News Bits


July 18, 2002

Correspondence from Dr. Heather Hinton, General Chair of the 2002 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy:

IEEE SP02 was (as usual) a success. It was held May 12-15 2002 at the Claremont Resort in Berkeley, California. We had 197 paid attendees and two press attendees. The conference received lots of media attention due to several interesting papers and a five-minute recent research talk. The press from these research results was beneficial - we had lots of attention from organizations such as TechTV, CNet and more.

We did not loose money this year, through constant monitoring of expenses, cutbacks on trinkets (there were none), and raising the registration fees. This will likely continue as the Claremont continues to increase its prices.

Next year's conference is again over Mother's Day weekend, which if I have read my calendar correctly is May 11-14, 2003  

July 18, 2002

The 16th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop will be held June 29-July 3, 2003 at Asilomar (Pacific Grove, CA, USA).  Watch for the call-for-papers.

June 7, 2002

I received a correspondence from Carl Landwehr proposing a fascinating "community project" whose goal is to develop a timeline with important events and work in computer security. Have a look at the PDF files to see the start of that work. here is an excerpt from Carl:

"What I am hoping others (students?) might like to do as a community project, would be for someone (or some many) to produce from this a set of database entries of the form: (date, event, reference) that could be used to help construct (or reconstruct) the history of significant events in computer security. There are lots of important events in the history of security/information assurance technology (e.g. creation and development of firewalls, VPNs, public key crypto) that are not to be found anywhere on these charts. These baseline events could be strung together in (probably endless) ways, according to one's prejudices and beliefs, to indicate which events were significant, which influenced what other events, what streams of thought and investigation were pursued, etc. Having the tuples might be a useful place to start. The first of these timelines [see the PDF files] is an updated and abstracted version of the second one; the others are even older and were made for other purposes. I happily place them in the public domain, warts and all."

If you have thoughts on this or would like to participate, send a note to me ( or to Carl directly (

July 2002

IEEE Computer Society introduces a new magazine in Security and Privacy

At its June 2002 meeting in Toronto, IEEE's Technical Activities Board approved IEEE Security & Privacy magazine for launch in January 2003 as a bimonthly publication with an annual page budget of 552 pages (92 pages per issue).

The magazine, which is to be published by the IEEE Computer Society, will cover a wide range of security and privacy topics in the context of computers, networks, consumer systems, critical infrastructures and other technology domains. Each issue will be a mix of technical, survey and tutorial articles, departments, and columns. The magazine concept was developed by a Task Force which earlier this year published a supplement to IEEE Computer. That supplement and other details about the Task Force can be found at

Anyone interested in contributing articles to this exciting new publication should contact George Cybenko at

Subscription to the new publication will be an option on the 2003 IEEE membership renewal forms. Instructions for subscribing will also be listed at the IEEE Computer Society's web site at shortly.

News Bits contains correspondence, interesting links, non-commercial announcements and other snippets of information the editor thought that Cipher readers might find interesting.