b CFP: Workshop on Security

####  IWSEC 2024 Call for Papers  ####
The 19th International Workshop on Security
September 17-19, 2024 (Tue-Thu)
Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan

Web page: https://www.iwsec.org/2024/
IWSEC is an annual international workshop in Japan, co-organized by

IWSEC 2024 continuous to welcome submissions on cryptography,
cybersecurity, and privacy.

*** EXTENDED SUBMISSION DEADLINE: April 28, 2024 (23:59 UTC) [firm] ****

We cordially invite you to submit your paper to the 19th International
Workshop on Security (IWSEC 2024).

For the details of the workshop and submission, please kindly refer to
the information below or the website of IWSEC 2024.

We look forward to seeing you in Kyoto!
Sincerely yours,

Local Organizing Committee, IWSEC 2024

** Important Dates **
Submission of paper:                   April 28, 2024 (23:59 UTC) [extended, firm]
Notification of decision:              June 20, 2024
Camera-ready version due:        July 5, 2024
IWSEC 2024 Workshop:               September 17 (Tue) -- September 19 (Thu), 2024

Original papers on the research and development of various security topics, as well as case studies and implementation experiences, are solicited for submission to IWSEC 2024. Topics of interest for IWSEC 2024 include all theory and practice of cryptography, information security, and network security, as in the previous IWSEC workshops. We classify the topics of interest into two tracks as follows, but not limited to:

A: Cryptography Track
-Applied cryptography
-Biometrics security and privacy
-Blockchain and cryptocurrency
-Cryptographic primitives
-Cryptographic protocols
-Financial cryptography
-Formal methods for security analysis
-Multiparty computation
-Post-quantum cryptography
-Privacy-preserving data mining
-Public-key cryptography
-Real-world cryptographic systems
-Symmetric-key cryptography

B: Cybersecurity and Privacy Track
-Cyberattacks and defenses
-Cyber physical systems
-Hardware security
-Human-computer interaction, security, and privacy
-Internet-of-Things security
-Intrusion detection and prevention
-Law and ethics of cybersecurity
-Machine learning and AI security
-Malware analysis
-Measurements for cybersecurity
-Mobile and web security
-Network, system and cloud security
-Offensive security
-Privacy-enhancing technologies
-Program analysis
-Software security
-Supply chain security

** Best Paper Award **
Prizes will be awarded to the authors of the Best Paper(s) and the
Best Student Paper(s).

Program Committees will select awards sometime after the paper
notification and before the conference.

To be eligible for Best Student Paper Award, the main author should be
a full-time graduate or undergraduate student as of March 2024. To
enter as a candidate, please tick the appropriate box in the online
submission form. Candidates must submit a copy of their student ID
with facial photo to the Program Chairs (after the paper

** Journal Recommendation **
It is planned that Program Co-Chairs will recommend the authors of
selected papers to submit their full versions to either of
"IEICE Trans. on Fundamentals, Special Section on
Cryptography and Information Security" or "Journal of Information
Processing, CSEC Special Issue" after consultation between Program
Co-Chairs and the authors.

** Proceedings **
The conference proceedings will be published by Springer, in the
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Series. All of the past IWSEC
proceedings have been published in LNCS.

** Instruction for Authors **
All submitted papers must be original, unpublished, and not submitted
in parallel to any other peer-reviewed conferences or
journals. Submitted papers must be written in English and be fully
anonymous with no author names, affiliations, acknowledgements, or
obvious references.

Authors should consult Springer's authors' guidelines and use their
proceedings templates, either for LaTeX or for Word, for the
preparation of their papers. Springer encourages authors to include
their ORCIDs in their papers. In addition, the corresponding author of
each paper, acting on behalf of all of the authors of that paper, must
complete and sign a Consent-to-Publish form. The corresponding author
signing the copyright form should match the corresponding author
marked on the paper. Once the files have been sent to Springer,
changes relating to the authorship of the papers cannot be made.

Submitted papers may contain at most 16 pages excluding appendices and
references, and at most 20 pages including appendices and
references. The Abstract input to EasyChair should be less than 500
words. Note that according to the latest LNCS guideline, appendices
are required to be placed before the references. Figures and tables
with color can be included in papers. However, these materials will
appear in black and white in the conference proceedings.

Optionally, any amount of clearly marked supplementary materials may
be supplied, following after the main body of the submitted paper;
however, reviewers are not required to read or review them, and
submissions should be intelligible without them. Supplementary
materials are mostly intended for additional data such as experimental
data or source code. Note that supplementary materials are not allowed
to be included in the camera-ready version.

Submissions are to be made via the submission website. Only PDF files
will be accepted. Please choose track (A or B) when
submitting. Submissions not meeting these guidelines may be rejected
without consideration of their merit. Also, for more appropriate
reviews, your paper may be reviewed on the other track than the track
selected. For each accepted paper, at least one of the authors must
register for the workshop before the due date of the camera-ready
version and is also required to present the paper at the workshop. The
title and the list of authors of the final version cannot be changed
from the submitted version unless otherwise approved by the program
co-chairs. Note that some papers may be accepted as short papers,
merged papers, or conditionally accepted for shepherding.

** Committees **
General Co-Chairs:
Junji Shikata (Yokohama National University, Japan)
Koji Chida (Gunma University, Japan)

Program Co-Chairs:
Kazuhiko Minematsu (NEC, Japan & Yokohama National University, Japan)
Mamoru Mimura (National Defense Academy, Japan)

Program Committee:
Track A: Cryptography
Miguel Ambrona (Nomadic Labs, France)
Kazumaro Aoki (Bunkyo University, Japan)
Yoshinori Aono (National Institute of Information and Communications
Technology, Japan)
Frederik Armknecht (University of Mannheim, Germany)
Andrea Caforio (EPFL, Switzerland)
Chen-Mou Cheng (BTQ AG, Liechtenstein)
Sherman S. M. Chow (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Carlos Cid (Simula UiB, Norway and OIST, Japan)
Bernardo David (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark)
Antonio Faonio (EURECOM, France)
Junqing Gong (East China Normal University, China)
Keisuke Hara (AIST, Japan)
Yasuhiko Ikematsu (Kyusyu University, Japan)
Takanori Isobe (University of Hyogo, Japan)
Mitsugu Iwamoto (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan)
Yuichi Komano (Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan)
Noboru Kunihiro (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Kirill Morozov (University of North Texas, USA)
Khoa Nguyen (University of Wollongong, Australia)
Siang Meng Sim (DSO National Laboratories, Singapore)
Daniel Slamanig (University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Germany)
Willy Susilo (University of Wollongong, Australia)
Katsuyuki Takashima (Waseda University, Japan)
Serge Vaudenay (EPFL, Switzerland)
Damien Vergnaud (Sorbonne Université/Institut Universitaire de France, France)
Damian Vizár (CSEM, Switzerland)
Yuntao Wang (The University of Electro-Communications, Japan)
Yuyu Wang (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China)

Track B: Cybersecurity and privacy
Alexios Mylonas (University of Hertfordshire, UK)
Behrouz Zolfaghari (Miami University, USA)
Chen Yang (Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Dario Stabili (University of Bologna, Italy)
Eyasu Getahun Chekole (Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore)
Frederic Majorczyk (DGA-MI/CentraleSupelec, France)
Giorgos Vasiliadis (Qatar Computing Research Institute HBKU, Greece)
Gregory Blanc (Telecom SudParis, France)
Harsha Kalutarage (Robert Gordon University, UK)
Herve Debar (Telecom SudParis, France)
Hiroki Kuzuno (Kobe University, Japan)
Ilsun You (Kookmin University, Korea)
Josep Balasch (KU Leuven, Belgium)
Kazumasa Omote (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
Kotzanikolaou Panayiotis (University of Piraeus, Greece)
Kuo-Hui Yeh (National Dong Hwa University, TW)
Pieter Hartel (Technische Universiteit Delft, NL)
Raylin Tso (National Cheng-Chi University, TW)
Rei Ueno (Tohoku University, Japan)
Rui Tanabe (Yokohama National University, Japan)
Tianyu Li (TU Delft, Austria)
Toshiki Shibahara (NTT, Japan)
Weizhi Meng (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)

(Latest update: April 24, 2024)