papers (a maximum of 10 pages). The scope of W2SP 2013 includes, but is not limited to:
CHES 2013 Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, Co-located with the 33rd Annual International Cryptology Conference (CRYPTO 2013), Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 20-23, 2013. (Submissions due 1 March 2013)
CHES covers new results on all aspects of the design and analysis of cryptographic hardware and software implementations. The workshop builds a bridge between the cryptographic research community and the cryptographic engineering community. With participants from industry, academia, and government organizations, the number of participants has grown to over 300 in recent years. CHES 2013 will be co-located with the 33rd Annual International Cryptology Conference, CRYPTO 2013, in Santa Barbara, California, USA. This will provide unique interaction opportunities for the communities of both conferences. In addition to a track of high-quality presentations, CHES 2013 will offer invited talks, tutorials, a poster session, and a rump session. The topics of CHES 2013 include but are not limited to:
PRISMS 2013 International Conference on Privacy and Security in Mobile Systems, Atlantic City, NJ, USA, June 24-27, 2013. (Submissions due 4 March 2013)
PRISMS is the successor of MobiSec (International Conference on Security and Privacy in Mobile Information and Communication Systems). The conference under a new name (PRISMS) is organized this year with the co-sponsorship of IEEE. Its focus is the convergence of information and communication technology in mobile scenarios. This convergence is realised in intelligent mobile devices, accompanied by the advent of next-generation communication networks. Privacy and security aspects need to be covered at all layers of mobile networks, from mobile devices, to privacy respecting credentials and mobile identity management, up to machine-to-machine communications. In particular, mobile devices such as Smartphones and Internet Tablets have been very successful in commercialization. However, their security mechanisms are not always able to deal with the growing trend of information-stealing attacks. As mobile communication and information processing becomes a commodity, economy and society require protection of this precious resource. Mobility and trust in networking go hand in hand for future generations of users, who need privacy and security at all layers of technology. In addition, the introduction of new data collection practices and data-flows (e.g. sensing data) from the mobile device makes it more difficult to understand the new security and privacy threats introduced. PRISMS strives to bring together the leading-edge of academia and industry in mobile systems security, as well as practitioners, standards developers and policymakers. Contributions may range from architecture designs and implementations to cryptographic solutions for mobile and resource-constrained devices.
SOUPS 2013 Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK, July 24-26, 2013. (Submissions due 7 March 2013)
The 2013 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) will bring together an interdisciplinary group of researchers and practitioners in human computer interaction, security, and privacy. The program will feature technical papers, a poster session, panels and invited talks, lightning talks and demos, and workshops and tutorials. We invite authors to submit original papers describing research or experience in all areas of usable privacy and security. Topics include, but are not limited to:
VOTE-ID 2013 4th International Conference on E-voting and Identity, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK, July 17-19, 2013. (Submissions due 11 March 2013)
Electronic voting is a very active research area covering a broad range of issues, from computer security and cryptographic issues to human psychology and legal issues. The aim of Vote-ID is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry and governmental institutions, all working on e-voting systems. The scope covers all aspects of electronic voting systems, including, but not limited to:
HST 2013 13th annual IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security, Waltham, Massachusetts, USA, November 12 - 14, 2013. (Submissions due 15 March 2013)
The 13th annual IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST '13), will be held 12 - 14 November will bring together innovators from leading academic, industry, business, Homeland Security Centers of Excellence, and government programs to provide a forum to discuss ideas, concepts, and experimental results. Produced by IEEE with technical support from DHS S&T, IEEE Boston Section, and IEEE-USA and organizational support from MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Raytheon, Battelle, and MITRE, this year's event will once again showcase selected technical paper and posters highlighting emerging technologies in the areas of Cyber Security, Attack and Disaster Preparation, Recovery, and Response, Land and Maritime Border Security and Biometrics & Forensics.
PST 2013 11th International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust, Tarragona, Catalonia, July 10-12, 2013. (Submissions due 17 March 2013)
PST2013 provides a forum for researchers world-wide to unveil their latest work in privacy, security and trust and to show how this research can be used to enable innovation. PST2013 will include one day of tutorials followed by two days of high-quality research papers whose topics include, but are NOT limited to, the following:
RFIDSEC 2013 9th Workshop on RFID Security, Graz, Austria, July 9-11, 2013. (Submissions due 2 April 2013)
RFIDsec is the premier workshop devoted to security and privacy in Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) with participants throughout the world. RFIDsec brings together researchers from academia and industry for topics of importance to improving the security and privacy of RFID, NFC, contactless technologies, and the Internet of Things. RFIDsec bridges the gap between cryptographic researchers and RFID developers through invited talks and contributed presentations. Topics of the workshop include but are not limited to:
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