Cipher Issue 83, March 2008, Editor's Letter

This is the time of year to remind everyone that this newsletter is published by the IEEE Technical Committee on Security and Privacy, sponsor of two distinguished computer security events each year. The Security and Privacy Symposium ("Oakland") is now accepting registration for attendees. The program is varied and exciting --- for example Compromising Reflections -or- How to Read LCD Monitors Around the Corner. See our website for pointers to all the conference information, including the two workshops. The Web 2.0 Security workshop was such a success last year that it continues on for a second run, and a workshop about digital forensics is new this year.

The Computer Security Foundations Symposium will be held June in Pittsburgh. Again, watch our web pages for the program and registration information.

The news items that I've selected this month are from mainstream publications in recent weeks. Viruses seem to have continued nearly unabated over the last many years, long-distance hacking is a world-wide hobby, and we continue to learn that no digital device is safe from meddling. These issues, once known only to specialists in the niche of a new field, are now topics for the popular press. They are also going to be part of life as we and our descendents will know it for a very long time to come. Death, taxes, and computer viruses. Oh, and "bulging capacitors" --- the bane of my life this winter. Google it.

Hold breath, close eyes, click "install",
    Hilarie Orman
    Cipher Editor