Erland Jonsson and Lech Janczewski

[9 July 1996]

To Teachers in Computer Security and other interested parties,

RE: Request for data on practical security experiments

At the last IFIP Security conference on Samos in May 1996 there was an interesting discussion held on contents of data security courses/lectures. During that discussion the importance of experiments in teaching this discipline was emphasized. As "experiments" we understand any action beyond "pure" lecturing encompassing such activities as:

Experiments in this sense means both activities conducted during the class presentations (DEMO), in laboratories (LAB), and in external organisations (FIELD).

We decided to investigate this question in a more detailed way. We understand that without drawing on existing resources in this field our effort would be fruitless. Therefore, we would be very grateful if you could answer the enclosed questionnaire. It is an universal form good for any type of experiment. If during your data security courses you have more than one experiment would you please use one form per experiment.

We plan to complete the research within a couple of months so your prompt action would be greatly appreciated. We will reference any material from you in our final report and we promise to send it to you.

If you have any questions regarding this research will you kindly contact any of us (address below).

Finally, if you feel that this message is not for you but rather for someone of your colleagues, please forward this message to her/him.

Looking forward to your positive reply,

Remaining sincerely yours,

Erland Jonsson/Lech Janczewski



University  ..............................................................  

Faculty   ................................................................  

Department  ..............................................................  

Course name  .............................................................

Course level  ............................................................
		(undegraduate, graduate, etc)

Experiment type		  DEMO   LAB   FIELD

Experiment duration  ......................................................
(in min, hours, days, etc)

Experiment goal ..........................................................


Experiment description....................................................


Assessment method ........................................................
(if appropriate)


Please send the form to:

Dr Erland Jonsson     
Department of Computer Engineering   
Chalmers University of Technology
Gothenburg, Sweden 
tel 46-31  772 1688
fax 46-31  772 3663


Dr Lech J. Janczewski
Department of Management Science and Information Systems
The University of Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand
tel 64-9  373 7599 ext 7538
fax 64-9  373 7430