IEEE DEST Conference Cairns, Australia CFP for Special session on Interoperability of Communications and Security Overview In recent years, communication networks have become more and more important, enabling information exchange among many different devices, networks and digital ecosystems. In order to enable this interaction, many communication standards have been defined. However, factors like modifications introduced by vendors and ambiguous definitions or statements in the standards have led to interoperability issues, especially in the security area. Analysis of the implementations of these standards must be carried out in order to confront these problems. This special session aims to bring together individuals involved in diverse disciplines of communications and security to provide insight and propose solutions in the emerging area of interoperability. Scope Topics of relevance include but are not limited to: * Interoperability issues and limitations * Interoperability evaluation * Data and protocols interoperability * Communication technologies interoperability * Interoperability of standards' implementations * Wireless technologies interoperability * Security implementations interoperability * DEST interoperability * Security protocols and architectures interoperability Author Instructions * Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the authors has published elsewhere or has submitted in parallel to any other conference or workshop with proceedings. * Submissions should have at most 6 pages including the bibliography and appendices. Papers must be formatted according to the conference guidelines. * Each paper must be presented during the conference. At least one author must pay the non student registration fee when submitting his/her paper. * Each paper must be subitted electronically as a PDF file (only PDF files accepted) through the conference submission system. * Papers accepted for presentation at this conference will need to agree to the copyright form for IEEE: here. Please feel free to contact any member of the organizing committee in case of questions. Updated information may be found in Important Dates Full Paper Submissions 1 November 2006 Paper Acceptancce Notifications 1 December 2006 Final 'Camera Ready Papers Due 31 December 2006 Conference 21-23 February 2007 Organizing Comitee Antonio Izquierdo Carlos III University of Madrid Jose M. Sierra Carlos III University of Madrid Joaqui'n Torres Carlos III University of Madrid