Items from security-related news (E86.Sep-2008)

Press Release: NIST Standard for Keyed Hashing
August 18, 2008, from Sara Caswell,

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is pleased to announce approval of Federal Information Processing Standard(FIPS) Publication 198-1, The Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC), a revision of FIPS 198. The Federal Register Notice (FRN) of the approval is available here. The FIPS specifies a mechanism for message authentication using cryptographic hash functions in Federal information systems.

the Federal Register Notice
the FIPS Publication 198-1  

Press Release: NIST Standard for Randomized Hashing
August 18, 2008, from Sara Caswell,

NIST revised the first drafts of Special Publication(SP) 800-106, Randomized Hashing for Digital Signatures, and SP 800-107, Recommendation for Applications Using Approved Hash Algorithms after receiving great comments from many public and private individuals and organizations. The second drafts of these two SPs have been posted at The deadlines for public comments and the point-of-contact are listed with the documents.

NIST also would like to announce that FIPS 198-1 has already been approved and it is posted at