ACM SIGSAC AWARDS: Nomination Deadline Extended to September 30, 2005

  Deadline for submitting nominations extended to September 30, 2005


ACM SIGSAC is planning to offer two annual awards: SIGSAC Outstanding
Innovation Award and SIGSAC Outstanding Contributions Award.  The first
awards will be given at the 2005 CCS. At most one award will be given  
each year in each category.

The award criteria are as follows:

- SIGSAC Outstanding Innovation Award: This award is given for
    outstanding and innovative technical contributions to the field of
    computer and communication security that have had lasting impact in
    furthering or understanding the theory or development of secure

- SIGSAC Outstanding Contribution Award: This award is given for
    significant contribution to the field of computer and communication
    security through fostering research and development activities,
    educating students, or providing professional services such as the
    running of professional societies and conferences.

The SIGSAC Awards Committee is now open to receiving nominations for the
awards. The awards will be presented at ACM Computer and Communication
Security Conference, Alexandria, VA, November 7-11, 2005.

NOMINATION PROCESS: Each nomination should be co-sponsored by at least
3 people. Email co-sponsorship is accepted. Nominations should include a
proposed citation (up to 25 words), a succinct (100-250 words)  
of the innovation/contribution, and a detailed statement
(1-2 page) to justify the nomination as well as other supporting  
Nominations should be submitted via e-mail (with subject "SIGSAC
Innovation/Contribution Award nomination") to the chair of the SIGSAC  
Committee: Pierangela Samarati (

EXTENDED DEADLINE FOR NOMINATIONS:  Deadline for receiving nominations
is  September 30, 2005.  (extended from August 5, 2005)

EXCLUSION: Members of the ACM SIGSAC Awards Committee are not  
eligible to be

The details related to the nomination process and administration of the
awards are posted at


Pierangela Samarati
Chair, SIGSAC Awards Committee

SIGSAC Awards Committee:
Sushil Jajodia, George Mason University
John McLean, Naval Research Laboratory
Jon Millen, The MITRE Corporation
Pierangela Samarati, University of Milan