8:50-9:00 Welcome
Simon Foley (Program Chair) & Jonathan Millen (General Chair).
9:00-10:30 Session 1: Distributed Services
Chair: Li Gong
Weakly Secret Bit Commitment: Applications to Lotteries and Fair Exchange P. Syverson (Naval Research Laboratory)
On the Structure of Delegation Networks, T. Aura (Helsinki University of Technology)
Two Facets of Authentication M. Abadi (DEC Systems Research Center)
10:30-11:00 Coffeebreak
11:00-12:00 Session 2: Noninterference
Chair: E.S. Lee
Probabilistic Noninterference in a Concurrent Language D. Volpano (Naval Postgraduate School), G. Smith (Florida International University)
Partial Model Checking and Theorem Proving for Ensuring Security Properties, F. Martinelli (Universita di Siena & Universita di Pisa)
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:30 Session 3: Protocol Verification
Chair: Catherine Meadows
Formal Analysis of a Non-repudiation Protocol S. Schneider (University of London, RHBNC)
Honest Ideals on Strand Spaces, J. Thayer, J. Herzog, J. Guttman (MITRE Corporation)
15:00-15:30 Coffeebreak
15:30-17:30 Panel 1: Varieties of Authentication
Moderators: R. Gorrieri (University of Bologna)
& P. Syverson (Naval Research Laboratory)
Panel Members: M. Abadi, R. Focardi, G. Lowe,
C. Meadows, D. Gollmann
18:30-21:30 Dinner
9:00-10:30 Session 4: Protocol Model Checking
Chair: Jonathan Millen
Proving Security Protocols with Model Checkers by Data Independence Techniques A.W. Roscoe (University of Oxford)
Towards a Completeness Result for Model Checking of Security Protocols (Extended Abstract) G. Lowe (University of Leicester)
Efficient Finite-State Analysis for Large Security Protocols V. Shmatikov and U. Stern (Stanford University)
10:30-11:00 Coffeebreak
11:00-12:00 Session 5: Composition
Chair: Roberto Gorrieri
Composing Secure Systems that have Emergent Properties, A. Zakinthinos (ACCSL) & E.S. Lee (University of Cambridge)
Merging security policies: analysis of a practical example, F. Cuppens, L. Cholvy, C. Saurel, J Carrere (ONERA-CERT)
12:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Session 6: Protocol Logics
Chair: Gavin Lowe
Evaluating and Improving Protocol Analysis by Automatic Proof, S. Brackin (Arca Systems)
A Simple Logic for Authentication Protocol Design L. Buttyan and S. Staamann (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
15:00-15:30 Coffeebreak
15:30-17:30 Panel 2: The Security Impact of Open/Distributed
Computing Technologies
Moderator: P Ryan (Defence Research Agency)
Panel Members: G. Karjoth, G. Tsudik, L. Gong, D. Gollmann
18:30-21:30 Dinner
A Fair Locking Protocol for Multilevel Secure Databases, S. Jajodia (George Mason), L. Mancini (Universita La Sapienza di Roma), S. Setia (George Mason)
Data Level Inference Detection -- A Rule Based Approach, R. Yip, K. Levitt (University of California, Davis)
Abstraction-Based Misuse Detection: High-Level Specifications and Adaptable Strategies, J-L. Lin, X.S. Wang S. Jajodia (George Mason)
11:00 Coffeebreak
11:00-12:00 Business Meeting.