Thread Verification 2006 (TV06) International Workshop on Multithreading in Hardware and Software: Formal Approaches to Design and Verification CALL FOR PAPERS August 21-22, 2006 in Seattle, Washington Part of FLoC 2006 ( Hosted by CAV 2006 IMPORTANT DATES ============================================================================ May 1, 2006 : Submission deadline June 9, 2006 : Notification of acceptance July 15,2006 : Final version due INVITED SPEAKERS ============================================================================ * Vijay Saraswat, IBM T.J. Watson Research Labs, Yorktown Heights, NY * Maurice Herlihy, Brown University, Providence, RI SCOPE OF WORKSHOP ============================================================================ The use of threading is already widespread, and will require explosive growth moving into the future, given that tomorrow's performance / energy goals will be met through increased concurrency. TV06 invites papers addressing the tussle between correctness, reliability, and performance in this space. It is clear that well-engineered solutions in this space will require paying adequate attention to several areas, including (but clearly not limited to): * analysis, testing, and verification techniques for threaded systems * experience building reliable and high-performance threaded systems * case studies of verifying threaded systems * language design and formal semantics pertaining to threading * logics and models of concurrency, including transaction memories * model checking multithreaded programs * shared memory consistency models at the hardware, language, and library levels * runtime verification for multithreaded programs and systems * threading issues in multicore systems and chips * designing formally well-specified high-performance thread libraries * understanding threading issues in specific areas such as high-performance computing (e.g., OpenMP), general purpose libraries (e.g., PThreads), and languages (e.g., C#, Java) We invite researchers and engineers working on all aspects of threading, especially the above listed areas, to submit a paper (these areas are well represented by members of the TV06 program committee). Given the vast array of challenging problems to be solved in short order in these areas, papers from practitioners describing real-world experience would be especially valuable. TV06 is hosted by the premier CAV conference, which is part of FLoC 2006 (Federated Logic Conference). FLoC encompasses 6 conferences and 41 workshops, and will be held in August in Seattle. Please visit for a full description of these events (and please download a catchy poster while there). The location, setting, and timing promise ample opportunities for intellectual and social interactions. PAPER SUBMISSIONS ========================================================================= Submissions must be made electronically in PDF format, following the instructions on the TV06 Web site, which is Submissions must use the ACM SIG Proceedings format with letter-size paper (see for details). Two categories of papers will be accepted: - long : 10-15 pages, describing in-depth investigations - short: 4-6 pages, describing a tool, position statement, etc. Papers should contain a concise abstract of approximately 150 words, clearly stating the nature of the contributions. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to register for TV06 (registration information coming soon at as well as give a presentation at the workshop. Papers should be self-contained, and describe original work, but may be based on (and may contain) portions from a previously published paper, provided it also includes substantial new work. A journal special issue based on selected papers from this workshop is under consideration. Email questions, if any, to t v 0 6 at c s dot u t a h dot e d u. PROGRAM COMMITTEE ========================================================================== Arvind, MIT CSAIL, USA Hans Boehm, HP, USA Ching Tsun Chou, Intel, USA Byron Cook, Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK Robert P. Cook, Georgia Southern University, USA Cormac Flanagan, UC Santa Cruz,USA Robert M. Kirby, University of Utah, USA Timothy G. Mattson, Intel, USA Shaz Qadeer, Microsoft Research, USA John Regehr, University of Utah, USA Scott Stoller, SUNY at Stony Brook, USA Yue Yang, Microsoft, USA ORGANIZERS ========================================================================== Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, University of Utah John O'Leary, Intel