DETER Laboratory Experimenter's Workshop
		October 25, 2004
Wyndham City Center Hotel
1142 New Hampshire Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20037

Held in conjunction with 11th ACM Conference on Computer and
Communications Security

You are invited to attend a Workshop on the DETER Security Testbed and
the EMIST tools and test methodologies.  The goal of the DETER
laboratory effort is to create, maintain, and support a collaborative
and vendor-neutral experimental environment for cyber-security
research. It is intended to provide a center for interchange and
collaboration among security researchers and testbed builders. The
DETER effort includes:

DETER testbed: a shared testbed infrastructure that is specifically
designed for medium-scale (e.g., 100 node) repeatable experiments, and
especially for experiments that may involve "risky" code.

DETER research community: a community of academic, industry, and
government researchers working toward better defenses against
malicious attacks on our networking infrastructure, especially
critical infrastructure.

The nucleus of the DETER laboratory effort is formed of two research
projects, DETER and EMIST, funded by the National Science Foundation
(NSF) and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Advanced Research
Projects Agency (HSARPA). More information on these projects can be
found at

The workshop will provide an introduction to the testbed and its
associated tools and test methodologies.  The one day event will
include presentation of DDOS, worm and BGP routing experiments
conducted using the testbed by the EMIST team, EMIST software tools,
tutorials on testbed usage, DETER testbed operational policy and
procedures, and working group sessions on testing
requirements. Register for the workshop by sending email to

The workshop will be at the Wyndham City Center Hotel in Washington
D.C. on Monday Oct. 25, the site of the ACM Conference on Computer and
Communications Security:

For Further Information, Contact: 

Ms. Terry Benzel	Dr. Joseph Evans		Dr. Doug Maughan

DETER Laboratory Experimenter's Workshop
October 25, 2004
Wyndham City Center Hotel
1142 New Hampshire Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20037
	8:30   Welcome: Dr. Joseph Evans, NSF, and Dr. Douglas Maughan, DHS

	8:45   DETER/EMIST Overview: Terry Benzel, Dr. George Kesidis

	9:30   DDOS Experiment: Dan Sterne, Stephen Schwab, Dr. Sonia Fahmy

	10:15 Break

	10:30 Routing Protocol Experiment: Dr. Felix Wu

	11:15 Worm Experiments: Dr. Nick Weaver, Dr. Karl Levitt

	12:00 Summary of EMIST software tools: Dr. G. Kesidis and Dr. P. Liu

	12:30 Lunch

1:30  Current NSF and DHS programs and their relation to DETER: 
	                   Dr. Joseph Evans, NSF, and Dr. Douglas Maughan, DHS

	2:00 - 3:30 Parallel Working Groups 

	Group A - Tutorial on using DETER
	Group B - Testbed Security and Containment
	Group C - Using DETER for DDOS Experimentation
	Group D - Using DETER for Worm Experimentation
	Group E - Using DETER for Routing Experimentation

	3:30 - Break

	3:45 - 4:45 Working Group Summary Presentations
	4:45 - 5:00 Testbed Requirements and Capabilities Q&A
	5:00        Adjourn