Review of  the
Computer Security Foundations Symposium,
CMU, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
June 23-25, 2008

Review by Kumar Avijit
July 10, 2008

Day 1

Day 2

The second day started with a joint CSF-LICS invited talk by David Basin on his work with Christoph Sprenger on "Cryptographically-sound protocol model abstractions". The first session of this day was joint with LICS.

Day 3

The last day of CSF started with a joint CSF-LICS invited talk by Dexter Kozen. He talked about formalizing flowcharts with non-local control flow in terms of Kleene algebra with tests with equational reasoning. He started off by highlighting a previous result by Bohm and Jacopini about expressibility of deterministic flowcharts as while programs requiring auxiliary variables, and another result by Ashcroft and Manna that these auxiliary variables are necessary.

This was followed by a short tutorial of some results on Kleene algebra. A boolean subalgebra of the Kleene algebra was then introduced to define Kleene algebra with tests. Every deterministic automaton for Kleene algebra with tests is equivalent to a while program. Finally he presented a translation from arbitrary flowcharts to strictly deterministic automata.