Special Issue on Trust and Security in Cloud Computing
(Submissions Due: 14 January 2012) [Posted here: 29 Nov 2011]

Editors: Ryan K L Ko (HP Labs Singapore), Markus Kirchberg (HP Labs
Singapore), Bu Sung Lee (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

This special issue focuses on the research challenges and issues in
trust and security in cloud computing. It aims to collect
contributions by researchers from both academia and industry, showthe
latest research results and methodologies addressing top concerns in
trust and security in cloud computing, and provide valuable
information to researchers as well as practitioners, standards
developers and policymakers.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Malware detection in cloud computing
* Cryptography and encryption techniques for cloud computing
* Privacy in cloud computing
* Data obfuscation for cloud computing
* Accountability in cloud computing
* Security in virtualized environments
* Governance, regulation and compliance in cloud computing
* Data analytics for security in cloud computing
* Visualization for security in cloud computing
* Cloud computing threat detection techniques
* Trust in cloud services
* Trust reputation systems for cloud computing
* Reports on critical, real-life security and trust use cases in cloud
* Secure and trusted workflows in cloud computing
* Attacks and disaster preparation, recovery, and response
* Application and practical experiences
* Data security, privacy, retention and recovery
* Position papers on issues in security and trust in cloud computing

Impact Factor: 0.356, ISI Journal Citation Reports (C) Ranking:
113/136 (Computer Science Information Systems) ISSN: 1939-0122. For
more information, please see