Open call for Track Articles on Computer Crime in IEEE Internet Computing =========================================================================
As the Internet has grown and extended its reach into every part of people's lives, it shouldn't be surprising that criminals have seized the opportunity to expand their activities into this new realm. This has been fostered in particular by the fact that the Internet was designed as an open and trusting environment. Unfortunately many of these architectural choices are fundamental to the Internet's success and current architecture and are therefore hard to overcome. Computer crime ranges from rather simple crimes such as theft of intellectual property or computer and network resources to complex cooperate espionage or even cyber terrorism. This special track for Internet Computing seeks original articles that cover computer crime as it relates to the Internet. Appropriate topics include o trends and classification of criminal activities on the Internet; o computer crime prevention, including approaches implemented in user interfaces, end user systems, networks, or server infrastructure; o case studies of criminal activities; o computer forensics; o impact assessments of criminal activities on the Internet; and o new architectures to prevent Internet crime. Track Editors: Nasir Memon ( and Oliver Spatscheck ( Submissions will be accepted for this track from 15 July 2011 to 15 July 2012 Note: Track articles run one per issue for a single calendar year. Articles will be run in the order in which they are accepted for publication. For submission information visit