*JCN Special Issue on Secure Wireless Networking* *(Pub. date : December 1, 2009, Submission Due : April 15, 2009)* Wireless technologies have had a significant impact on computing and communication technologies in the past decade, and we are thus now progressing to the new "anytime-anywhere" service model of the mobile Internet. Unfortunately, the affordability and availability of wireless technologies that makes them so attractive, also makes them an enticing target for security threats. As new wireless technologies continue to emerge, many of which will be highly flexible and programmable, it will be easier than ever before for adversaries to acquire the equipment and the means to launch new security or privacy attacks. The challenge facing the security community is to achieve security in spite of the fact that in a wireless network as an open "broadcast" network, security associations must be made even when no trust relationships existed previously. The purpose of this special issue is to facilitate the exchange of cutting-edge research in security for new wireless systems (e.g., cognitive radios, RFID, industrial control systems, and vehicular networks), as well as the privacy issues associated with these emerging technologies. Since new communication systems are being developed across multiple communities, ranging from academic to government to industry, from application development to the development of fundamental networking and hardware technologies, this journal issue is intended to provide a forum for cross-pollination of ideas that will advance the awareness of wireless security issues and ultimately lead to more secure system designs. We solicit papers covering topics that include, but are not limited to: o Vulnerability and attack modeling o Secure neighbor discovery and localization o Trust establishment and maintenance o Intrusion detection and prevention o Denial of service o User privacy, location privacy, and anonymity o Incentive-aware secure protocol design o Jamming/anti-jamming communication o Cross-layer design for security o Cryptographic primitives for wireless communication o Key management in wireless/mobile environments o Mobile platform and systems security For more information, please see http://jcn.or.kr/home/journal/call_for_papers.asp?globalmenu=3